Patents by Inventor James O'Shea

James O'Shea has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20220159609
    Abstract: First information corresponding to a radio signal received at a first sensing device from a candidate location is obtained. Second information corresponding to a radio signal received at a second sensing device from the candidate location is obtained. A first relationship between the first sensing device and the candidate location and a second relationship between the second sensing device and the candidate location are determined. A first inverse and a second inverse of respectively the first and second relationships are obtained. A first estimate of the radio signal at the first sensing device is determined from the first information and the first inverse. A second estimate of the radio signal at the second sensing device is determined from the second information and the second inverse. Energy emitted from the candidate location is measured based on the first estimate and the second estimate.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 3, 2022
    Publication date: May 19, 2022
    Inventors: Timothy James O'Shea, Robert W. McGwier, Nicholas Aaron McCarthy
  • Patent number: 11334807
    Abstract: Methods, systems, and apparatus, including computer programs encoded on computer storage media, for training and deploying machine-learning estimation networks in a communications system. One of the methods includes: processing first information with ground truth information to generate a first RF signal by altering the first information by channel impairment having at least one channel effect, using a receiver to process the first RF signal to generate second information, training a machine-learning estimation network based on a network architecture, the second information, and the ground truth information, receiving by the receiver a second RF signal transmitted through a communication channel including the at least one channel effect, inferring by the trained estimation network the receiver to estimate an offset of the second RF signal caused by the at least one channel effect, and correcting the offset of the RF signal with the estimated offset to obtain a recovered RF signal.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 25, 2018
    Date of Patent: May 17, 2022
    Assignee: Virginia Tech Intellectual Properties, Inc.
    Inventors: Timothy James O'Shea, Kiran Karra, T. Charles Clancy
  • Patent number: 11276019
    Abstract: A task scheduling system that can be used to improve task assignment for multiple satellites, and thereby improve resource allocation in the execution of a task. In some implementations, configuration data for one or more satellites is obtained. Multiple objectives corresponding to a task to be performed using the satellites, and resource parameters associated with executing the task to be performed using the satellites are identified. A score for each objective included in the multiple objectives is computed by the terrestrial scheduler based on the resource parameters and the configuration data for the one or more satellites. The multiple objectives are assigned to one or more of the satellites. Instructions are provided to the one or more satellites that cause the one or more satellites to execute the task according to the assignment of the objectives to the one or more satellites.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 7, 2019
    Date of Patent: March 15, 2022
    Assignee: HawkEye 360, Inc.
    Inventors: T. Charles Clancy, Robert W. McGwier, Timothy James O'Shea, Nicholas Aaron McCarthy
  • Publication number: 20220050133
    Abstract: Methods, systems, and apparatus, including computer programs encoded on computer-storage media, for detecting and classifying radio signals. The method includes obtaining one or more radio frequency (RF) snapshots corresponding to a first set of signals from a first RF source; generating a first training data set based on the one or more RF snapshots; annotating the first training data set to generate an annotated first training data set; generating a trained detection and classification model based on the annotated first training data set; and providing the trained detection and classification model to a sensor engine to detect and classify one or more new signals using the trained detection and classification model.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 12, 2021
    Publication date: February 17, 2022
    Inventors: Timothy Newman, Matthew Pennybacker, Michael Piscopo, Nathan West, Tamoghna Roy, Timothy James O'Shea, James Shea
  • Patent number: 11233561
    Abstract: Methods and systems including computer programs encoded on computer storage media, for training and deploying machine-learned communication over RF channels.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 17, 2020
    Date of Patent: January 25, 2022
    Assignee: DeepSig Inc.
    Inventors: Timothy James O'Shea, James Shea, Ben Hilburn
  • Patent number: 11228379
    Abstract: Methods, systems, and apparatus, including computer programs encoded on computer storage media, for training and deploying machine-learned communication. One of the methods includes: receiving an RF signal at a signal processing system for training a machine-learning network; providing the RF signal through the machine-learning network; producing an output from the machine-learning network; measuring a distance metric between the signal processing model output and a reference model output; determining modifications to the machine-learning network to reduce the distance metric between the output and the reference model output; and in response to reducing the distance metric to a value that is less than or equal to a threshold value, determining a score of the trained machine-learning network using one or more other RF signals and one or more other corresponding reference model outputs, the score indicating an a performance metric of the trained machine-learning network to perform the desired RF function.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 25, 2018
    Date of Patent: January 18, 2022
    Assignee: DeepSig Inc.
