Patents by Inventor John A. Edmond

John A. Edmond has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 5604135
    Abstract: A light emitting diode is disclosed that emits in the green portion of the visible spectrum, along with a method of producing the diode. The light emitting diode comprises a 6H silicon carbide substrate having a planar surface inclined more than one degree off axis toward one of the <11 20> directions; an ohmic contact to the substrate; a first epitaxial layer of 6H silicon carbide on the inclined surface of the substrate and having a first conductivity type; a second epitaxial layer of 6H silicon carbide on the first layer and having the opposite conductivity type for forming a p-n junction between the first and second layers; and an ohmic contact to the second epitaxial layer. The diode produces a peak wavelength of between about 525 and 535 nanometers with a spectral half width of no more than about 90 nanometers.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 12, 1994
    Date of Patent: February 18, 1997
    Assignee: Cree Research, Inc.
    Inventors: John A. Edmond, Alexander V. Suvorov
  • Patent number: 5592501
    Abstract: A Group III nitride laser structure is disclosed with an active layer that includes at least one layer of a Group III nitride or an alloy of silicon carbide with a Group III nitride, a silicon carbide substrate, and a buffer layer between the active layer and the silicon carbide substrate. The buffer layer is selected from the group consisting of gallium nitride, aluminum nitride, indium nitride, ternary Group III nitrides having the formula A.sub.x B.sub.1-x N, where A and B are Group III elements and where x is zero, one, or a fraction between zero and one, and alloys of silicon carbide with such ternary Group III nitrides. In preferred embodiments, the laser structure includes a strain-minimizing contact layer above the active layer that has a lattice constant substantially the same as the buffer layer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 20, 1994
    Date of Patent: January 7, 1997
    Assignee: Cree Research, Inc.
    Inventors: John A. Edmond, Gary E. Bulman, Hua-Shuang Kong
  • Patent number: 5539217
    Abstract: The SiC thyristor has a substrate, an anode, a drift region, a gate, and a cathode. The substrate, the anode, the drift region, the gate, and the cathode are each preferably formed of silicon carbide. The substrate is formed of silicon carbide having one conductivity type and the anode or the cathode, depending on the embodiment, is formed adjacent the substrate and has the same conductivity type as the substrate. A drift region of silicon carbide is formed adjacent the anode or cathode and has an opposite conductivity type as the anode or cathode. A gate is formed adjacent the drift region or the cathode, also depending on the embodiment, and has an opposite conductivity type as the drift region or the cathode. An anode or cathode, again depending on the embodiment, is formed adjacent the gate or drift region and has an opposite conductivity type than the gate.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 9, 1993
    Date of Patent: July 23, 1996
    Assignee: Cree Research, Inc.
    Inventors: John A. Edmond, John W. Palmour
  • Patent number: 5523589
    Abstract: A light emitting diode emits in the blue portion of the visible spectrum and is characterized by an extended lifetime. The light emitting diode comprises a conductive silicon carbide substrate; an ohmic contact to the silicon carbide substrate; a conductive buffer layer on the substrate and selected from the group consisting of gallium nitride, aluminum nitride, indium nitride, ternary Group III nitrides having the formula A.sub.x B.sub.1-x N, where A and B are Group III elements and where x is zero, one, or a fraction between zero and one, and alloys of silicon carbide with such ternary Group III nitrides; and a double heterostructure including a p-n junction on the buffer layer in which the active and heterostructure layers are selected from the group consisting of binary Group III nitrides and ternary Group III nitrides.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 20, 1994
    Date of Patent: June 4, 1996
    Assignee: Cree Research, Inc.
    Inventors: John A. Edmond, Gary E. Bulman, Hua-Shuang Kong, Vladimir Dmitriev
  • Patent number: 5416342
    Abstract: A light emitting diode is disclosed that emits light in the blue portion of the visible spectrum with high external quantum efficiency. The diode comprises a single crystal silicon carbide substrate having a first conductivity type, a first epitaxial layer of silicon carbide on the substrate and having the same conductivity type as the substrate, and a second epitaxial layer of silicon carbide on the first epitaxial layer and having the opposite conductivity type from the first layer. The first and second epitaxial layers forming a p-n junction, and the diode includes ohmic contacts for applying a potential difference across the p-n junction.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 23, 1993
    Date of Patent: May 16, 1995
    Assignee: Cree Research, Inc.
