Patents by Inventor Iroro Orife

Iroro Orife has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20240161500
    Abstract: The disclosed computer-implemented methods and systems include training a machine-learning model to accurately generate representations of similar scenes from long-form videos that have semantically different speech audio. For example, the methods and systems described herein generate machine-learning model training data including video clips and corresponding audio spectrograms. To augment this data, the methods and systems described herein further include dubbed audio spectrograms with the training data such that each video clips corresponds with a primary language audio spectrogram and a secondary language audio spectrogram. By applying a machine-learning model to this training data, the systems and methods described herein teach the machine-learning model to de-emphasize speech audio when generating audio visual representations corresponding to scenes from long-form video. Various other methods, systems, and computer-readable media are also disclosed.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 8, 2023
    Publication date: May 16, 2024
    Inventors: Nihkil Singh, Iroro Orife, Chih-Wei Wu, Mahdi Kalayeh
  • Patent number: 10810995
    Abstract: The disclosed system continuously refines a model used by an Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system to enable fast and accurate transcriptions of detected speech activity. The ASR system analyzes speech activity to generate text transcriptions and associated metrics (such as minimum Bayes risk and/or perplexity) that correspond to the quality of or confidence in each generated transcription. The system employs a filtering process to select certain text transcriptions based in part on one or more associated quality metrics. In addition, the system corrects for known systemic errors within the ASR system and provides a mechanism for manual review and correction of transcriptions. The system selects a subset of transcriptions based on factors including confidence score, and uses the selected subset of transcriptions to re-train the ASR model. By continuously retraining the ASR model, the system is able to provide ever faster and more accurate text transcriptions of detected speech activity.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 27, 2018
    Date of Patent: October 20, 2020
    Assignee: Marchex, Inc.
    Inventors: Jason Flaks, Shane Walker, Iroro Orife, Morten Pedersen
  • Patent number: 10230851
    Abstract: A system and method for monitoring telephone calls to detect call traffic pumping activity and take corrective action is described. The system receives a group of training telephone calls having associated call audio content and associated information, and the system analyzes the training telephone calls to generate and store a classification model that correlates call features and associations with a probability of call traffic pumping activity. The system receives a subsequent monitored telephone call to be analyzed. The system analyzes the monitored telephone call to identify features present in the audio content of the monitored telephone call and other associated information. The system then compares the features and associated information to the stored classification model in order to determine a probability that the monitored telephone call is associated with call traffic pumping activity.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 31, 2016
    Date of Patent: March 12, 2019
    Assignee: Marchex, Inc.
    Inventors: Jason Flaks, Iroro Orife, Bryan Rieger, Ryan O Rourke, Shane Walker
  • Publication number: 20180315417
    Abstract: The disclosed system continuously refines a model used by an Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system to enable fast and accurate transcriptions of detected speech activity. The ASR system analyzes speech activity to generate text transcriptions and associated metrics (such as minimum Bayes risk and/or perplexity) that correspond to the quality of or confidence in each generated transcription. The system employs a filtering process to select certain text transcriptions based in part on one or more associated quality metrics. In addition, the system corrects for known systemic errors within the ASR system and provides a mechanism for manual review and correction of transcriptions. The system selects a subset of transcriptions based on factors including confidence score, and uses the selected subset of transcriptions to re-train the ASR model. By continuously retraining the ASR model, the system is able to provide ever faster and more accurate text transcriptions of detected speech activity.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 27, 2018
    Publication date: November 1, 2018
    Inventors: Jason Flaks, Shane Walker, Iroro Orife, Morten Pedersen
  • Publication number: 20170149984
    Abstract: A system and method for monitoring telephone calls to detect call traffic pumping activity and take corrective action is described. The system receives a group of training telephone calls having associated call audio content and associated information, and the system analyzes the training telephone calls to generate and store a classification model that correlates call features and associations with a probability of call traffic pumping activity. The system receives a subsequent monitored telephone call to be analyzed. The system analyzes the monitored telephone call to identify features present in the audio content of the monitored telephone call and other associated information. The system then compares the features and associated information to the stored classification model in order to determine a probability that the monitored telephone call is associated with call traffic pumping activity.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 31, 2016
    Publication date: May 25, 2017
    Inventors: Jason Flaks, Iroro Orife, Bryan Rieger, Ryan O Rourke, Shane Walker
  • Publication number: 20160330317
    Abstract: A system and method for monitoring telephone calls to detect call traffic pumping activity and take corrective action is described. The system receives a group of training telephone calls having associated call audio content and associated information, and the system analyzes the training telephone calls to generate and store a classification model that correlates call features and associations with a probability of call traffic pumping activity. The system receives a subsequent monitored telephone call to be analyzed. The system analyzes the monitored telephone call to identify features present in the audio content of the monitored telephone call and other associated information. The system then compares the features and associated information to the stored classification model in order to determine a probability that the monitored telephone call is associated with call traffic pumping activity.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 26, 2015
    Publication date: November 10, 2016
    Inventors: Jason Flaks, Iroro Orife, Bryan Rieger, Ryan O'Rourke, Shane Walker
  • Patent number: 9485354
    Abstract: A system and method for monitoring telephone calls to detect call traffic pumping activity and take corrective action is described. The system receives a group of training telephone calls having associated call audio content and associated information, and the system analyzes the training telephone calls to generate and store a classification model that correlates call features and associations with a probability of call traffic pumping activity. The system receives a subsequent monitored telephone call to be analyzed. The system analyzes the monitored telephone call to identify features present in the audio content of the monitored telephone call and other associated information. The system then compares the features and associated information to the stored classification model in order to determine a probability that the monitored telephone call is associated with call traffic pumping activity.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 26, 2015
    Date of Patent: November 1, 2016
    Assignee: Marchex, Inc.
    Inventors: Jason Flaks, Iroro Orife, Bryan Rieger, Ryan O'Rourke, Shane Walker