Patents by Inventor John Almeida

John Almeida has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20120158875
    Abstract: A method wherein a server computer assigns a domain to a user, and uses direct domain to domain content transfers, and not web-based linking, to enable a first user's content to be directly associated with a second user's content.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 13, 2012
    Publication date: June 21, 2012
    Inventor: John Almeida
  • Patent number: 8140384
    Abstract: A method of host development is based on paying the writer of free content through advertising revenue sharing. Steps include receiving an advertisement, which is paid content, from an advertiser; receiving non-paid content subject to a condition that the provider may receive no compensation for the non-paid content; combining the paid content and the non-paid content on a content page; registering a user to interact with the content page; sending the content page for display on a computer operated by the user; calculating a number equaling all interactions of the user with the paid content; receiving payment from the advertiser for said number; and paying the provider based on a fraction of the payment.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 9, 2011
    Date of Patent: March 20, 2012
    Assignee: UnoWeb, Inc.
    Inventor: John Almeida
  • Publication number: 20120022976
    Abstract: A virtual network resource infrastructure for hosting and managing a plurality of e-malls and each e-mall uses the virtual network resource infrastructure for offering e-commerce solution and the hosting of: e-shops, e-distributors and web sites. Also, on-line foreign language interface translation and interface exchange. Further having satellite e-malls with e-services and e-mall using satellite e-malls' e-services; user surfing tracking means and multiple sales channel where e-shops, e-malls, satellite e-malls and e-distributors sell their products directly or cross-sell each others products.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 3, 2011
    Publication date: January 26, 2012
    Applicant: UNOWEB INC.
    Inventor: John Almeida
  • Publication number: 20110320315
    Abstract: A method for tracking user internet surfing involving steps of providing a computer hosting a plurality of contents stored on a computer storage medium; storing on the computer storage medium a surf code reference for each content in the plurality of contents; storing on the computer storage medium an identification of the user to enable the user to log in to the computer; enabling a logged-in user to access the computer through the requesting client to view a content in the plurality of contents; maintaining a user list comprising the surf-code reference of the content viewed by the logged-in user; enabling the logged-in user to access the user list to identify the content viewed by the logged-in user; and, presenting the content viewed by the logged-in user to the requesting client based on the user list.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 6, 2011
    Publication date: December 29, 2011
    Applicant: UNOWEB INC.
    Inventor: John Almeida
  • Patent number: 8065386
    Abstract: A method is disclosed for providing requested contents and unrequested associated contents to a client computer system. A website server receives a request from the client computer system to send a web page for display on the client computer system. A provider examines the requested web page's content, identifies related content, and includes the related content in the web page, which is then sent to the client computer system for display.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 30, 2007
    Date of Patent: November 22, 2011
    Assignee: UnoWeb Inc
    Inventor: John Almeida
  • Patent number: 8037091
    Abstract: A method for tracking user internet surfing involving steps of providing a computer hosting a plurality of contents stored on a computer storage medium; storing on the computer storage medium a surf code reference for each content in the plurality of contents; storing on the computer storage medium an identification of the user to enable the user to log in to the computer; enabling a logged-in user to access the computer through the requesting client to view a content in the plurality of contents; maintaining a user list including the surf-code reference of the content viewed by the logged-in user; enabling the logged-in user to access the user list to identify the content viewed by the logged-in user; and, presenting the content viewed by the logged-in user to the requesting client based on the user list.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 30, 2010
    Date of Patent: October 11, 2011
    Assignee: UnoWeb Inc.
    Inventor: John Almeida
  • Publication number: 20110238501
    Abstract: A method of host development is based on paying the writer of free content through advertising revenue sharing. Steps include receiving an advertisement, which is paid content, from an advertiser; receiving non-paid content subject to a condition that the provider may receive no compensation for the non-paid content; combining the paid content and the non-paid content on a content page; registering a user to interact with the content page; sending the content page for display on a computer operated by the user; calculating a number equaling all interactions of the user with the paid content; receiving payment from the advertiser for said number; and paying the provider based on a fraction of the payment.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 9, 2011
    Publication date: September 29, 2011
    Inventor: John Almeida
  • Publication number: 20110225243
    Abstract: A method is disclosed for enabling sharing of software using logic links. Software may be an application or other code. Sharing occurs at runtime of a solution or an application. A first registered user uploads an application, an application page, and an application parameter which may then be used and shared with other users. User action seeking to share an application is done by the user selecting a logic link to the software. A second user adds a logic link in a solution that directs the integration of software sought to be shared. Thereafter, the second user may run the second solution with the application.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 19, 2011
    Publication date: September 15, 2011
    Inventor: John Almeida
  • Patent number: 7987139
    Abstract: A method for compensating all parties involved in producing the income stream for a content distributor is presented where the content-hosting site, the content writer and the user doing the interaction with paid contents receive a fair share of the generated income stream.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 17, 2010
    Date of Patent: July 26, 2011
    Assignee: UnoWeb, Inc.
    Inventor: John Almeida
  • Patent number: 7971198
    Abstract: A resources sharing container having logic-linking mechanism for logically linking program code to pages, pages to applications and applications to solutions. The resources sharing container will have the ability to create finished solutions by using its logic functionalities (logic-linking, resources code, enhancements, etc.), application requirements (application pages and their programming code logic) and preconfigured enhancements (settings, translations, interfacing, securities, etc.), and have the final solution tailored to each user's prerequisites. Moreover, it will permit the creation of a global resource sharing of logically linked software code blocks, application pages and application page's settings that can be shared in house, over a network or globally over the Internet, thus, reducing replication and distribution costs, since all the developments, securities and enhancements are at the resources level at a single location.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 8, 2005
    Date of Patent: June 28, 2011
    Assignee: UnoWeb Inc.
