Patents by Inventor Guanguang Xia

Guanguang Xia has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20120244406
    Abstract: Iron-sulfide redox flow battery (RFB) systems can be advantageous for energy storage, particularly when the electrolytes have pH values greater than 6. Such systems can exhibit excellent energy conversion efficiency and stability and can utilize low-cost materials that are relatively safer and more environmentally friendly. One example of an iron-sulfide RFB is characterized by a positive electrolyte that comprises Fe(III) and/or Fe(II) in a positive electrolyte supporting solution, a negative electrolyte that comprises S2? and/or S in a negative electrolyte supporting solution, and a membrane, or a separator, that separates the positive electrolyte and electrode from the negative electrolyte and electrode.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 25, 2011
    Publication date: September 27, 2012
    Applicant: Battelle Memorial Institute
    Inventors: Guanguang Xia, Zhenguo Yang, Liyu Li, Soowhan Kim, Jun Liu, Gordon L. Graff
  • Publication number: 20120107213
    Abstract: Methods of the present invention can be used to synthesize nanowires with controllable compositions and/or with multiple elements. The methods can include coating solid powder granules, which comprise a first element, with a catalyst. The catalyst and the first element should form when heated a liquid, mixed phase having a eutectic or peritectic point. The granules, which have been coated with the catalyst, can then be heated to a temperature greater than or equal to the eutectic or peritectic point. During heating, a vapor source comprising the second element is introduced. The vapor source chemically interacts with the liquid, mixed phase to consume the first element and to induce condensation of a product that comprises the first and second elements in the form of a nanowire.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 28, 2011
    Publication date: May 3, 2012
    Inventors: Jiguang Zhang, Jun Liu, Zhenguo Yang, Guanguang Xia, Leonard S. Fifield, Donghai Wang, Daiwon Choi, Gordon L. Graff, Larry R. Pederson
  • Publication number: 20120107660
    Abstract: Redox flow battery systems having a supporting solution that contains Cl” ions can exhibit improved performance and characteristics. Furthermore, a supporting solution having mixed SO42? and Cl? ions can provide increased energy density and improved stability and solubility of one or more of the ionic species in the catholyte and/or anolyte. According to one example, a vanadium-based redox flow battery system is characterized by an anolyte having V2+ and V3+ in a supporting solution and a catholyte having V4+ and V5+ in a supporting solution. The supporting solution can contain Cl? ions or a mixture of SO42? and Cl? ions.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 28, 2011
    Publication date: May 3, 2012
    Inventors: Liyu Li, Soowhan Kim, Zhenguo Yang, Wei Wang, Jianlu Zhang, Baowei Chen, Zimin Nie, Guanguang Xia
  • Publication number: 20120077067
    Abstract: A redox flow battery having a supporting solution that includes Cl? anions is characterized by an anolyte having V2+ and V3+ in the supporting solution, a catholyte having Fe2+ and Fe3+ in the supporting solution, and a membrane separating the anolyte and the catholyte. The anolyte and catholyte can have V cations and Fe cations, respectively, or the anolyte and catholyte can each contain both V and Fe cations in a mixture. Furthermore, the supporting solution can contain a mixture of SO42? and Cl? anions.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 28, 2010
    Publication date: March 29, 2012
    Inventors: Liyu Li, Soowhan Kim, Zhenguo Yang, Wei Wang, Jianlu Zhang, Baowei Chen, Zimin Nie, Guanguang Xia
  • Publication number: 20120077079
    Abstract: Redox flow battery systems having a supporting solution that contains Cl? ions can exhibit improved performance and characteristics. Furthermore, a supporting solution having mixed SO42? and Cl? ions can provide increased energy density and improved stability and solubility of one or more of the ionic species in the catholyte and/or anolyte. According to one example, a vanadium-based redox flow battery system is characterized by an anolyte having V2+ and V3+ in a supporting solution and a catholyte having V4+ and V5+ in a supporting solution. The supporting solution can contain Cl? ions or a mixture of SO42? and Cl? ions.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 28, 2010
    Publication date: March 29, 2012
