Patents by Inventor J. Porter

J. Porter has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20120012771
    Abstract: Apparatuses for restricting fluid flow through a well conduit comprise a tubular member having a helically-shaped seat member disposed within the tubular member. The helically-shaped seat member comprises first and second ends, a first position in which the first and second ends relative to each other to provide a first diameter opening through the helically-shaped seat member for receiving a plug element, and a second position in which the second end is disposed axially below and radially outward relative to the first end to provide a second diameter opening through the helically seat member, the second diameter being greater than the first diameter thereby facilitating the plug element passing through the helically-shaped seat.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 16, 2010
    Publication date: January 19, 2012
    Inventors: Lale Korkmaz, Michael H. Johnson, André J. Porter
  • Publication number: 20120000635
    Abstract: A manifold assembly for distributing a fluid to a heat exchanger, and a method for producing the same, is provided. The manifold assembly includes a plurality of channels and a manifold. The plurality of channels includes one or more first channels and one or more second channels. The first channels each have a first flow profile and a manifold end with a first cross-sectional geometry. The second channels each have a second flow profile and a manifold end with a second cross-sectional geometry. The first cross-sectional geometry is different from the second cross-sectional geometry. The manifold has an inner cavity, an inlet port, one or more first channel ports, and one or more second channel ports. The first channel ports are each configured to mate with the manifold end of a first channel. The second channel ports are each configured to mate with the manifold end of a second channel.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 12, 2010
    Publication date: January 5, 2012
    Inventors: Kevin J. Porter, William J. Heffron
  • Publication number: 20110104392
    Abstract: This invention provides a coating apparatus and methods for coating a device, such as an industrially or medically applicable device. The apparatus is suitable for providing a coating using a photoactivatable compound and a polymerizable compound. In another aspect, the apparatus and methods are useful for coating a device wherein the surface of the device has small pores or apertures. The apparatus includes of containers suitable for holding the object to be coated and the coating solution, a gas supply source for supplying gas to solution, an irradiation station for providing light used in the coating process, and a conveyor mechanism to direct the containers to and from the irradiation station.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 29, 2010
    Publication date: May 5, 2011
    Applicant: SurModics, Inc.
    Inventors: Mark F. Carlson, Steven J. Porter, Sean M. Stucke, Ralph A. Chappa
  • Patent number: 7883749
    Abstract: A method for coating a device, such as an industrially or medically applicable device, with a polymer layer is provided. The method includes contacting the device with a grafting initiator comprising at least one photoinitiator group, exposing the device to radiation, contacting the device with a polymerizable monomer, and again exposing the device to radiation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 14, 2006
    Date of Patent: February 8, 2011
    Assignee: Surmodics, Inc.
    Inventors: Mark F. Carlson, Steven J. Porter, Sean M. Stucke, Ralph A. Chappa
  • Patent number: 7851057
    Abstract: An acoustical panel comprising a continuous phase of an interlocking set gypsum matrix and a method of preparing an acoustical panel are disclosed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 17, 2008
    Date of Patent: December 14, 2010
    Assignee: United States Gypsum Company
    Inventors: Mark H. Englert, Richard B. Stevens, Steven W. Sucech, Therese A. Fults, Michael J. Porter, Bruce L. Petersen, Russell A. Dombeck
  • Publication number: 20100255768
    Abstract: An economizer, and a method for operating the same, is provided having a housing with external airflow section and an internal airflow section. The external airflow section includes one or more external flow blades mounted in an external airflow path. The external flow blades are selectively rotatable between an open position and a substantially closed position. The internal airflow section includes one or more internal flow blades mounted in an internal airflow path. The internal flow blades are selectively rotatable between an open position and a substantially closed position. Each internal flow blade includes a leading portion. The leading portion of each internal flow blade is substantially parallel to the internal airflow path when the internal flow blades are disposed in the open position.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 7, 2010
