Patents by Inventor Jeffrey A. MAY

Jeffrey A. MAY has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20020007148
    Abstract: A disposable garment includes a chassis defining one or more openings for the legs, arms, waist or the like on a wearer. At least a portion of the chassis includes a targeted elastic material including zones of high and low elastic tension in the same material, integrated during formation of the material. The targeted elastic material is positioned so that at least one high tension zone is aligned with at least one garment opening, thereby functioning as an elastic band without requiring a separately manufactured, attached elastic band.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 14, 2001
    Publication date: January 17, 2002
    Inventors: Raymond Jeffrey May, James Marcus Carr
  • Publication number: 20020002021
    Abstract: A targeted elastic laminate material is provided having at least one low tension zone with first filaments having a first basis weight and at least one high tension zone having second filaments with a second basis weight greater than the first basis weight. The second basis weight is greater due to increased average thickness of the second filaments and/or increased frequency of second filaments relative to the first filaments. Methods and modifications of those methods are provided to produce a targeted elastic laminate material according to the preferred embodiments of this invention.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 14, 2001
    Publication date: January 3, 2002
    Inventors: Raymond Jeffrey May, James Marcus Carr, Richard Harry Thiessen, Lavada Campbell Boggs, Hannong Rhim, James Russell Fitts,, Adrian Roy Eggen, Victor Charles Lang, Kenneth Michael Salter
  • Publication number: 20010031954
    Abstract: An absorbent article includes an outer cover graphic that appears brighter and more noticeable than present outer cover graphics. The outer cover includes a liquid impermeable inner layer and a fibrous outer layer which layers jointly define a graphic region where the inner and outer layers are intimately bonded together. The fibrous outer layer has a Light Transmittance Value in the graphic region of about 80 percent or higher, and an outer cover graphic is disposed on the inner layer in a location corresponding to the graphic region.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 13, 2000
    Publication date: October 18, 2001
    Inventors: Joy Francine Jordan, Julie Ann George, Raymond Jeffrey May, Jennifer Leigh Skabroud Misek, Carl Gerard Rippl
  • Patent number: 6052912
    Abstract: A spindle alignment tool is provided including a plurality of spindles. A pair of alignment assemblies each have multiple evenly spaced spaces formed therein. At least one interconnect bar is connected between the alignment assemblies for maintaining the same in parallel. As such, the spindles are removably situated within the spaces of the alignment assemblies for being mounted to a recipient surface in a uniform arrentation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 2, 1998
    Date of Patent: April 25, 2000
    Inventor: William Jeffrey May