    Inventor: Timothy James O'Shea
  • Publication number: 20210367690
    Abstract: One or more processors control processing of radio frequency (RF) signals using a machine-learning network. The one or more processors receive as input, to a radio communications apparatus, a first representation of an RF signal, which is processed using one or more radio stages, providing a second representation of the RF signal. Observations about, and metrics of, the second representation of the RF signal are obtained. Past observations and metrics are accessed from storage. Using the observations, metrics and past observations and metrics, parameters of a machine-learning network, which implements policies to process RF signals, are adjusted by controlling the radio stages. In response to the adjustments, actions performed by one or more controllers of the radio stages are updated. A representation of a subsequent input RF signal is processed using the radio stages that are controlled based on actions including the updated one or more actions.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 4, 2021
    Publication date: November 25, 2021
    Inventors: Timothy James O`Shea, Thomas Charles Clancy, III
  • Publication number: 20210211164
    Abstract: Methods, systems, and apparatus, including computer programs encoded on computer storage media, for training and deploying machine-learned communication over multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) channels.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 11, 2021
    Publication date: July 8, 2021
    Inventors: Timothy James O`Shea, Tugba Erpek
  • Publication number: 20210190896
    Abstract: First information is obtained from a sensing device at a first time. The first information corresponds to a radio signal received at the device from a candidate location. The device is at a first location at the first time. Second information is obtained from the device at a second time. The second information corresponds to a radio signal received at the device from the candidate location. The device is at a second location at the second time. A system determines that a pattern is in each of the first and second information and determines relationships between the candidate location and the device at each first and second location. The system obtains inverses of the relationships and determines estimates of the received radio signals based on the information and inverses. The system measures or estimates energy emitted from the candidate location based on the estimates.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 1, 2020
    Publication date: June 24, 2021
    Inventors: Timothy James O`Shea, Robert W. McGwier, Nicholas Aaron McCarthy
  • Patent number: 11032014
    Abstract: One or more processors control processing of radio frequency (RF) signals using a machine-learning network. The one or more processors receive as input, to a radio communications apparatus, a first representation of an RF signal, which is processed using one or more radio stages, providing a second representation of the RF signal. Observations about, and metrics of, the second representation of the RF signal are obtained. Past observations and metrics are accessed from storage. Using the observations, metrics and past observations and metrics, parameters of a machine-learning network, which implements policies to process RF signals, are adjusted by controlling the radio stages. In response to the adjustments, actions performed by one or more controllers of the radio stages are updated. A representation of a subsequent input RF signal is processed using the radio stages that are controlled based on actions including the updated one or more actions.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 16, 2020
    Date of Patent: June 8, 2021
    Assignee: Virginia Tech Intellectual Properties, Inc.
    Inventors: Timothy James O'Shea, Thomas Charles Clancy, III
  • Patent number: 11018704
    Abstract: Methods, systems, and apparatus, including computer programs encoded on computer storage media, for correcting distortion of radio signals A transmit radio signal corresponding to an output of a transmitting radio signal processing system is obtained. A pre-distorted radio signal is then generated by processing the transmit radio signal using a nonlinear pre-distortion machine learning model. The nonlinear pre-distortion machine learning model includes model parameters and at least one nonlinear function to correct radio signal distortion or interference. A transmit output radio signal is obtained by processing the pre-distorted radio signal through the transmitting radio signal processing system. The transmit output radio signal is then transmitted to one or more radio receivers.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 2, 2020
    Date of Patent: May 25, 2021
    Assignee: DeepSig Inc.
    Inventors: Timothy James O'Shea, James Shea
  • Publication number: 20210136596
    Abstract: Methods, systems, and apparatus, including computer programs encoded on computer storage media, for placement and scheduling of radio signal processing dataflow operations. An example method provides a primitive radio signal processing computational dataflow graph that comprises nodes representing operations and directed edges representing data flow. The nodes and directed edges of the primitive radio signal processing computational dataflow graph are partitioned to produce a set of software kernels that, when executed on processing units of a target hardware platform, achieve a specific optimization objective. Runtime resource scheduling, including data placement for individual software kernels in the set of software kernels to efficiently execute operations on the processing units of the target hardware platform. The resources of the processing units in the target hardware platform are then allocated according to the defined runtime resource scheduling.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 16, 2020
    Publication date: May 6, 2021
    Inventor: Timothy James O'Shea
  • Publication number: 20210120514
    Abstract: First information corresponding to a radio signal received at a first sensing device from a candidate location is obtained. Second information corresponding to a radio signal received at a second sensing device from the candidate location is obtained. A first relationship between the first sensing device and the candidate location and a second relationship between the second sensing device and the candidate location are determined. A first inverse and a second inverse of respectively the first and second relationships are obtained. A first estimate of the radio signal at the first sensing device is determined from the first information and the first inverse. A second estimate of the radio signal at the second sensing device is determined from the second information and the second inverse. Energy emitted from the candidate location is measured based on the first estimate and the second estimate.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 16, 2020