    Publication date: October 7, 2010
    Inventor: Kevin J. Porter
  • Patent number: 7789645
    Abstract: A structural cementitious panel, produced by a multi-layer process including providing a moving web; b. one of depositing a first layer of loose fibers upon the web and c. depositing a layer of settable slurry upon the web; d. depositing a second layer of loose fibers upon the slurry; e. embedding said second layer of fibers into the slurry; and f. repeating steps c. through e. until the desired number of layers of settable fiber-enhanced slurry in the panel is obtained. Also provided are an apparatus suitable for producing structural cementitious panels according to the present process, and a structural cementitious panel having multiple layers, each layer created by depositing a layer of settable slurry upon a moving web, depositing fibers upon the slurry and embedding the fibers into the slurry such that each layer is integrally formed with the adjacent layers.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 5, 2008
    Date of Patent: September 7, 2010
    Assignee: United States Gypsum Company
    Inventors: Ashish Dubey, Joe W. Chambers, Aaron Greengard, Alfred C. Li, D. Paul Miller, Michael J. Porter
  • Publication number: 20100203790
    Abstract: High barrier multilayer films are disclosed that incorporate a selectively permeable outer layer and a moisture barrier nanocomposite membrane. More particularly, insulation facing materials and insulation articles can incorporate an insulation facing material having a variable vapor barrier. The facing materials can include a moisture barrier membrane that incorporates a nanoclay.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 5, 2010
    Publication date: August 12, 2010
    Inventors: Jeffrey D. Moulton, Simon J. Porter, Yuan-Ping R. Ting
  • Patent number: 7771285
    Abstract: A golf club head having a body and a strike face for striking a golf ball. The strike face is arranged at the front of the body, and a projection projecting forwardly of the body at one side of the strike face. In use, the projection extends in the same direction as a strike direction of the strike face. The golf club head further comprises an alignment marking which extends along an upper surface of the projection.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 31, 2006
    Date of Patent: August 10, 2010
    Inventor: Warren J. Porter
  • Patent number: 7765813
    Abstract: The present invention is an apparatus and process for cooling and de-steaming hot calcined stucco used in the production of gypsum boards or bagged plaster. The apparatus is a fluid bed stucco cooler and comprises a cooler housing having a plenum having a stucco inlet and stucco outlet. The stucco cooler includes a rotating disk in the plenum. The rotating disk includes nozzle for spraying fluid, and is attached to a rotable shaft extending from the side of the cooler also includes a fluidization pad and agitator to help to mix the air and the stucco powder to insure fluidization, prevent channeling, and prevent the stucco powder from building up on the various components. The air also forces steam from the hot calcined stucco out through an air outlet located at the top of the stucco cooler, thereby de-steaming the stucco. The stucco flows through the plenum and passes over the cooling coils, thereby cooling the stucco as it reaches the stucco outlet.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 15, 2004
    Date of Patent: August 3, 2010
    Assignee: United States Gypsum Company
    Inventors: Michael L. Bolind, Christopher R. Nelson, Bruce L. Petersen, Michael J. Porter
  • Publication number: 20100180206
    Abstract: Systems and methods are provided that easily interface with, configure, and manage embedded devices, such as telecommunication devices, and that interface with, configure, and manage networks equipped with such embedded devices. In some embodiments, a system comprising a graphical user interface with common abstractions for the settings of an embedded device is presented to a user. In some embodiments, the abstractions are displayed to the user as intuitive icons. In some embodiments, these icons use pictures, colors, and/or other graphical and animation techniques to illustrate device management functions to a user. Using embodiments, the user is able to easily determine how he/she wants the embedded device configured, and can also quickly configure the device in that manner without having to be familiar with the underlying settings of the device. Further, the user can use the interface to manage the device by changing settings or uses of the device as necessary.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 24, 2009
    Publication date: July 15, 2010
    Applicant: NexAira, Inc.