    Inventors: Liyu Li, Soowhan Kim, Zhenguo Yang, Wei Wang, Jianlu Zhang, Baowei Chen, Zimin Nie, Guanguang Xia
  • Publication number: 20120052398
    Abstract: Electrochemical energy storage devices having a metal anode and a solid-state, metal-ion exchange membrane and are characterized by an interfacial layer between the anode and the membrane, wherein the interfacial layer is a solid solution comprising the metal anode and a metallic interfacial conducting agent.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 24, 2010
    Publication date: March 1, 2012
    Inventors: John P. Lemmon, Xiaochuan Lu, Guanguang Xia, Zhenguo Yang
  • Patent number: 8110167
    Abstract: Methods of the present invention can be used to synthesize nanowires with controllable compositions and/or with multiple elements. The methods can include coating solid powder granules, which comprise a first element, with a catalyst. The catalyst and the first element should form when heated a liquid, mixed phase having a eutectic or peritectic point. The granules, which have been coated with the catalyst, can then be heated to a temperature greater than or equal to the eutectic or peritectic point. During heating, a vapor source comprising the second element is introduced. The vapor source chemically interacts with the liquid, mixed phase to consume the first element and to induce condensation of a product that comprises the first and second elements in the form of a nanowire.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 10, 2009
    Date of Patent: February 7, 2012
    Assignee: Battelle Memorial Institute
    Inventors: Jiguang Zhang, Jun Liu, Zhenguo Yang, Guanguang Xia, Leonard S Fifield, Donghai Wang, Daiwon Choi, Gordon Graff, Larry R Pederson
  • Publication number: 20100202952
    Abstract: Methods of the present invention can be used to synthesize nanowires with controllable compositions and/or with multiple elements. The methods can include coating solid powder granules, which comprise a first element, with a catalyst. The catalyst and the first element should form when heated a liquid, mixed phase having a eutectic or peritectic point. The granules, which have been coated with the catalyst, can then be heated to a temperature greater than or equal to the eutectic or peritectic point. During heating, a vapor source comprising the second element is introduced. The vapor source chemically interacts with the liquid, mixed phase to consume the first element and to induce condensation of a product that comprises the first and second elements in the form of a nanowire.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 10, 2009
    Publication date: August 12, 2010
    Inventors: Jiguang Zhang, Jun Liu, Zhenguo Yang, Guanguang Xia, Leonard S. Fifield, Donghai Wang, Daiwon Choi, Gordon L. Graff, Larry R. Pederson
  • Publication number: 20090297435
    Abstract: The invention describes combustors and steam reformers and methods of combustion and steam reforming. For example, integrated combustion reactors are described in which heat from combustion is transferred to an endothermic reaction. Thermally efficient reactors and methods of alcohol steam reforming are also described. Also described is an integrated combustor/reformer containing a methanation catalyst.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 9, 2009
    Publication date: December 3, 2009
    Inventors: Jamelyn D. Holladay, Yong Wang, Jianli Hu, Ya-Huei Chin, Robert A. Dagle, Guanguang Xia, Eddie G. Baker, Daniel R. Palo, Max Phelps, Heon Jung
  • Patent number: 7585472
    Abstract: The invention describes combustors and steam reformers and methods of combustion and steam reforming. For example, integrated combustion reactors are described in which heat from combustion is transferred to an endothermic reaction. Thermally efficient reactors and methods of alcohol steam reforming are also described. Also described is an integrated combustor/reformer containing a methanation catalyst.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 7, 2003
    Date of Patent: September 8, 2009
    Assignee: Battelle Memorial Institute
    Inventors: Jamelyn D. Holladay, Yong Wang, Jianli Hu, Ya-Huei Chin, Robert A. Dagle, Guanguang Xia, Eddie G. Baker, Daniel R. Palo, Max Phelps, Heon Jung
  • Patent number: 7563390
    Abstract: The present invention provides steam reforming catalyst compositions containing Pd and Zn, and methods of steam reforming alcohols over a catalyst. Surprisingly superior results and properties of the present invention, including low temperature activity and/or low carbon monoxide output, are also described. Methods of making a steam reforming catalyst are also provided.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 26, 2007
