Patents by Inventor Jeffrey F. DeNatale

Jeffrey F. DeNatale has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20130293314
    Abstract: An apparatus includes a chip-scale atomic clock (CSAC) alkali vapor cell seated on a silicon substrate that is suspended in a package by a metalized Parylene strap having Parylene anchors embedded in a silicon frame, the Parylene strap comprising an extended rigidizing structure, and a plurality of electrical pins extending into an interior of the package, the plurality of electrical pins in electrical communication with the CSAC cell through the metalized Parylene strap, where the CSAC cell is mechanically connected to the package and thermally insulated from the package.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 9, 2013
    Publication date: November 7, 2013
    Applicant: Teledyne Scientific & Imaging, LLC
    Inventors: Jeffrey F. DeNatale, Philip A. Stupar, Yu-Hua Lin, Robert L. Borwick, III, Alexandros P. Papavasiliou
  • Patent number: 8505357
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a method for adjusting the resonant frequencies of a vibrating microelectromechanical (MEMS) device. In one embodiment, the present invention is a method for adjusting the resonant frequencies of a vibrating mass including the steps of patterning a surface of a device layer of the vibrating mass with a mask, etching the vibrating mass to define a structure of the vibrating mass, determining a first set of resonant frequencies of the vibrating mass, determining a mass removal amount of the vibrating mass and a mass removal location of the vibrating mass to obtain a second set of resonant frequencies of the vibrating mass, removing the mask at the mass removal location, and etching the vibrating mass to remove the mass removal amount of the vibrating mass at the mass removal location of the vibrating mass.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 16, 2011
    Date of Patent: August 13, 2013
    Assignee: Teledyne Scientific & Imaging, LLC
    Inventors: Jeffrey F. DeNatale, Philip A. Stupar
  • Patent number: 8505358
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a method for adjusting the resonant frequencies of a vibrating microelectromechanical (MEMS) device. In one embodiment, the present invention is a method for adjusting the resonant frequencies of a vibrating mass including the steps of patterning a surface of a device layer of the vibrating mass with a mask, etching the vibrating mass to define a structure of the vibrating mass, determining a first set of resonant frequencies of the vibrating mass, determining a mass removal amount of the vibrating mass and a mass removal location of the vibrating mass to obtain a second set of resonant frequencies of the vibrating mass, removing the mask at the mass removal location, and etching the vibrating mass to remove the mass removal amount of the vibrating mass at the mass removal location of the vibrating mass.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 16, 2011
    Date of Patent: August 13, 2013
    Assignee: Teledyne Scientific & Imaging, LLC
    Inventors: Jeffrey F. DeNatale, Philip A. Stupar
  • Patent number: 8472098
    Abstract: A wafer-level manufacturing method produces stress compensated x-y gimbaled comb-driven MEMS mirror arrays using two SOI wafers and a single carrier wafer. MEMS structures such as comb drives, springs, and optical surfaces are formed by processing front substrate layer surfaces of the SOI wafers, bonding together the processed surfaces, and removing the unprocessed SOI layers to expose second surfaces of the front substrate layers for further wafer-level processing. The bonded SOI wafers are mounted to a surface of the carrier wafer that has been separately processed. Processing wafer surfaces may include formation of a stress compensation layer to counteract physical effects of MEMS mirrors. The method may form multi-layered conductive spring structures for the mirrors, each spring having a first conducting layer for energizing a comb drive, a second conducting layer imparting a restoring force, and an insulating layer between the first and second conducting layers.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 7, 2010
    Date of Patent: June 25, 2013
    Assignee: Teledyne Scientific & Imaging, LLC
    Inventors: Chialun Tsai, Jeffrey F. DeNatale
  • Patent number: 8456249
    Abstract: A microscale apparatus includes a microscale rigidized Parylene strap having a reinforcement structure extending from a first side of the strap, a first silicon substrate suspended by the microscale rigidized Parylene strap, the microscale rigidized Parylene strap conformally coupled to the first substrate, and a second substrate conformally coupled to the microscale rigidized Parylene strap to suspend the first silicon substrate through the microscale rigidized Parylene strap.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 11, 2011
    Date of Patent: June 4, 2013
    Assignee: Teledyne Scientific & Imaging, LLC.