    Inventors: Carl L. Silva, JR., Dhonn V. Lushine, Adam J. Porter, Guillermo Will Amador
  • Publication number: 20100025595
    Abstract: An electro-optical device can include a plurality of nanocrystals positioned between a first electrode and a second electrode.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 31, 2007
    Publication date: February 4, 2010
    Inventors: Moungi Bawendi, Venda J. Porter, Marc Kastner, Tamar Mentzel
  • Publication number: 20090286090
    Abstract: High barrier multilayer films incorporating a biodegradable polymer layer. More particularly, biodegradable multilayer films for use as book coverings and packaging materials. The multilayer films have excellent moisture barrier and curl resistance properties.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 30, 2009
    Publication date: November 19, 2009
    Inventors: Yuan-Ping R. Ting, Simon J. Porter, Alex V. Del Priore
  • Publication number: 20090176030
    Abstract: A method for coating a device, such as an industrially or medically applicable device, with a polymer layer is provided. The method includes contacting the device with a grafting initiator comprising at least one photoinitiator group, exposing the device to radiation, contacting the device with a polymerizable monomer, and again exposing the device to radiation.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 14, 2006
    Publication date: July 9, 2009
    Inventors: Mark F. Carlson, Steven J. Porter, Sean M. Stucke, Ralph A. Chappa
  • Patent number: 7556791
    Abstract: A process is disclosed for making dead burn calcium sulfate anhydrite. The process includes a slurry calcination step to produce calcium sulfate anhydrite followed by removing free water from the anhydrite while avoiding substantial rehydration. Also disclosed are dead burn calcium sulfate anhydrite particles with high aspect ratios, e.g. fibers having an average aspect ratio of at least 4:1, or very fine particle size, e.g., at or below 2 micrometers average, combined with very low water content, e.g., less than 0.5, preferably less than 0.3, wt. % water. These particles are typically useful as fillers.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 20, 2006
    Date of Patent: July 7, 2009
    Assignee: United States Gypsum Company
    Inventors: Michael Lawrence Bolind, Michael J. Porter, Christopher Robert Nelsen
  • Patent number: 7517547
    Abstract: The invention provides an apparatus for coating a device comprising a coating chamber and a device rotator having at least one device mount wherein the apparatus allows insertion and retraction of the device on the device mount into and out of the coating chamber. In another aspect, the invention provides a method of applying a substantially uniform coating on a device comprising the steps of providing an apparatus for coating a device, mounting the device onto the device mount, purging the coating chamber to reduce humidity in the coating chamber, maintaining a reduced humidity content in the coating chamber, inserting the device into the coating chamber, disposing a coating material on the device and rotating the device mounts about the device axis.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 1, 2006
    Date of Patent: April 14, 2009
    Assignee: Sur Modics, Inc.
    Inventors: Ralph A. Chappa, Steven J. Porter
  • Patent number: 7513768
    Abstract: An embedment device includes a first integrally formed elongate shaft rotatably secured to the support frame and having a first plurality of axially spaced disks axially fixed to the first shaft, a second integrally formed elongate shaft rotatably secured to the support frame and having a second plurality of axially spaced disks axially fixed to the second shaft, the first shaft being disposed relative to the second shaft to be horizontally aligned and so that the disks intermesh with each other, and wherein, when viewed from the side, peripheries of the first and second pluralities of disks overlap each other.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 1, 2006
    Date of Patent: April 7, 2009
    Assignee: United States Gypsum Company
    Inventors: Michael J. Porter, William A. Frank, Lloyd George, Eugene Scott Stivender, Alfredas Blyskis
  • Publication number: 20090067075
    Abstract: A personal grooming mirror including a mirror housing with a mirror surround aperture formed in a surface of the mirror housing and a mirror contained in the mirror housing with a reflective surface of the mirror exposed and viewable through the mirror surround aperture. The mirror housing is formed in such a manner that a reservoir is defined by a reflective surface of the mirror and a peripheral edge defining the mirror surround aperture. Hot water may be contained within the reservoir prior to use in a humid environment, for instance a shower, to reduce fogging of the reflective surface of the mirror. A grip assist aperture is formed through the mirror housing and is configured to provide a means for securely grasping the personal grooming mirror.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 12, 2007
    Publication date: March 12, 2009
    Inventor: Robert J. Porter, III
  • Publication number: 20090011212
    Abstract: A structural cementitious panel, produced by a multi-layer process including providing a moving web; b. one of depositing a first layer of loose fibers upon the web and c. depositing a layer of settable slurry upon the web; d. depositing a second layer of loose fibers upon the slurry; e. embedding said second layer of fibers into the slurry; and f. repeating steps c. through e. until the desired number of layers of settable fiber-enhanced slurry in the panel is obtained. Also provided are an apparatus suitable for producing structural cementitious panels according to the present process, and a structural cementitious panel having multiple layers, each layer created by depositing a layer of settable slurry upon a moving web, depositing fibers upon the slurry and embedding the fibers into the slurry such that each layer is integrally formed with the adjacent layers.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 5, 2008
    Publication date: January 8, 2009
    Inventors: Ashish Dubey, Joe W. Chambers, Aaron Greengard, Alfred C. Li, D. Paul Miller, Michael J. Porter
  • Patent number: D660492
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 16, 2011
    Date of Patent: May 22, 2012
    Assignee: Target Brands, Inc.
    Inventors: Benjamin P. Williams, Cameron J. Porter, Becca J. Koehler