    Date of Patent: July 21, 2009
    Assignee: Battelle Memorial Institute
    Inventors: Jamelyn D. Holladay, Yong Wang, Jianli Hu, Ya-Huei Chin, Robert A. Dagle, Guanguang Xia, Eddie G. Baker, Daniel R. Palo, Max R. Phelps, Heon Jung
  • Publication number: 20090130458
    Abstract: A seal formed between a metal part and a second part that will remain gas tight in high temperature operating environments which experience frequent thermal cycling, which is particularly useful as an insulating joint in solid oxide fuel cells. A first metal part is attached to a reinforcing material. A glass forming material in the positioned in between the first metal part and the second part, and a seal is formed between the first metal part and the second part by heating the glass to a temperature suitable to melt the glass forming materials. The glass encapsulates and bonds at least a portion of the reinforcing material, thereby adding tremendous strength to the overall seal. A ceramic material may be added to the glass forming materials, to assist in forming an insulating barrier between the first metal part and the second part and to regulating the viscosity of the glass during the heating step.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 26, 2009
    Publication date: May 21, 2009
    Inventors: K. Scott Weil, Lawrence A. Chick, Christopher A. Coyle, John S. Hardy, Guanguang Xia, Kerry D. Meinhardt, Vincent L. Sprenkle, Dean M. Paxton
  • Publication number: 20070264540
    Abstract: A clad metal bipolar plate and method for manufacture that can be cost efficiently produced and which provides excellent functional qualities. In one preferred embodiment of the invention the transition metal cladding is selected from a group of materials that form a self passivating layer when in use in a typical PEMFC operating environment. In another embodiment of the invention the transition metal cladding is selected from different types of transition metals and is treated with boron to form a transition metal boride that acts as a passivating layer when in use in a typical PEMFC operating environment. The use of transitional metal claddings over a metal core allows for various functional combinations and assists with cost effective manufacture of PEMFCs.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 25, 2007
    Publication date: November 15, 2007
    Inventors: Kenneth Weil, Guanguang Xia, Jin Kim
  • Publication number: 20070253893
    Abstract: Carbon monoxide (CO) is selectively reacted with hydrogen (H2) over a ruthenium (Ru) on alumina catalyst at a temperature of about 210 to about 290° C. To be a viable option for micro catalytic fuel processing devices, highly active, selective, and stable catalysts must be demonstrated with as large a temperature window for feasible operation as possible. We have studied the effects of metal loading, preparation method, pretreatment conditions, and choice of support on the performance of Ru-based catalysts for such applications. Catalyst testing results and catalyst characterization using XRD and BET are discussed. In one example, operating at a gas hourly space velocity (GHSV) of 13,500 hr?1, a 3% Ru/Al2O3 catalyst yielded CO outputs less than 100 ppm in a temperature range from 240° C. to 285° C., while not exceeding a hydrogen consumption of 10%. This catalyst was further successfully demonstrated in a microchannel device.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 26, 2006
    Publication date: November 1, 2007
    Inventors: Robert Dagle, Yong Wang, Guanguang Xia
  • Publication number: 20070191223
    Abstract: The present invention provides steam reforming catalyst compositions containing Pd and Zn, and methods of steam reforming alcohols over a catalyst. Surprisingly superior results and properties of the present invention, including low temperature activity and/or low carbon monoxide output, are also described. Methods of making a steam reforming catalyst are also provided.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 26, 2007
    Publication date: August 16, 2007
    Applicant: Battelle Memorial Institute
    Inventors: Jamelyn Holladay, Yong Wang, Jianli Hu, Ya-Huei Chin, Robert Dagle, Guanguang Xia, Eddie Baker, Daniel Palo, Max Phelps, Heon Jung
  • Patent number: 7208136
