Patents by Inventor James R. Driscoll

James R. Driscoll has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20080208729
    Abstract: Methods and corresponding system are provided herewith that, in at least one embodiment, include the act or acts of determining a first instance in which a first request is received by an exchange; determining a second instance in which a second request is received by the exchange, in which the second request defines a request to cancel the first request; determining a third instance in which a third request is received by the exchange, in which the third request corresponds to the first request; calculating a first difference between the second instance and the third instances; storing the first difference to a data storage, in which the data storage comprises a plurality of differences; and analyzing the plurality of differences to generate comparative information.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 28, 2007
    Publication date: August 28, 2008
    Inventors: James R. Driscoll, Matthew W. Claus
  • Patent number: 6088692
    Abstract: Natural Language search system and method for retrieving relevant documents from a text data base collection comprised of patents, medical and legal documents, journals, news stories and the like. Each small piece of text within the documents such as a sentence, phrase and semantic unit in the data base is treated as a document. Natural language queries are used to search for relevant documents from the data base. A first search query creates a selected group of documents. Each word in both the search query and in the documents are given weighted values. Combining the weighted values creates similarity values for each document which are then ranked according to their relevant importance to the search query. A user reading and passing through this ranked list checks off which document are relevant or not. Then the system automatically causes the original search query to be updated into a second search query which can include the same words, less words or different words than the first search query.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 5, 1999
    Date of Patent: July 11, 2000
    Assignee: University of Central Florida
    Inventor: James R. Driscoll
  • Patent number: 5893092
    Abstract: Search system and method for retrieving relevant documents from a text data base collection comprised of patents, medical and legal documents, journals, news stories and the like. Each small piece of text within the documents such as a sentence, phrase and semantic unit in the data base is treated as a document. Natural language queries are used to search for relevant documents from the data base. A first search query creates a selected group of documents. Each word in both the search query and in the documents are given weighted values. Combining the weighted values creates similarity values for each document which are then ranked according to their relevant importance to the search query. A user reading and passing through this ranked list checks off which documents are relevant or not. Then the system automatically causes the original search query to be updated into a second search query which can include the same words, less words or different words than the first search query.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 23, 1997
    Date of Patent: April 6, 1999
    Assignee: University of Central Florida
    Inventor: James R. Driscoll
  • Patent number: 5717913
    Abstract: An Information Filtering (IF) system for retrieving relevant text data from a data base document collection is disclosed. A user can use this system to access a dynamic data stream to retrieve relevant data such as accessing e-mail or a wire-service. Alternatively, a user can use the IF system to access an data storage archive such as electronically stored patents, journals and the like. The invention includes several steps. The first step has a user reduce the information they are interested in into a tangible form such as manually writing a natural language user need statement, or alternatively imputing the statement electronically into a computer file for storage. The next step is to create a filter window having an adjustable document viewing text length, that will be used to electronically scan through the database collection of documents in order to determine a relevancy value for each scanned document. The filter can be created several ways using synonym and domain lists.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 3, 1995
    Date of Patent: February 10, 1998
    Assignee: University of Central Florida
    Inventor: James R. Driscoll
  • Patent number: 5642502
    Abstract: Search system and method for retrieving relevant documents from a text data base collection comprised of patents, medical and legal documents, journals, news stories and the like. Each small piece of text within the documents such as a sentence, phrase and semantic unit in the data base is treated as a document. Natural language queries are used to search for relevant documents from the data base. A first search query creates a selected group of documents. Each word in both the search query and in the documents are given weighted values. Combining the weighted values creates similarity values for each document which are then ranked according to their relevant importance to the search query. A user reading and passing through this ranked list checks off which documents are relevant or not. Then the system automatically causes the original search query to be updated into a second search query which can include the same words, less words or different words than the first search query.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 6, 1994
    Date of Patent: June 24, 1997
    Assignee: University of Central Florida
    Inventor: James R. Driscoll
  • Patent number: 4068600
    Abstract: A pair of upper and lower tray members are molded of a rigid plastics material, and each tray member includes a peripherally extending rim portion from which depends a peripherally extending skirt portion. The corner portions of the tray members are rounded, and a set of correspondingly curved leg members support the corner portions of the tray members. The leg members are also molded of a plastics material, and each leg member includes a support portion which engages and supports the skirt portion of each tray member. Each leg member also has a set vertically spaced integral flange portions which project inwardly under the tray members, and the flange portions have openings for receiving corresponding bosses projecting downwardly from the underneath sides of the tray members. The flange portions are slightly flexible to provide for snap-fitting the leg members onto the tray members to produce a rigid and sturdy table assembly.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 12, 1976
    Date of Patent: January 17, 1978
    Inventor: James R. Driscoll
  • Patent number: D248798
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 9, 1976
    Date of Patent: August 8, 1978
    Inventor: James R. Driscoll