Patents by Inventor Gregory David Heon

Gregory David Heon has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20240028945
    Abstract: An asset attribution model attributes assets to organizations according to metadata about the assets retrieved by a network scanner and other metadata in association with the assets that is retrieved and stored in a repository. A data slice rules interface applies logical rules to query the repository to retrieve metadata for assets satisfying each logical rule to generate data slices. Each logical rule is constructed so that assets satisfying the rule have attributions to known organizations. The asset attribution model is evaluated for accuracy in predicting known attributed organizations along each data slice. Depending on the resulting accuracies, the asset attribution model either updates its architecture and is retrained or is deployed for asset attribution.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 21, 2022
    Publication date: January 25, 2024
    Inventors: Elisha Aharon Yadgaran, Pamela Lynn Toman, Xavier Jacques Mignot, Sydney Marie Wong, Alejandro Omar Lopez Suarez, Christina Papadimitriou, Gregory David Heon, Aaron Mark Isaksen, Matthew Stephen Kraning