Patents by Inventor Hadrian Lim Wei Heng

Hadrian Lim Wei Heng has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20240289200
    Abstract: Described are examples for managing event data from multiple event data sources including executing, by a processor, a query for event data in a discoverable event stream, wherein the event data is stored as timeseries data in the discoverable event stream such that a property corresponding to an object has multiple different values at multiple different time instances, determining, based on a timeseries function, a subset of the multiple different values for the property in instances of the event data that correspond to the multiple different time instances to return for the query, and returning the subset of the multiple different values for the property for the query.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 9, 2023
    Publication date: August 29, 2024
    Inventors: Abhilash PANWAR, Clemens Alden Szyperski, Hadrian Lim Wei Heng, Jianyu Zhao, John Te-Jui Sheu, Jakub Sakowicz, Luca Colantonio, Mason Collin Pine, Maxim Kiryushin, Miquel Martin Lopez, Niall Vincent Egan, Phanidhar Gopavaram, Rony Alex Thomas, Santosh Balasubramanian, William Charles Thompson
  • Publication number: 20240289336
    Abstract: Aspects of the present disclosure relate to ingesting event data into a discoverable event stream using a common schema to assign timeseries properties to the event data. These techniques may include receiving a first event of a pre-processed event stream, the first event including a plurality of event data fields representing an occurrence of the first event, and determining timing information based on the plurality of event data fields representing the occurrence of the first event. In addition, the techniques may include generating, based on combining the plurality of event data fields and the timing information, a second event of a discoverable event stream corresponding to the pre-processed event stream, and generating, within a time series of the discoverable event stream, based on the timing information and an event field of the plurality of event data fields, a time series entry corresponding to the second event.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 9, 2023
    Publication date: August 29, 2024
    Inventors: Abhilash PANWAR, Clemens Alden SZYPERSKI, Florin-Cristian DIACONESCU, Eddy LeRoy MILLER, Giorgos GAVRIIL, Hadrian LIM WEI HENG, James Douglas HUTTON, Jan Richard HERKELRATH, Jianyu ZHAO, John Te-Jui SHEU, Jakub SAKOWICZ, Luca COLANTONIO, Mason Collin PINE, Maxim KIRYUSHIN, Miquel MARTIN LOPEZ, Niall Vincent EGAN, Nuno Jose Pinto Bessa DE MELO CERQUEIRA, Pawel Mateusz CHODARCEWICZ, Phanidhar GOPAVARAM, Rony Alex THOMAS, Santosh BALASUBRAMANIAN, William Charles THOMPSON, Muthubharathi PERIANNAN