Patents by Inventor Jeffrey Todd Jetel

Jeffrey Todd Jetel has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20120096717
    Abstract: There are three features of the palm held electric razor that are new in field of electric razors. By design, many components of existing razors can be incorporated into the design and manufacturing of the palm held electric razor. This will help keep the cost of manufacturing down, improve speed to market, and result in ecomonies of scale. However there are three features which are unique to this invention: 1. The unique shape of the razor body, which allows the razor to be held in the palm, allowing the user to easily run the razor over the head. This is especially critical when shaving the back of the head. No other razor is shaped like this and this unique feature is specifically for a razor designed to shave one's head. 2. The razor motor is oriented transversely to the horizontal, or long access. This orients the cutting blades parallel to the palm of the hand and makes it is easy to slide the blades over the skin of the head. 3. Variable thickness blade guards.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 25, 2010
    Publication date: April 26, 2012
    Inventor: Jeffrey Todd Jetel