Patents by Inventor Harald Schmidt

Harald Schmidt has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20040119377
    Abstract: A device for transmitting the deflection of an actuator (2), comprising at least one transmission element (4) that has a first, a second and a third support zone, said first support zone (6) being associated with a counter-support, said second support zone (8) being associated with the actuator, and said third support zone being associated with a control element (20). The at least one transmission element rests on the counter-support with the first support zone under the action of the actuator and displaces the control element with the third support zone by way of a rotational movement about a center of rotation. The at least one transmission element is substantially configured as a plate (5) that is disposed substantially perpendicular to the movement of adjustment and the first, the second and the third support zone are configured as substantially plane surfaces on the plate. further relates to a method for producing the inventive transmission element.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 20, 2003
    Publication date: June 24, 2004
    Inventors: Wilhelm Frank, Thomas Komischke, Maximilian Kronberger, Harald Schmidt
  • Patent number: 6746574
    Abstract: Machine for the manufacture of a fiber material web that includes a shoe pressing unit, a cylinder including one of a drying and tissue cylinder, in which shoe pressing unit and the cylinder are arranged to form at least one press nip, and a water absorbent carrier band. A water-impermeable pressing band is provided, in which the water absorbent carrier band and the water-impermeable pressing band are guided through the at least one press nip, and the fiber material web is adapted to pass through the at least one press nip with the water absorbent carrier band and the water-impermeable pressing band. The at least one press nip has a length in a web travel direction of less than or equal to approximately 60 mm. A pressure profile which results over the press nip length has a maximum pressing pressure which is greater than or equal to approximately 3.3 Mpa.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 14, 2002
    Date of Patent: June 8, 2004
    Assignee: Voith Sulzer Papiertechnik Patent GmbH
    Inventors: Thomas Thoroe Scherb, Harald Schmidt-Hebbel
  • Patent number: 6735858
    Abstract: A method of manufacturing an electronic apparatus having a plastic housing. The method includes blow molding with a one-piece plastic housing around an electronic circuit board populated with components. The circuit board is fastened and held in-situ during the blow molding. Fastening locations are defined by contiguously sandwiched portions of the housing and the electronic circuit board.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 15, 2000
    Date of Patent: May 18, 2004
    Assignee: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventor: Harald Schmidt
  • Patent number: 6724122
    Abstract: A cover plate for an electric motor which has a brush array and interference suppression devices has additional electronic components mounted directly on the cover to determine the speed of the electric motor and for diagnosis. Contact with the interference suppression devices and the additional electronic components is achieved through electrical conductors which are located directly on the cover plate. Flexible use of the electric motor is ensured through the high temperature stability of the cover plate.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 12, 2002
    Date of Patent: April 20, 2004
    Assignee: Valeo Motoren und Aktuatoren GmbH
    Inventors: Ronald Frey, Harald Schmidt, Johannes Helmich, Werner Baeskow
  • Patent number: 6683283
    Abstract: A heater assembly for mounting around a fluid flow channel in an injection molding apparatus, the heater assembly comprising: an inner tube comprising a first heat conductive material having a first coefficient of thermal expansion, the inner tube having a selected longitudinal length, an inner surface, an outer surface; a first ring having an inner surface engaged around the outer surface of the inner tube along short selected length of the longitudinal length of the inner tube, the first ring comprising a second material having a second coefficient of thermal expansion that is less than the first coefficient of thermal expansion; a heater mechanism that heats the inner tube to a selected elevated temperature.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 23, 2002
    Date of Patent: January 27, 2004
    Assignee: Dynisco Hot Runners Inc. Canada
    Inventor: Harald Schmidt
  • Publication number: 20030218392
    Abstract: An actuating device, specifically for actuating locking differentials on vehicles, having an actuating shaft, a drive unit to drive the actuating shaft, where the drive unit comprises an armature core mounted to the actuating shaft so as not to rotate, and a commutator mounted to the actuating shaft so as not to rotate and/or with an electromagnetic brake unit to slow and/or stop the actuating shaft, where the brake unit includes a brake hub flange mounted on the armature so as not to rotate and having a single- or multi-piece housing tightly enclosing the drive unit and the brake unit, where the free end of the actuating shaft extends from the housing and with a sensor to measure the angle of rotation of the shaft, where the sensor unit includes at least one trigger wheel indirectly coupled to the shaft and at least one sensor scanning the trigger wheel position and coupled indirectly to the housing.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 12, 2002
    Publication date: November 27, 2003
    Inventors: Ronald Frey, Harald Schmidt, Johannes Helmich, Birgit Scheytt, Werner Baeskow
  • Patent number: 6647793