    Inventors: Jeffrey F. DeNatale, Philip A. Stupar, Yu-Hua Lin, Robert L. Borwick, Alexandros P. Papavasiliou
  • Patent number: 8327684
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a method for adjusting the resonant frequencies of a vibrating microelectromechanical (MEMS) device. In one embodiment, the present invention is a method for adjusting the resonant frequencies of a vibrating mass including the steps of patterning a surface of a device layer of the vibrating mass with a mask, etching the vibrating mass to define a structure of the vibrating mass, determining a first set of resonant frequencies of the vibrating mass, determining a mass removal amount of the vibrating mass and a mass removal location of the vibrating mass to obtain a second set of resonant frequencies of the vibrating mass, removing the mask at the mass removal location, and etching the vibrating mass to remove the mass removal amount of the vibrating mass at the mass removal location of the vibrating mass.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 21, 2008
    Date of Patent: December 11, 2012
    Assignee: Teledyne Scientific & Imaging, LLC
    Inventors: Jeffrey F. DeNatale, Philip A. Stupar
  • Patent number: 8319156
    Abstract: A vapor cell includes an interrogation cell in a substrate, the interrogation cell having an entrance window and an exit window, and a first transparent thin-film heater in thermal communication with the entrance window. The transparent thin-film heater has a first layer in communication with a first pole contact at a proximal end of the heater and a layer coupler contact at a distal end, a second layer in communication with a second pole contact at the proximal end, and the second layer electrically coupled to the layer coupler contact at the distal end. An insulating layer is sandwiched between the first and second layers. The insulating layer has an opening at the distal end to admit the layer coupler contact and to insulate the remainder of the second layer from the first layer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 22, 2009
    Date of Patent: November 27, 2012
    Inventors: Robert L. Borwick, III, Jeffrey F. DeNatale, Chialun Tsai, Philip A. Stupar, Ya-Chi Chen
  • Publication number: 20120286884
    Abstract: A microscale apparatus includes a microscale rigidized Parylene strap having a reinforcement structure extending from a first side of the strap, a first silicon substrate suspended by the microscale rigidized Parylene strap, the microscale rigidized Parylene strap conformally coupled to the first substrate, and a second substrate conformally coupled to the microscale rigidized Parylene strap to suspend the first silicon substrate through the microscale rigidized Parylene strap.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 11, 2011
    Publication date: November 15, 2012
    Inventors: Jeffrey F. DeNatale, Philip A. Stupar, Yu-Hua Lin, Robert L. Borwick, Alexandros P. Papavasiliou
  • Patent number: 8211283
    Abstract: A microfabricated liquid junction reference electrode that can be integrated with microfabricated chemical or electrical sensors, which electrode is an M/MX type reference electrode comprised of a metal and a metal salt, as well as a X? Containing Ionic Liquid having a constant activity of X? and a porous thin-film membrane impregnated with a Hydrophobic Ionic Liquid.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 8, 2009
    Date of Patent: July 3, 2012
    Assignee: Teledyne Scientific & Imaging, LLC
    Inventors: Martin W. Kendig, Jeffrey F. DeNatale
  • Publication number: 20120153122
    Abstract: An imaging array comprises a photodetector layer, a readout IC (ROIC) layer, and a charge storage capacitor layer which is distinct from the photodetector and ROIC layers; the layers are electrically interconnected to form the array. The capacitors within the charge storage capacitor layer are preferably micromachined; the charge storage capacitor layer can be an interposer layer or an outer layer.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 15, 2010
    Publication date: June 21, 2012
    Inventors: Jeffrey F. DeNatale, David J. Gulbransen, William E. Tennant, Alexandros P. Papavasiliou
  • Patent number: 8187972
    Abstract: An through-substrate via fabrication method requires forming a through-substrate via hole in a semiconductor substrate, depositing an electrically insulating, continuous and substantially conformal isolation material onto the substrate and interior walls of the via using ALD, depositing a conductive material into the via and over the isolation material using ALD such that it is electrically continuous across the length of the via hole, and depositing a polymer material over the conductive material such that any continuous top-to-bottom openings present in the via holes are filled by the polymer material. The basic fabrication method may be extended to provide vias with multiple conductive layers, such as coaxial and triaxial vias.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 26, 2011