    Publication date: April 22, 2021
    Inventors: Timothy James O'Shea, Robert W. McGwier, Nicholas Aaron McCarthy
  • Publication number: 20210119713
    Abstract: Methods, systems, and apparatus, including computer programs encoded on computer-storage media, for processing communications signals using a machine-learning network are disclosed. In some implementations, pilot and data information are generated for a data signal. The data signal is generated using a modulator for orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. The data signal is transmitted through a communications channel to obtain modified pilot and data information. The modified pilot and data information are processed using a machine-learning network. A prediction corresponding to the data signal transmitted through the communications channel is obtained from the machine-learning network. The prediction is compared to a set of ground truths and updates, based on a corresponding error term, are applied to the machine-learning network.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 30, 2020
    Publication date: April 22, 2021
    Inventors: Timothy James O`Shea, Nathan West, Johnathan Corgan
  • Patent number: 10954715
    Abstract: The present invention is an adjustable door sweep that would be available as either an accessory attached to the bottom exterior of a door or as an integrated component installed inside a newly manufactured door. Both embodiments would feature sweep bristles stored vertically in the housing, running the width of the door, and protruding from a half-inch aperture on the bottom of the door itself or attached accessory. When deployed from the bottom of the door or accessory, the individual bristles would conform perfectly to the exact contour of the threshold surface, regardless if it is natural or man-made, then be locked in place by the present invention.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 31, 2019
    Date of Patent: March 23, 2021
    Inventor: James O'Shea
  • Patent number: 10892806
    Abstract: Methods, systems, and apparatus, including computer programs encoded on computer storage media, for training and deploying machine-learned communication over multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) channels.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 24, 2019
    Date of Patent: January 12, 2021
    Assignee: Virginia Tech Intellectual Properties, Inc.
    Inventors: Timothy James O'Shea, Tugba Erpek
  • Patent number: 10859668
    Abstract: First information is obtained from a sensing device at a first time. The first information corresponds to a radio signal received at the device from a candidate location. The device is at a first location at the first time. Second information is obtained from the device at a second time. The second information corresponds to a radio signal received at the device from the candidate location. The device is at a second location at the second time. A system determines that a pattern is in each of the first and second information and determines relationships between the candidate location and the device at each first and second location. The system obtains inverses of the relationships and determines estimates of the received radio signals based on the information and inverses. The system measures or estimates energy emitted from the candidate location based on the estimates.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 1, 2019
    Date of Patent: December 8, 2020
    Assignee: HawkEye 360, Inc.
    Inventors: Timothy James O'Shea, Robert W. McGwier, Nicholas Aaron McCarthy
  • Patent number: 10841810
    Abstract: Methods, systems, and apparatus, including computer programs encoded on computer storage media, for placement and scheduling of radio signal processing dataflow operations. An example method provides a primitive radio signal processing computational dataflow graph that comprises nodes representing operations and directed edges representing data flow. The nodes and directed edges of the primitive radio signal processing computational dataflow graph are partitioned to produce a set of software kernels that, when executed on processing units of a target hardware platform, achieve a specific optimization objective. Runtime resource scheduling, including data placement for individual software kernels in the set of software kernels are performed to efficiently execute operations on the processing units of the target hardware platform. The resources of the processing units in the target hardware platform are then allocated according to the defined runtime resource scheduling.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 31, 2019
    Date of Patent: November 17, 2020
    Assignee: DeepSig Inc.
    Inventor: Timothy James O'Shea
  • Patent number: 10833785
    Abstract: Methods, systems, and apparatus, including computer programs encoded on computer-storage media, for processing communications signals using a machine-learning network are disclosed. In some implementations, pilot and data information are generated for a data signal. The data signal is generated using a modulator for orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. The data signal is transmitted through a communications channel to obtain modified pilot and data information. The modified pilot and data information are processed using a machine-learning network. A prediction corresponding to the data signal transmitted through the communications channel is obtained from the machine-learning network. The prediction is compared to a set of ground truths and updates, based on a corresponding error term, are applied to the machine-learning network.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 23, 2020
    Date of Patent: November 10, 2020
    Assignee: DeepSig Inc.
    Inventors: Timothy James O'Shea, Nathan West, Johnathan Corgan
  • Publication number: 20200343985
    Abstract: Methods, systems, and apparatus, including computer programs encoded on computer-storage media, for processing communications signals using a machine-learning network are disclosed. In some implementations, pilot and data information are generated for a data signal. The data signal is generated using a modulator for orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. The data signal is transmitted through a communications channel to obtain modified pilot and data information. The modified pilot and data information are processed using a machine-learning network. A prediction corresponding to the data signal transmitted through the communications channel is obtained from the machine-learning network. The prediction is compared to a set of ground truths and updates, based on a corresponding error term, are applied to the machine-learning network.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 23, 2020
    Publication date: October 29, 2020
    Inventors: Timothy James O`Shea, Nathan West, Johnathan Corgan