    Abstract: A pressure sensor of a pressure-sensor module is connected to a wet space in a vehicle door by a through-passage channel of a sealing cushion and a connecting branch, which is guided with sealing action through a partition. A housing of the sensor module is located in a dry space. An interior of the housing and the dry space are sealed in relation to the interior of the connecting branch, with the result that a water-tightness of the housing, in which a printed circuit board and electronic components are accommodated, does not have to meet high requirements.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 26, 2001
    Date of Patent: November 18, 2003
    Assignee: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventors: Josef Dirmeyer, Robert Gruber, Harald Schmidt
  • Publication number: 20030209532
    Abstract: A heater assembly for mounting around a fluid flow channel in an injection molding apparatus, the heater assembly comprising: an inner tube comprising a first heat conductive material having a first coefficient of thermal expansion, the inner tube having a selected longitudinal length, an inner surface, an outer surface; a first ring having an inner surface engaged around the outer surface of the inner tube along short selected length of the longitudinal length of the inner tube, the first ring comprising a second material having a second coefficient of thermal expansion that is less than the first coefficient of thermal expansion; a heater mechanism that heats the inner tube to a selected elevated temperature.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 23, 2002
    Publication date: November 13, 2003
    Inventor: Harald Schmidt
  • Publication number: 20030197424
    Abstract: The invention relates to a drive and/or braking device, specifically to be installed in motor vehicles, having an electric drive unit and/or an electromagnetic brake unit, where a shaft can be driven by the drive unit and/or braked by the brake unit, having a closed, specifically water- and air-tight housing accommodating the drive and/or brake unit, and a wiring harness to connect the drive device to a source of current. The invention is characterized in that the wiring loom has at least one hollow lead to vent the interior of the housing.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 12, 2002
    Publication date: October 23, 2003
    Inventors: Ronald Frey, Harald Schmidt, Johannes Helmich, Birgit Scheytt, Werner Baeskow
  • Publication number: 20030187149
    Abstract: A biodegradable polymeric blend is provided, which can be produced by extrusion and contains at least one partly aromatic polyester, as well as aromatic and aliphatic blocks. At least 10% w. of this polymeric blend with the partly aromatic polyester contains one aliphatic polyester based on at least one hydroxycarboxylic acid and/or at least one lactone, the glass transition temperature (TG) of the aliphatic polyester being of at least 50°. This polymeric blend advantageously includes no plastifying agent and, moreover, comprises regenerating materials.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 11, 2003
    Publication date: October 2, 2003
    Applicant: Bio-Tec Biologische Naturver-Packungen GMBH & Co. KG
    Inventors: Harald Schmidt, Wolfgang Friedek, Petra Vogt
  • Publication number: 20030170509
    Abstract: When operating known polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells it has to be made sure that the phosphoric acid does not directly contact the metal bipolar plate of the fuel cell at high temperatures. In order to avoid such a contact, a sufficiently electroconducting intermediate layer is interposed between the membrane electrode unit and the bipolar plate of the fuel cell, which prevents the phosphoric acid or a mixture of phosphoric acid and water that may escape from the membrane-electrode unit from reaching the bipolar plate. For producing the fuel cell, at least a two-layer stratified structure is introduced which becomes more hydrophobic and more finely pored with increasing proximity to the bipolar plate.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 31, 2003
    Publication date: September 11, 2003
    Inventors: Armin Datz, Harald Schmidt
  • Publication number: 20030166748
    Abstract: Biodegradable polymer blends suitable for laminate coatings, wraps and other packaging materials are manufactured from at least one “hard” biopolymer and at least one “soft” biopolymer. “Hard” biopolymers tend to be more brittle and rigid and typically have a glass transition temperature greater than about 10° C. “Soft” biopolymers tend to be more flexible and pliable and typically have a glass transition temperature less than about 0° C. While hard and soft polymers each possess certain intrinsic benefits, certain blends of hard and soft polymers have been discovered which possess synergistic properties superior to those of either hard or soft polymers by themselves. Biodegradable polymers include polyesters, polyesteramides, polyesterurethanes, thermoplastic starch, and other natural polymers. The polymer blends may optionally include an inorganic filler.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 1, 2002
    Publication date: September 4, 2003
    Inventors: Kishan Khemani, Harald Schmidt, Simon K. Hodson
  • Publication number: 20030166779
    Abstract: Biodegradable polymer blends suitable for laminate coatings, wraps and other packaging materials are manufactured from at least one “hard” biopolymer and at least one “soft” biopolymer. “Hard” biopolymers tend to be more brittle and rigid and typically have a glass transition temperature greater than about 10° C. “Soft” biopolymers tend to be more flexible and pliable and typically have a glass transition temperature less than about 0° C. While hard and soft polymers each possess certain intrinsic benefits, certain blends of hard and soft polymers have been discovered which possess synergistic properties superior to those of either hard or soft polymers by themselves. Biodegradable polymers include polyesters, polyesteramides, polyesterurethanes, thermoplastic starch, and other natural polymers. The polymer blends may optionally include an inorganic filler.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 1, 2002
    Publication date: September 4, 2003
    Inventors: Kishan Khemani, Harald Schmidt, Simon K. Hodson