    Inventor: John Almeida
  • Patent number: 7941345
    Abstract: A method is disclosed for providing a requested contents and associated contents to a user of a client computer system. A provider's server receives a request from the client computer system to send a first object in an HTML page for display on the client computer system. The provider examines the requested first object and includes a related second object in the HTML page. The HTML page with both objects is then sent to the client computer system for display. In an alternative embodiment, the HTML page is sent to the user with code to receive and display one or more objects sent independently from a second server to the user based on the first content or on user action within the first content.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 31, 2007
    Date of Patent: May 10, 2011
    Assignee: UnoWeb Inc.
    Inventor: John Almeida
  • Publication number: 20110026711
    Abstract: A method and an apparatus for enciphering and deciphering content with symmetric and asymmetric cryptography with the use of the shadow numbering system where two or more shadow values are used with two or more base values with a two side equation, on one side the value to encipher is multiplied with one of the shadow value then the modulus taken with the base value, to decipher the enciphered value is multiplied with the shadow value that didn't take part of the first equation then the modulus is taken with the base value, thus, deciphering the enciphered value.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 13, 2010
    Publication date: February 3, 2011
    Applicant: UNOWEB INC.
    Inventor: John Almeida
  • Publication number: 20100281041
    Abstract: An advertising method controls the display of information on a client device. A user accesses first content on a server and a first link reference to second content is created. The first content and the first link reference are displayed in separate areas. User interaction with the first link reference sends second content to replace the first content on the content display area of the client computer. The second content includes a second link reference which can redirect the user to the hosting location of the second content. The server may operate as a wireless node. The first content is optionally parsed to key words or objects and the parsed content is used to identify the second content. Optionally, receiving data from a user's wireless device relates to user location; and, the location data is used to identify the second content.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 12, 2010
    Publication date: November 4, 2010
    Applicant: UNOWEB INC.
    Inventor: John Almeida
  • Publication number: 20100257042
    Abstract: A method for compensating all parties involved in producing the income stream for a content distributor is presented where the content-hosting site, the content writer and the user doing the interaction with paid contents receive a fair share of the generated income stream.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 17, 2010
    Publication date: October 7, 2010
    Applicant: UNOWEB INC.
    Inventor: John Almeida
  • Publication number: 20100223290
    Abstract: A method for tracking user internet surfing involving steps of providing a computer hosting a plurality of contents stored on a computer storage medium; storing on the computer storage medium a surf code reference for each content in the plurality of contents; storing on the computer storage medium an identification of the user to enable the user to log in to the computer; enabling a logged-in user to access the computer through the requesting client to view a content in the plurality of contents; maintaining a user list comprising the surf-code reference of the content viewed by the logged-in user; enabling the logged-in user to access the user list to identify the content viewed by the logged-in user; and, presenting the content viewed by the logged-in user to the requesting client based on the user list.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 30, 2010
    Publication date: September 2, 2010
    Applicant: UNOWEB INC.
    Inventor: John Almeida
  • Publication number: 20100202606
    Abstract: Two strings encryption algorithm where a long and a short string are used. The byte values of the short string points to a location of the long string and the plaintext is aligned with the long string's location and encryption is performed using the long string's byte values and the plaintext the process is repeated for all bytes of the short string pointing to the long string and aligned a byte to encrypt with the long string.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 17, 2010
    Publication date: August 12, 2010
    Applicant: UNOWEB INC.
    Inventor: John Almeida
  • Publication number: 20100198928
    Abstract: A method is used to filter an electronic message using virtual email sent to a server using a virtual email address created by the server for a recipient-identified. The virtual email address comprises a sender identification in combination with the recipient's non-encoded email address. The server identifies the email recipient using the recipient's non-encoded email address, identifies the email sender as authorized, stores the email sender's identification, stores email comprising the virtual email address; enables the recipient to access the email; enables the recipient to create a virtual email address, receives the virtual email; receives a second electronic message from a non-user-identified sender at the server, responds to the non-user-identified sender requesting an answer that only a human could provide; and, receives the answer from the non-user-identified sender and if the answer is correct, then creates an electronic account on the server for the non-user-identified.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 31, 2010
    Publication date: August 5, 2010
    Applicant: UNOWEB INC.
    Inventor: John Almeida
  • Patent number: 7730083
    Abstract: A method for tracking user internet surfing involving a first step of providing a computer hosting contents from content hosts. The computer is configured with the required software and hardware to control all interfacing with the user; and, to request and receive data from the content hosts. Additional steps include storing on the computer storage medium an identification of the user to enable the user to log in to the computer; enabling a logged-in user to access the computer through the requesting client to view a content in the plurality of contents; maintaining a user list comprising the surf-code reference of the content viewed by the logged-in user; enabling the logged-in user to access the user list to identify the content viewed by the logged-in user; and, presenting the content viewed by the logged-in user to the requesting client based on the user list.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 31, 2007
    Date of Patent: June 1, 2010
    Assignee: UnoWeb, Inc.
    Inventor: John Almeida
  • Publication number: 20090276302
    Abstract: A method for compensating all parties involved in producing the income stream for a content distributor is presented where the content-hosting site, the content writer and the user doing the interaction with paid contents receive a fair share of the generated income stream.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 16, 2009
    Publication date: November 5, 2009
    Applicant: UNOWEB INC.
    Inventor: John Almeida
  • Patent number: 7580858
    Abstract: A method for compensating all parties involved in producing the income stream for a content distributor is presented where the content-hosting site, the content writer and the user doing the interaction with paid contents receive a fair share of the generated income stream.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 21, 2007
    Date of Patent: August 25, 2009
    Assignee: UnoWeb Inc.
    Inventor: John Almeida