    Inventors: John A. Edmond, Hua-Shuang Kong
  • Patent number: 5393993
    Abstract: A transition crystal structure is disclosed for providing a good lattice and thermal match between a layer of single crystal silicon carbide and a layer of single crystal gallium nitride. The transition structure comprises a buffer formed of a first layer of gallium nitride and aluminum nitride, and a second layer of gallium nitride and aluminum nitride adjacent to the first layer. The mole percentage of aluminum nitride in the second layer is substantially different from the mole percentage of aluminum nitride in the first layer. A layer of single crystal gallium nitride is formed upon the second layer of gallium nitride. In preferred embodiments, the buffer further comprises an epitaxial layer of aluminum nitride upon a silicon carbide substrate.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 13, 1993
    Date of Patent: February 28, 1995
    Assignee: Cree Research, Inc.
    Inventors: John A. Edmond, Vladimir Dmitriev, Kenneth Irvine
  • Patent number: 5394005
    Abstract: A silicon carbide photodiode exhibiting high short-wavelength sensitivity, particularly in the ultraviolet spectrum, and very low reverse leakage current includes a p type conductivity 6H crystalline substrate. A first p- silicon carbide crystalline layer is epitaxially grown on the body. A second n+ silicon carbide crystalline layer is epitaxially grown on the first layer and forms a p-/n+ junction with the first layer. A metallic upper contact layer is formed on a predetermined surface region of the second layer oppositely situated from the junction. The second layer is of a uniform minimum thickness, generally less than 1000 Angstroms, with a greater thickness, typically 3000-4000 Angstroms, beneath the predetermined surface region. The thicker portion of the second layer occupies less than 10% and generally less than 1% of the total second layer surface area.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 18, 1994
    Date of Patent: February 28, 1995
    Assignee: General Electric Company
    Inventors: Dale M. Brown, John A. Edmond
  • Patent number: 5381103
    Abstract: A method of testing a semiconductor device, having the steps of pulsing the semiconductor device with a predetermined level of current for a duration of time so as to cause inadequate parts to degrade and to cause adequate parts to stabilize, and measuring predetermined electrical or optical performance characteristics for the semiconductor device after the current pulse. A system for testing a semiconductor device on a wafer is also provided having a contact probe for applying current pulses to the semiconductor device on the wafer, measuring means electrically connected to the probe for measuring predetermined electrical or optical performance characteristics of the semiconductor device on the wafer, and optical detection means electrically connected to the measuring means for detecting radiation emitted from the semiconductor device on the wafer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 13, 1992
    Date of Patent: January 10, 1995
    Assignee: Cree Research, Inc.
    Inventors: John A. Edmond, Douglas A. Asbury, Calvin H. Carter, Jr., Douglas G. Waltz
  • Patent number: 5338944
    Abstract: A light emitting diode is disclosed that emits light in the blue region of the visible spectrum with increased brightness and efficiency. The light emitting diode comprises an n-type silicon carbide substrate; an n-type silicon carbide top layer; and a light emitting p-n junction structure between the n-type substrate and the n-type top layer. The p-n junction structure is formed of respective portions of n-type silicon carbide and p-type silicon carbide. The diode further includes means between the n-type top layer and the n-type substrate for coupling the n-type top layer to the light-emitting p-n junction structure while preventing n-p-n behavior between the n-type top layer, the p-type layer in the junction structure, and the n-type substrate.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 22, 1993
    Date of Patent: August 16, 1994
    Assignee: Cree Research, Inc.