  • Publication number: 20030136618
    Abstract: The invention relates to an actuating device, specifically to actuate locking differentials on vehicles, having an actuating shaft, a drive unit to drive the actuating shaft, where the drive unit comprises an armature core mounted on the actuating shaft so as not to rotate and a commutator mounted on the actuating shaft so as not rotate, having an electromagnetic brake unit to brake and/or to hold the actuating shaft, where the brake unit comprises a brake hub flange mounted on the armature so as not to rotate, and having a single- or multi-piece housing tightly enclosing the drive unit and the brake unit, where the free end of the actuating shaft extends from the housing.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 12, 2002
    Publication date: July 24, 2003
    Inventors: Ronald Frey, Harald Schmidt, Johannes Helmich, Birgit Scheytt, Werner Baeskow
  • Publication number: 20030107293
    Abstract: A cover plate for an electric motor which has a brush array and interference suppression devices has additional electronic components mounted directly on the cover to determine the speed of the electric motor and for diagnosis. Contact with the interference suppression devices and the additional electronic components is achieved through electrical conductors which are located directly on the cover plate. Flexible use of the electric motor is ensured through the high temperature stability of the cover plate.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 12, 2002
    Publication date: June 12, 2003
    Inventors: Ronald Frey, Harald Schmidt, Johannes Helmich, Werner Baeskow
  • Patent number: 6573340
    Abstract: Biodegradable polymer blends suitable for laminate coatings, wraps and other packaging materials manufactured from at least one “hard” biopolymer and at least one “soft” biopolymer. “Hard” biopolymers tend to be more brittle and rigid and typically have a glass transition temperature greater than about 10° C. “Soft” biopolymers tend to be more flexible and pliable and typically have a glass transition temperature less than about 0° C. While hard and soft polymers each possess certain intrinsic benefits, certain blends of hard and soft polymers have been discovered which possess synergistic properties superior to those of either hard or soft polymers by themselves. Biodegradable polymers include polyesters, polyesteramides and thermoplastically processable starch. The polymer blends may optionally include an inorganic filler. Films and sheets made from the polymer blends may be textured so as to increase the bulk hand feel.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 23, 2000
    Date of Patent: June 3, 2003
    Assignee: Biotec Biologische Naturverpackungen GmbH & Co. KG
    Inventors: Kishan Khemani, Per Just Andersen, Simon K. Hodson, Harald Schmidt
  • Patent number: 6554604
    Abstract: In an injection molding machine, an apparatus for automatically controlling the movement of two or more valve pins wherein each valve pin is driven by a separately controlled fluid driven cylinder each cylinder being mounted on a heated manifold and being interconnected to a separate valve pin for effecting reciprocal movement of the valve pin wherein the reciprocal movement of the valve pin controls the flow of molten plastic being delivered through a nozzle which delivers molten plastic to a gate of a mold.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 20, 2000
    Date of Patent: April 29, 2003
    Assignee: Synventive Molding Solutions Canada, Inc.
    Inventor: Harald Schmidt
  • Patent number: 6514385
    Abstract: Press section of a machine and process for producing webs. The press section includes a shoe press including a shoe press unit and a counter roll. The shoe press unit includes at least two press shoes and an elastic liquid-impermeable press belt guided over the at least two press shoes, and the at least two press shoes have different lengths measured in a web travel direction and each of the two press shoes is arranged for movement (i.e. alternatively positionable) between an idle position and a press position facing the counter roll.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 22, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 4, 2003
    Assignee: Voith Paper Patent GmbH
    Inventors: Thomas Thoröe Scherb, Harald Schmidt-Hebbel
  • Patent number: 6488814
    Abstract: Pressing arrangement of a machine and process for producing a web. The pressing arrangement includes a shoe press unit and an opposing roll arranged to form at least one press nip. The shoe press unit includes at least one press shoe arranged opposite the opposing roll and a flexible, liquid-impermeable press belt arranged to be guided over the press shoe. The opposing roll includes a smooth surface. At least one press felt is arranged to be guided through the press nip along with the press belt and the web. The at least one felt is deflected away from the web, which is picked up by the smooth surface of the opposing roll, such that the at least one felt is guided out of the press nip at an angle greater than or equal to about 10° to a tangent to the opposing roll at an end of the press nip.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 22, 2000
    Date of Patent: December 3, 2002
    Assignee: Voith Paper Patent GmbH
    Inventors: Thomas Thoröe Scherb, Harald Schmidt-Hebbel
  • Patent number: 6479164
    Abstract: There is provided a method for preparing composite materials from renewable raw materials wherein natural raw materials, especially in fiber form, comprising starch as binder are molded by adding water in accordance with a predetermined temperature and time profile to form boards and molded articles. The advantages of this method reside in said materials being fully biodegradable and free from harmful substances.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 6, 1998
    Date of Patent: November 12, 2002
    Assignee: Biotec Biologische Naturverpackungen GmbH & Co. KG
    Inventors: Jürgen Lörcks, Winfried Pommeranz, Kurt Klenke, Harald Schmidt, Joachim Heuer