Patents by Inventor John E. Potts

John E. Potts has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 7601484
    Abstract: Methods of fabricating optical elements that are encapsulated in monolithic matrices. The present invention is based, at least in one aspect, upon the concept of using multiphoton, multi-step photocuring to fabricate encapsulated optical element(s) within a body of a photopolymerizable composition. Imagewise, multi-photon polymerization techniques are used to form the optical element. The body surrounding the optical element is also photohardened by blanket irradiation and/or thermal curing to help form an encapsulating structure. In addition, the composition also incorporates one or more other, non-diffusing binder components that may be thermosetting or thermoplastic. The end result is an encapsulated structure with good hardness, durability, dimensional stability, resilience, and toughness.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 18, 2005
    Date of Patent: October 13, 2009
    Assignee: 3M Innovative Properties Company
    Inventors: Robert J. DeVoe, Catherine A. Leatherdale, Jeffrey M. Florczak, Patrick R. Fleming, John E. Potts
  • Patent number: 7592120
    Abstract: A laser induced thermal imaging (LITI) donor film having a substrate, a light-to-heat conversion layer overlaying the substrate, and a transfer layer overlaying the light-to-heat conversion layer. A surface of the transfer layer includes microstructured or nanostructured features, in a continuous or discontinuous pattern, embossed or otherwise imparted in the transfer layer. The features provide break points to assist in release and transfer of portions of the transfer layer to a permanent receptor in a pattern defined by the features.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 29, 2008
    Date of Patent: September 22, 2009
    Assignee: 3M Innovative Properties Company
    Inventors: John E. Potts, Martin B. Wolk
  • Publication number: 20090111055
    Abstract: A method of forming an image having multiple phases is disclosed herein. The method includes forming exposed and unexposed areas, the exposed areas comprising a first polymer network exhibiting first and second phases that are chemically connected and have different refractive indices, the first phase being continuous, and the second phase comprising a plurality of structures dispersed within the first phase, and the unexposed areas comprising a second polymer network comprising third and fourth phases that are chemically connected and have different refractive indices, the third phase being continuous, and the fourth phase comprising a plurality of structures dispersed within the third phase. The first and second polymer networks are chemically connected, and morphology formed by the first and second phases is different than that formed by the third and fourth phases.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 31, 2007
    Publication date: April 30, 2009
    Inventors: Mieczyslaw H. Mazurek, Raymond P. Johnston, John E. Potts, Marc D. Radcliffe, Kevin R. Schaffer, Audrey A. Sherman, Wendi J. Winkler
  • Publication number: 20090015142
    Abstract: A multifunctional optical film for enhancing light extraction includes a flexible substrate, a structured layer, and a backfill layer. The structured layer effectively uses microreplicated diffractive or scattering nanostructures located near enough to the light generation region to enable extraction of an evanescent wave from an organic light emitting diode (OLED) device. The backfill layer has a material having an index of refraction different from the index of refraction of the structured layer. The backfill layer also provides a planarizing layer over the structured layer in order to conform the light extraction film to a layer of an OLED display device. The film may have additional layers added to or incorporated within it to an emissive surface in order to effect additional functionalities beyond improvement of light extraction efficiency.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 13, 2007
    Publication date: January 15, 2009
    Inventors: John E. Potts, Fred B. McCormick, Martin B. Wolk, Jun-Ying Zhang, Terry L. Smith, James M. Battiato, Ding Wang, William A. Tolbert, Mark A. Roehrig, Clark I. Bright
  • Publication number: 20090015757
    Abstract: A multifunctional optical film for enhancing light extraction includes a flexible substrate, a structured layer, and a backfill layer. The structured layer effectively uses microreplicated diffractive or scattering nanostructures located near enough to the light generation region to enable extraction of an evanescent wave from an organic light emitting diode (OLED) device. The backfill layer has a material having an index of refraction different from the index of refraction of the structured layer. The backfill layer also provides a planarizing layer over the structured layer in order to conform the light extraction film to a layer of an OLED lighting device such as solid state lighting devices or backlight units. The film may have additional layers added to or incorporated within it to an emissive surface in order to effect additional functionalities beyond improvement of light extraction efficiency.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 13, 2007
    Publication date: January 15, 2009
    Inventors: John E. Potts, Fred B. McCormick, Martin B. Wolk, Jun-Ying Zhang, Terry L. Smith, James M. Battiato, Ding Wang, William A. Tolbert, Mark A. Roehrig, Clark I. Bright
  • Publication number: 20080286681
    Abstract: A laser induced thermal imaging (LITI) donor film having a substrate, a light-to-heat conversion layer overlaying the substrate, and a transfer layer overlaying the light-to-heat conversion layer. A surface of the transfer layer includes microstructured or nanostructured features, in a continuous or discontinuous pattern, embossed or otherwise imparted in the transfer layer. The features provide break points to assist in release and transfer of portions of the transfer layer to a permanent receptor in a pattern defined by the features.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 29, 2008