    Inventors: John A. Edmond, Hua-Shuang Kong, Vladimir Dmitriev, Gary E. Bulman
  • Patent number: 5093576
    Abstract: A high sensitivity radiation detecting photodiode formed in silicon carbide comprises a monocrystalline silicon carbide substrate; a first monocrystalline portion of silicon carbide upon the substrate and having a first conductivity type; a second monocrystalline portion of silicon carbide adjacent the first portion and having the opposite conductivity type from the first portion; and a p-n junction between the adjacent first and second portions. The photodiode provides a dark current density of no more than about 1.times.10.sup.-9 amps/cm.sup.2 at a reverse bias of -1.0 volts and at temperatures of C. or less.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 15, 1991
    Date of Patent: March 3, 1992
    Assignee: Cree Research
    Inventors: John A. Edmond, Calvin H. Carter, Jr.
  • Patent number: 5087576
    Abstract: The invention is a method of ion implantation of dopant ions into a substrate of silicon carbide. In the method, the implantation takes place at elevated temperatures, following which the substrate may be oxidized or annealed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 24, 1989
    Date of Patent: February 11, 1992
    Assignee: North Carolina State University
    Inventors: John A. Edmond, Robert F. Davis
  • Patent number: 5061972
    Abstract: The invention is a ultra-fast, high frequency, high temperature rectifying diode formed in silicon carbide that comprises a monocrystalline silicon carbide substrate having a sufficient carrier concentration to give the substrate a first conductivity type, a first monocrystalline epitaxial layer of silicon carbide upon the substrate and having the same conductivity type as the substrate, and a second monocrystalline epitaxial layer of silicon carbide upon the first epitaxial layer and having the opposite conductivity type from the first epitaxial layer. One of the epitaxial layers has a carrier concentration greater than the carrier concentration of the other epitaxial layer, so that the layer with the lesser concentration is predominantly depleted at reverse bias. The first and second epitaxial layers form an abrupt p-n junction.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 13, 1990
    Date of Patent: October 29, 1991
    Assignee: Cree Research, Inc.
    Inventor: John A. Edmond
  • Patent number: 5027168
    Abstract: The present invention comprises a light emitting diode formed in silicon carbide and that emits visible light having a wavelength of between about 465-470 nanometers, or between about 455-460 nanometers, or between about 424-428 nanometers. The diode comprises a substrate of alpha silicon carbide having a first conductivity type and a first epitaxial layer of alpha silicon carbide upon the substrate having the same conductivity type as the substrate. A second epitaxial layer of alpha silicon carbide is upon the first epitaxial layer, has the opposite conductivity type from the first layer, and forms a p-n junction with the first epitaxial layer. In preferred embodiments, the first and second epitaxial layers have carrier concentrations sufficiently different from one another so that the amount of hole current and electron current that flow across the junction under biased conditions are different from one another and so that the majority of recombination events take place in the desired epitaxial layer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 28, 1989
    Date of Patent: June 25, 1991
    Assignee: Cree Research, Inc.
    Inventor: John A. Edmond
  • Patent number: 5008735
    Abstract: The invention is a packaged diode suitable for operation at temperatures above C. and during temperature excursions between C. and at least C. The invention comprises a diode having respective p-n portions with a p-n junction therebetween, and formed of a semiconductor material that is stable and will exhibit satisfactory diode characteristics at such temperatures. Ohmic contacts are made to the opposite sides of the junction diode and to the respective p and n portions of the diode. An electrode adjacent each of the ohmic contacts is formed of an electrically conductive material that has a coefficient of thermal expansion similar to the coefficient of thermal expansion of the semiconductor material for providing structural support to the junction diode and electrical contact therewith. A lead contacts each of the electrodes opposite each electrode's contact with the diode.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 7, 1989
    Date of Patent: April 16, 1991
    Assignees: General Instrument Corporation, Cree Research, Inc.