    Date of Patent: May 29, 2012
    Assignee: Teledyne Scientific & Imaging, LLC
    Inventors: Philip A. Stupar, Jeffrey F. DeNatale, Robert L. Borwick, III, Alexandros P. Papavasiliou
  • Patent number: 8153062
    Abstract: Electrochemical devices, methods, and systems for detecting and quantifying analytes are disclosed. A chemical detection reagent is locally generated in a test solution by electrochemical reaction of a precursor compound caused to migrate into the test solution from a precursor solution separated from the test solution by a cell separator. This approach provides precise metering of the reagent, via the charge passed, and avoids the need to store a reagent solution that may be chemically unstable. In one embodiment, the starch concentration in a colloidal solution can be measured via spectroscopic detection of a blue complex formed by the interaction of starch with iodine produced, on demand, by electrochemical oxidation of iodide ion. The approach may also be used to characterize certain types of analytes. The invention is amenable to automation and is particularly useful for on-line monitoring of production processes, including the inclusion of feed back loop mechanisms for process control.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 30, 2007
    Date of Patent: April 10, 2012
    Assignee: Teledyne Scientific & Imaging, LLC
    Inventors: Martin W. Kendig, Chuan-Hua Chen, D. Morgan Tench, Jeffrey F. DeNatale, Frederick M. Discenzo
  • Publication number: 20120006787
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a method for adjusting the resonant frequencies of a vibrating microelectromechanical (MEMS) device. In one embodiment, the present invention is a method for adjusting the resonant frequencies of a vibrating mass including the steps of patterning a surface of a device layer of the vibrating mass with a mask, etching the vibrating mass to define a structure of the vibrating mass, determining a first set of resonant frequencies of the vibrating mass, determining a mass removal amount of the vibrating mass and a mass removal location of the vibrating mass to obtain a second set of resonant frequencies of the vibrating mass, removing the mask at the mass removal location, and etching the vibrating mass to remove the mass removal amount of the vibrating mass at the mass removal location of the vibrating mass.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 16, 2011
    Publication date: January 12, 2012
    Inventors: Jeffrey F. DeNatale, Philip A. Stupar
  • Publication number: 20120006789
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a method for adjusting the resonant frequencies of a vibrating microelectromechanical (MEMS) device. In one embodiment, the present invention is a method for adjusting the resonant frequencies of a vibrating mass including the steps of patterning a surface of a device layer of the vibrating mass with a mask, etching the vibrating mass to define a structure of the vibrating mass, determining a first set of resonant frequencies of the vibrating mass, determining a mass removal amount of the vibrating mass and a mass removal location of the vibrating mass to obtain a second set of resonant frequencies of the vibrating mass, removing the mask at the mass removal location, and etching the vibrating mass to remove the mass removal amount of the vibrating mass at the mass removal location of the vibrating mass.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 16, 2011
    Publication date: January 12, 2012
    Inventors: Jeffrey F. DeNatale, Philip A. Stupar
  • Patent number: 8088667
    Abstract: A fabrication method which forms vertical capacitors in a substrate. The method is preferably an all-dry process, comprising forming a through-substrate via hole in the substrate, depositing a first conductive material layer into the via hole using atomic layer deposition (ALD) such that it is electrically continuous across the length of the via hole, depositing an electrically insulating, continuous and substantially conformal isolation material layer over the first conductive layer using ALD, and depositing a second conductive material layer over the isolation material layer using ALD such that it is electrically continuous across the length of the via hole. The layers are arranged such that they form a vertical capacitor. The present method may be successfully practiced at temperatures of less than 200° C., thereby avoiding damage to circuitry residing on the substrate that might otherwise occur.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 5, 2008
    Date of Patent: January 3, 2012
    Assignee: Teledyne Scientific & Imaging, LLC
    Inventors: Jeffrey F. DeNatale, Philip A. Stupar, Alexandros P. Papavasiliou, Robert L. Borwick, III
  • Patent number: 8080736
