Patents by Inventor Jeffrey Duerk

Jeffrey Duerk has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20050054913
    Abstract: A method of automatically adjusting at least one MR image parameter for an interventional procedure includes adaptively tracking an MR micro-coil catheter and automatically updating an imaging scan plane's position and orientation, as well as other features including, but not limited to, field-of-view, resolution, temporal resolution, slice thickness, tip angle, and TE. The disclosed system provides a more natural interface for a physician operating the MR scanner during an interventional procedure. The scanner can react to changes in the clinical environment and automatically adjust a number of image parameters. For example, during catheter insertion, images are acquired at lower resolutions, and possibly larger fields of view, to help facilitate faster updates and tracking. Once the catheter reaches a target area in the tissue and its motion slows, an MR image of higher resolution, and possibly lower field of view, is acquired.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 5, 2004
    Publication date: March 10, 2005
    Inventors: Jeffrey Duerk, Daniel Elgort, Chris Flask, Claudia Hillenbrand, Jonathan Lewin, Frank Wacker, Eddy Wong
  • Publication number: 20050054914
    Abstract: A probe suitable for attachment to, or incorporation in, a medical interventional device, such as a catheter, and which may be employed for tracking, imaging, or both, includes a first material having an MR resonance frequency distinct from a resonance frequency of a second material adjacent to the first material. The probe may include one or more coils, or it may be wireless, that is, it may have no coils. Some probe configurations are directed at tracking or imaging of vascular vessels or tissue, and configurations allow both tracking and imaging.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 5, 2004
    Publication date: March 10, 2005
    Inventors: Jeffrey Duerk, Daniel Elgort, Chris Flask, Claudia Hillenbrand, Jonathan Lewin, Eddy Wong
  • Publication number: 20050031082
    Abstract: Automatic x-ray dosage control based on patient size is described. The system provides a computer-based system for determining patient size based on mathematical analysis of light employed to illuminate a patient and light detectors. The system also provides a computer based system for calculating an x-ray dose parameter based on the determined patient size.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 24, 2002
    Publication date: February 10, 2005
    Inventors: John Haaga, Jeffrey Duerk
  • Publication number: 20050033153
    Abstract: Spiral imaging has recently gained acceptance for rapid MR data acquisition. One of the main disadvantages of spiral imaging, however, is blurring artifacts due to off-resonance effects. Dixon techniques have been developed as methods of water-fat signal decomposition in rectilinear sampling schemes, and they can produce unequivocal water-fat signal decomposition even in the presence of B0 inhomogeneity. Three-point and two-point Dixon techniques can be extended to conventional spiral and variable-density spiral data acquisitions for unambiguous water-fat decomposition with off-resonance blurring correction. In the spiral three-point Dixon technique, water-fat signal decomposition and image deblurring are performed based on the frequency maps that are directly derived from the acquired images. In the spiral two-point Dixon technique, several predetermined frequencies are tested to create a frequency map.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 26, 2004
    Publication date: February 10, 2005
    Applicant: Case Westem Reserve University
    Inventors: Hisamoto Moriguchi, Jonathan Lewin, Jeffrey Duerk
  • Publication number: 20050017717
    Abstract: A method of chemical species suppression for MRI imaging of a scanned object region including acquiring K space data at a first TE, acquiring K space data at a second TE, reconstructing images having off resonance effects, estimating off resonance effects at locations throughout the reconstructed image, and determining the first and second chemical species signals at image locations of the scanned object from the acquired signals and correcting for blurring resulting from off resonance effects due to B0 inhomogeneity.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 22, 2004
    Publication date: January 27, 2005
    Inventors: Jeffrey Duerk, Jonathan Lewin, Hisamoto Moriguchi