    Inventors: John A. Edmond, Douglas G. Waltz, Muni M. Mitchell, Mohammad Sedigh, Roman Hamerski
  • Patent number: 4966862
    Abstract: The invention is a method for preparing a plurality of light emitting diodes on a single substrate of a semiconductor material. The method is used for structures where the substrate includes an epitaxial layer of the same semiconductor material that in turn comprises layers of p-type and n-type material that define a p-n junction therebetween. The epitaxial layer and the substrate are etched in a predetermined pattern to define individual diode precursors, and deeply enough to form mesas in the epitaxial layer that delineate the p-n junctions in each diode precursor from one another. The substrate is then grooved from the side of the epitaxial layer and between the mesas to a predetermined depth to define side portions of diode precursors in the substrate while retaining enough of the substrate beneath the grooves to maintain its mechanical stability. Ohmic contacts are added to the epitaxial layer and to the substrate and a layer of insulating material is formed on the diode precursor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 28, 1989
    Date of Patent: October 30, 1990
    Assignee: Cree Research, Inc.
    Inventor: John A. Edmond
  • Patent number: 4947218
    Abstract: The invention comprises a method of forming a diode which is operable at high temperature, at high power levels, and under conditions of high radiation density. The method comprises bombarding a region of a substrate of doped silicon carbide having a first conductivity type with high temperature ion implantation of doping ions into the substrate to give the bombarded region an opposite conductivity type. Regions of opposite conductivity type adjacent one another and a respective p-n junction are thereby formed. Ohmic contacts are added to the substrate and to the bombarded region to complete the diode.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 3, 1987
    Date of Patent: August 7, 1990
    Assignee: North Carolina State University
    Inventors: John A. Edmond, Robert F. Davis
  • Patent number: 4946547
    Abstract: The invention is a method of forming a substantially planar surface on a monocrystalline silicon carbide crystal by exposing the substantially planar surface to an etching plasma until any surface or subsurface damage caused by any mechanical preparation of the surface is substantially removed. The etch is limited, however, to a time period less than that over which the plasma etch will develop new defects in the surface or aggravate existing ones, and while using a plasma gas and electrode system that do not themselves aggravate or cause substantial defects in the surface.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 13, 1989
    Date of Patent: August 7, 1990
    Assignee: Cree Research, Inc.
    Inventors: John W. Palmour, Hua-Shuang Kong, John A. Edmond
  • Patent number: 4945394
    Abstract: The invention comprises a bipolar junction transistor formed in silicon carbide. By utilizing high temperature ion implantation of doping ions, the base and emitter can be formed as wells, resulting in a planar transistor. Mesa-type transistors are also disclosed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 26, 1987
    Date of Patent: July 31, 1990
    Assignee: North Carolina State University
    Inventors: John W. Palmour, John A. Edmond
  • Patent number: 4918497
    Abstract: The present invention comprises a light emitting diode formed in silicon carbide and that emits visible light having a wavelength of between about 475-480 nanometers, or between about 455-460 nanometers, or between about 424-428 nanometers. The diode comprises a substrate of alpha silicon carbide having a first conductivity type and a first epitaxial layer of alpha silicon carbide upon the substrate having the same conductivity type as the substrate. A second epitaxial layer of alpha silicon carbide is upon the first epitaxial layer, has the opposite conductivity type from the first layer, and forms a p-n junction with the first epitaxial layer. In preferred embodiments, the first and second epitaxial layers have carrier concentrations sufficiently different from one another so that the amount of hole current and electron current that flow across the junction under biased conditions are different from one another and so that the majority of recombination events take place in the desired epitaxial layer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 14, 1988
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1990
    Assignee: Cree Research, Inc.
    Inventor: John A. Edmond
  • Patent number: 4117339
    Abstract: This disclosure relates to an electron beam generator having a high brightness electron beam source and a focusing lens placed between the source and the target area to provide a large image focal distance relative to the object focal distance. In addition, two sets of deflection coils or plates are placed between the focusing means and the target where the first deflection means provides that deflection required for generation of the desired pattern and the second deflection means between the first deflection means and the target then deflects the beam back to a path normal to the target surface.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 1, 1977
    Date of Patent: September 26, 1978
    Assignee: Burroughs Corporation
    Inventor: John Edmond Wolfe