    Abstract: The present invention provides steam reforming catalyst compositions containing Pd and Zn, and methods of steam reforming alcohols over a catalyst. Surprisingly superior results and properties of the present invention, including low temperature activity and/or low carbon monoxide output, are also described. Methods of making a steam reforming catalyst are also provided.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 16, 2003
    Date of Patent: April 24, 2007
    Assignee: Battelle Memorial Institute
    Inventors: Jamelyn D. Holladay, Yong Wang, Jianli Hu, Ya-Huei Chin, Robert A. Dagle, Guanguang Xia, Eddie G. Baker, Daniel R. Palo, Max R. Phelps, Heon Jung
  • Publication number: 20070077455
    Abstract: The present invention discloses a refractory bond and method of making the same. The refractory bond is achieved by forming such bond between two dense ceramic parts using a lithium containing material which is reacted with at least the surface of the two dense ceramic parts. More specifically, the bond is formed of a material consisting of lithium oxide-x wherein x is the same material as the dense ceramic parts. Also preferred, but not to be limiting, the bond is in the form of lithium, and the bond together with the dense ceramic parts are in a solid solution. The invention is broadly applicable to all ceramic parts; however, preferred ceramic parts are selected form the group consisting of alumina, zirconia, titania, and magnesia.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 30, 2005
    Publication date: April 5, 2007
    Applicant: Battelle Memorial Institute
    Inventors: Glenn Hollenberg, Larry Bagaasen, Guanguang Xia
  • Publication number: 20070041893
    Abstract: The present invention provides steam reforming catalyst compositions containing Pd and Zn, and methods of steam reforming alcohols over a catalyst. Surprisingly superior results and properties of the present invention, including low temperature activity and/or low carbon monoxide output, are also described. Methods of making a steam reforming catalyst are also provided.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 16, 2003
    Publication date: February 22, 2007
    Inventors: Jamelyn Holladay, Yong Wang, Jianli Hu, Ya-Huei Chin, Robert Dagle, Guanguang Xia, Eddie Baker, Daniel Palo, Max Phelps, Heon Jung
  • Publication number: 20060060633
    Abstract: A seal formed between a metal part and a second part that will remain gas tight in high temperature operating environments which experience frequent thermal cycling, which is particularly useful as an insulating joint in solid oxide fuel cells. A first metal part is attached to an reinforcing material. A glass forming material in the positioned in between the first metal part and the second part, and a seal is formed between the first metal part and the second part by heating the glass to a temperature suitable to melt the glass forming materials. The glass encapsulates and bonds at least a portion of the reinforcing material, thereby adding tremendous strength to the overall seal. A ceramic material may be added to the glass forming materials, to assist in forming an insulating barrier between the first metal part and the second part and to regulating the viscosity of the glass during the heating step.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 22, 2004
    Publication date: March 23, 2006
    Applicant: Battelle Memorial Institute
    Inventors: K. Weil, Lawrence Chick, Christopher Coyle, John Hardy, Guanguang Xia, Kerry Meinhardt, Vincent Sprenkle, Dean Paxton
  • Publication number: 20060063057
    Abstract: A seal formed between a metal part and a second part that will remain gas tight in high temperature operating environments which experience frequent thermal cycling, which is particularly useful as an insulating joint in solid oxide fuel cells. A first metal part is attached to a reinforcing material. A glass forming material in the positioned in between the first metal part and the second part, and a seal is formed between the first metal part and the second part by heating the glass to a temperature suitable to melt the glass forming materials. The glass encapsulates and bonds at least a portion of the reinforcing material, thereby adding tremendous strength to the overall seal. A ceramic material may be added to the glass forming materials, to assist in forming an insulating barrier between the first metal part and the second part and to regulating the viscosity of the glass during the heating step.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 22, 2004
    Publication date: March 23, 2006
    Applicant: Battelle Memorial Institute
    Inventors: K. Weil, Lawrence Chick, Christopher Coyle, John Hardy, Guanguang Xia, Kerry Meinhardt, Vincent Sprenkle, Dean Paxton