    Publication date: November 20, 2008
    Inventors: John E. Potts, Martin B. Wolk
  • Patent number: 7444045
    Abstract: Microresonators, such as a microsphere resonators and planar microresonators, are optically coupled to waveguides for input and output of light. It is important that the relative positions of the microresonator and the waveguide are maintained stable, while still maintaining high cavity Q and ease of launching and extracting the optical beams. Structures are provided on a substrate that are useful for maintaining the position of the microresonator relative to the waveguide. The structures provide for vertical or horizontal coupling between the waveguide and the microresonator.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 14, 2003
    Date of Patent: October 28, 2008
    Assignee: 3M Innovative Properties Company
    Inventors: Xudong Fan, John E. Potts, Terry L. Smith, Robert W. Wilson
  • Patent number: 7419757
    Abstract: A laser induced thermal imaging (LITI) donor film having a substrate, a light-to-heat conversion layer overlaying the substrate, and a transfer layer overlaying the light-to-heat conversion layer. A surface of the transfer layer includes microstructured or nanostructured features, in a continuous or discontinuous pattern, embossed or otherwise imparted in the transfer layer. The features provide break points to assist in release and transfer of portions of the transfer layer to a permanent receptor in a pattern defined by the features.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 20, 2006
    Date of Patent: September 2, 2008
    Assignee: 3M Innovative Properties Company
    Inventors: John E. Potts, Martin B. Wolk
  • Publication number: 20080128665
    Abstract: A nanoparticle thin film is described. An article includes a substrate and the nanoparticle thin film that includes nanoparticles having an average size from 5 nm to 50 nm, at least one electroactive chemical, and at least one organic binder material. The electroactive chemical binds to the surface of the nanoparticles. Also described are dispersions and coating compositions.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 4, 2006
    Publication date: June 5, 2008
    Inventors: Junjun Wu, John E. Potts, Jung-Sheng Wu, James E. Thorson
  • Publication number: 20080128286
    Abstract: An electrode is described. The electrode includes a substrate having a first and a second surface, a conductive layer, multilayer structure having alternating layers of at least one polymer layer and at least one electroactive chemical bound nanoparticle layer. The conductive layer is disposed on the second surface of the substrate, and the multilayer structure is disposed on the conductive layer.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 4, 2006
    Publication date: June 5, 2008
    Inventors: Junjun Wu, John E. Potts, Jung-Sheng Wu
  • Publication number: 20080128287
    Abstract: An electrode is described. The electrode has a substrate having a first and a second surface; a conductive layer; an electroactive layer that includes nanoparticles having an average size from 5 nm to 30 nm; at least one electroactive chemical and at least one organic binder material. The electroactive chemical binds to the surface of the nanoparticles. The conductive layer is disposed on the second surface of the substrate, and the electroactive layer is disposed on the conductive layer. Also described are electrochromic articles including the electrode, and a coating composition that can be utilized to fabricate the electrode.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 4, 2006
    Publication date: June 5, 2008
    Inventors: Junjun Wu, John E. Potts, Clinton P. Waller, Brian T. Weber, Jung-Sheng Wu, Michael W. Lofgren
  • Publication number: 20080107993
    Abstract: Laser induced thermal imaging (LITI) donor films, and methods of preparing them, having a substrate, a light-to-heat conversion layer, and a pattern-directing layer. The pattern-directing layer can include patterns of self-assembled monolayer regions, hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions, positively or negatively charged regions, or a series of raised or recessed features. It can also be used to generate charge patterns and magnetic patterns. The pattern-directing layer causes patterning of a transfer layer applied to it, resulting in a templated transfer layer. When imaged, the LITI donor film transfers at least a portion of the templated transfer layer to a permanent receptor while maintaining the pattern substantially intact in the transferred portion.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 6, 2006
    Publication date: May 8, 2008
    Inventors: Martin B. Wolk, John E. Potts, Yingbo Li, Khanh T. Huynh
  • Publication number: 20080096124
    Abstract: A laser induced thermal imaging (LITI) donor film having a substrate, a light-to-heat conversion layer overlaying the substrate, and a transfer layer overlaying the light-to-heat conversion layer. A surface of the transfer layer includes microstructured or nanostructured features, in a continuous or discontinuous pattern, embossed or otherwise imparted in the transfer layer. The features provide break points to assist in release and transfer of portions of the transfer layer to a permanent receptor in a pattern defined by the features.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 20, 2006
    Publication date: April 24, 2008
    Inventors: John E. Potts, Martin B. Wolk
  • Patent number: 7062118
    Abstract: A method for making a plurality of waveguide resonator devices is disclosed herein. The method includes fixing a precursor resonator structure relative to a plurality of waveguides. The method also includes dividing the precursor resonator structure into a plurality of separate resonators after the precursor resonator structure has been fixed relative to the waveguides. The precursor resonator structure is divided at locations between the waveguides.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 18, 2003