    Abstract: A foldable microcircuit is initially a planar semiconductor wafer on which circuitry has been formed. The wafer is segmented into a plurality of tiles, and a plurality of hinge mechanisms are coupled between adjacent pairs of tiles such that the segmented wafer can be folded into a desired non-planar configuration having a high fill-factor and small gaps between tiles. The hinge mechanisms can comprise an organic material deposited on the wafer such that it provides mechanical coupling between adjacent tiles, with metal interconnections between tiles formed directly over the organic hinges, or routed between adjacent tiles via compliant bridges. Alternatively, the interconnection traces between tiles can serve as part or all of a hinge mechanism. The foldable microcircuit can be, for example, a CMOS circuit, with the segmented tiles folded to form, for example, a semi-spherical structure arranged to provide a wide FOV photodetector array.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 18, 2009
    Date of Patent: December 20, 2011
    Assignee: Teledyne Scientific & Imaging, LLC
    Inventors: Jeffrey F. DeNatale, Philip A. Stupar, Robert L. Borwick, III
  • Publication number: 20110228370
    Abstract: A wafer-level manufacturing method produces stress compensated x-y gimbaled comb-driven MEMS mirror arrays using two SOI wafers and a single carrier wafer. MEMS structures such as comb drives, springs, and optical surfaces are formed by processing front substrate layer surfaces of the SOI wafers, bonding together the processed surfaces, and removing the unprocessed SOI layers to expose second surfaces of the front substrate layers for further wafer-level processing. The bonded SOI wafers are mounted to a surface of the carrier wafer that has been separately processed. Processing wafer surfaces may include formation of a stress compensation layer to counteract physical effects of MEMS mirrors. The method may form multi-layered conductive spring structures for the mirrors, each spring having a first conducting layer for energizing a comb drive, a second conducting layer imparting a restoring force, and an insulating layer between the first and second conducting layers.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 7, 2010
    Publication date: September 22, 2011
    Inventors: Chialun Tsai, Jeffrey F. DeNatale
  • Patent number: 7989915
    Abstract: A vertical electrical device includes a region in a substrate extending from a surface of the substrate, the region having an inner wall and an outer wall circumscribing the inner wall. An inner electrically conductive layer is disposed on the inner wall and an outer electrically conductive layer is disposed on the outer wall, with an electrically insulative material disposed between the inner and outer layers. An electrical conductor in the substrate is bounded by the inner electrically conductive layer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 11, 2006
    Date of Patent: August 2, 2011
    Assignee: Teledyne Licensing, LLC
    Inventors: Jeffrey F. DeNatale, Stefan C. Lauxtermann, Per-Olov Pettersson
  • Patent number: 7987714
    Abstract: A disc resonator gyroscope (DRG) and method of manufacture. The DRG has a surrounding pattern of bond metal having a symmetry related to the symmetry of a resonator device wafer that enables more even dissipation of heat from a resonator device wafer of the DRG during an etching operation. The metal bond frame eliminates or substantially reduces the thermal asymmetry that the resonator device wafer normally experiences when a conventional, square bond frame is used, which in turn can cause geometric asymmetry in the widths of the beams that are etched into the resonator device wafer of the DRG.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 12, 2007
    Date of Patent: August 2, 2011
    Assignee: The Boeing Company
    Inventors: Jeffrey F. DeNatale, Philip A. Stupar
  • Publication number: 20110147367
    Abstract: A vapor cell includes an interrogation cell in a substrate, the interrogation cell having an entrance window and an exit window, and a first transparent thin-film heater in thermal communication with the entrance window. The transparent thin-film heater has a first layer in communication with a first pole contact at a proximal end of the heater and a layer coupler contact at a distal end, a second layer in communication with a second pole contact at the proximal end, and the second layer electrically coupled to the layer coupler contact at the distal end. An insulating layer is sandwiched between the first and second layers. The insulating layer has an opening at the distal end to admit the layer coupler contact and to insulate the remainder of the second layer from the first layer.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 22, 2009
    Publication date: June 23, 2011
    Inventors: Robert L. Borwick, III, Jeffrey F. DeNatale, Chialun Tsai, Philip A. Stupar, Ya-Chi Chen