    Date of Patent: June 13, 2006
    Assignee: 3M Innovative Properties Company
    Inventors: Raymond C. Chiu, John E. Potts
  • Patent number: 7014988
    Abstract: Methods of fabricating optical elements that are encapsulated in monolithic matrices. The present invention is based, at least in one aspect, upon the concept of using multiphoton, multi-step photocuring to fabricate encapsulated optical element(s) within a body of a photopolymerizable composition. Imagewise, multi-photon polymerization techniques are used to form the optical element. The body surrounding the optical element is also photohardened by blanket irradiation and/or thermal curing to help form an encapsulating structure. In addition, the composition also incorporates one or more other, non-diffusing binder components that may be thermosetting or thermoplastic. The end result is an encapsulated structure with good hardness, durability, dimensional stability, resilience, and toughness.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 14, 2001
    Date of Patent: March 21, 2006
    Assignee: 3M Innovative Properties Company
    Inventors: Robert J. DeVoe, Catherine A. Leatherdale, Patrick R. Fleming, John E. Potts, Jeffrey M. Florczak
  • Patent number: 5773839
    Abstract: A cassette for use in an electronic radiographic imaging system having electronic components. The cassette includes a positioned photoreceptive medium, a light-tight frame, at least one power storage device, and an electronic interface structure for connection to electronic components within the radiographic imaging system. The cassette can also include an electrical interface structure for connection to a power source within the radiographic imaging system.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 18, 1995
    Date of Patent: June 30, 1998
    Assignee: Imation Corp.
    Inventors: Kenneth J. Krepel, Joseph A. Hoffman, Anthony B. Ferguson, Daniel J. Severson, Keith K. McLaughlin, Walter S. Federation, Wayne M. Wirth, Owen L. Nelson, John E. Potts, James E. Steffen
  • Patent number: 5440146
    Abstract: A radiographic image reader acquires electronic signals corresponding to a latent image of an object produced by radiation exposure of a photoreceptive medium within a cassette. The radiographic image reader comprises a light-tight enclosure with at least one access port for inserting and removing the cassette. A scanner subsystem is mounted within the light-tight enclosure for scanning the photoreceptive medium within the cassette to initiate the acquisition of the electronic signals representative of the latent image. A cassette registration and interface subsystem within the light-tight enclosure comprises an electronic interface structure for electronically connecting the photoreceptive medium within the cassette to an electronic component external of the cassette to obtain the electronic signals corresponding to the latent image.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 31, 1994
    Date of Patent: August 8, 1995
    Assignee: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company
    Inventors: James E. Steffen, Jay A. Esch, Robert J. Mattila, Eric J. Donaldson, Timothy S. Vraa, Owen L. Nelson, John E. Potts, Jathan D. Edwards, Kenneth J. Krepel, Joseph A. Hoffman
  • Patent number: 5354982
    Abstract: An imaging system employs a photoconductive material capable of bearing a latent photostatic image, a plurality of elongated parallel stripes adjacent the photoconductive material, selective scanning of the stripes to produce charge carriers within the photoconductive material, and time-ordered detection of the current created by the charge carriers with the plurality of elongated parallel stripes. Appropriate addressing of the stripes as they are scanned produces a pixellated representation of the latent image. The system has improved output signal strength and higher resolution than known systems.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 6, 1993
    Date of Patent: October 11, 1994
    Assignee: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company
    Inventors: Owen L. Nelson, John E. Potts
  • Patent number: 5332893
    Abstract: A simplified layered imaging stack capable of bearing a latent photostatic image comprising only a single segmented electrode on one side of the stack, rather than plate electrodes on each side of the stack. Appropriate sizing of the segmented electrodes enables individual electrodes to serve at different times as either the ground reference formerly provided by the electrode on the other side of the stack, or the collector of charge carriers representing the latent photostatic image. The imaging stack may be used with a variety of types of imaging systems, and in flat or cylindrical configurations.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 22, 1992
    Date of Patent: July 26, 1994
    Assignee: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company
    Inventors: John E. Potts, Owen L. Nelson, Naoum Araj
  • Patent number: 5268569
    Abstract: An imaging system employs a photoconductive material capable of bearing a latent photostatic image, a plurality of elongated parallel stripes adjacent the photoconductive material, selective scanning of the stripes to produce charge carriers within the photoconductive material, and time-ordered detection of the current created by the charge carriers with the plurality of elongated parallel stripes. Appropriate addressing of the stripes as they are scanned produces a pixellated representation of the latent image. The system has improved output signal strength and higher resolution than known systems.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 31, 1992
    Date of Patent: December 7, 1993
    Assignee: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company
    Inventors: Owen L. Nelson, John E. Potts, Henry V. Holec