Patents by Inventor John J. Ritsko

John J. Ritsko has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 5170245
    Abstract: This invention relates to a ceramic module and to methods for forming protruding, upstanding electrically conducting pins by the selective abrasion of a surface 18 of a multilayered ceramic module 10. An abrasive blasting device 40 is disposed adjacent to the surface 18 for directing a stream of abrasive particles 42 against the surface. The particles 42 strike both metallic conductors 20 and 22 and also the ceramic material of the layer 14. Inasmuch as the ceramic material is relatively hard and brittle as compared to the ductile metallic conductors the abrasive particles 42 abrade away the ceramic layer 14 at a faster rate than the ductile metallic material of the conductors 20 and 22. The abrasive particles 42 may be comprised of any suitable abrasive, such as Al.sub.2 O.sub.3, SiC or WC. The module may be rotated beneath a nozzle of the grit blasting device, the nozzle being linearly translated above the surface being abraded.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 11, 1991
    Date of Patent: December 8, 1992
    Assignee: International Business Machines Corp.
    Inventors: Jungihl Kim, Joseph C. Logue, John J. Ritsko, Robert R. Shaw, George F. Walker
  • Patent number: 5137461
    Abstract: A separable and reconnectable connection for electrical equipment is provided that is suitable for miniaturization in which vertical interdigitating members integrally attached and protruding from a planar portion are accommodated in control of damage in lateral displacement that occurs on mating with an opposite similar contact. Displacement damage is averted through accommodating lateral stresses by providing one or more of a conformal opposing contact, by strengthening through coating and base reinforcement and a deformable coating. The contacts are fabricated by physical and chemical processes including sputtering, normal and pulse electroplating and chemical vapor deposition. The contacts on completion are provided with a surrounding immobilizing material that enhances rigidity.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 30, 1990
    Date of Patent: August 11, 1992
    Assignee: International Business Machines Corporation
    Inventors: Perminder S. Bindra, Jerome J. Cuomo, Thomas P. Gall, Anthony P. Ingraham, Sung K. Kang, Jungihl Kim, Paul Lauro, David N. Light, Voya R. Markovich, Ekkehard F. Miersch, Jaynal A. Molla, Douglas O. Powell, John J. Ritsko, George J. Saxenmeyer, Jr., Jack A. Varcoe, George F. Walker
  • Patent number: 4933635
    Abstract: A thin film region 14 of a multichip carrier 10 is provided with at least one fabrication process or tooling monitor for monitoring the quality of the fabrication process during the sequential formation of the layers of the region 14. The process monitor is formed with a desired layer or layers of the thin film region, such as by a photolithographic process. A centrally disposed active wiring region 30 of a layer is surrounded by peripherally disposed fabrication monitor sites 32. The sites 32 can be located such that they do not occupy or interfere with the surface area required for the wiring region 30 while still being disposed near enough to the wiring region such that the electrical and physical characteristics of the thin film is substantially the same. Four different types of thin film fabrication process monitors are disclosed, including a line/via monitor, a dielectric monitor, a laser assisted repair monitor and a laser assisted engineering change monitor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 22, 1988
    Date of Patent: June 12, 1990
    Assignee: International Business Machines Corporation
    Inventors: Alina Deutsch, Modest M. Oprysko, John J. Ritsko, Laura B. Rothman, Helen L. Yeh, Atilio Zupicich
  • Patent number: 4923772
    Abstract: The present invention is a mask and methods for making masks for use with a laser projection etching system. The unique mask is able to withstand the fluences of the high energy and high power lasers used without degrading. Specifically, the new projection etching masks are fabricated of patterned multiple dielectric layers having alternating high and low indices of refraction on a UV grade synthetic fused silica substrate in order to achieve maximum reflectivity of the laser energy in the opague areas and maximum transmissivity of the laser energy in the transparent areas of the mask.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 17, 1989
    Date of Patent: May 8, 1990
    Inventors: Steven J. Kirch, John R. Lankard, John J. Ritsko, Kurt A. Smith, James L. Speidell, James T. Yeh
  • Patent number: 4896464
    Abstract: This invention relates to a ceramic module and to methods for forming protruding, upstanding electrically conducting pins by the selective abrasion of a surface 18 of a multilayered ceramic module 10. An abrasive blasting device 40 is disposed adjacent to the surface 18 for directing a stream of abrasive particles 42 against the surface. The particles 42 strike both metallic conductors 20 and 22 and also the ceramic material of the layer 14. Inasmuch as the ceramic material is relatively hard and brittle as compared to the ductile metallic conductors the abrasive particles 42 abrade away the ceramic layer 14 at a faster rate than the ductile metallic material of the conductors 20 and 22. The abrasive particles 42 may be comprised of any suitable abrasive, such as Al.sub.2 O.sub.3, SiC or WC. The module may be rotated beneath a nozzle of the grit blasting device, the nozzle being linearly translated above the surface being abraded.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 15, 1988
    Date of Patent: January 30, 1990
    Assignee: International Business Machines Corporation
    Inventors: Jungihl Kim, Joseph C. Logue, John J. Ritsko, Robert R. Shaw, George F. Walker
  • Patent number: 4846929
    Abstract: Polyimide is etched by contacting the polyimide with an aqueous solution of a metal hydroxide followed by contact with an acid followed by contact with an aqueous solution of a metal hydroxide. Etching of chemically cured polyimide can be enhanced by employing a presoaking in hot water. Also, partially etched chemically cured polyimide is removed with a concentrated acid solution.In preparing a metal coated polyimide structure for subsequent gold plating, two flash etching steps with the polyimide etch between are employed after developing the photoresist.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 13, 1988
    Date of Patent: July 11, 1989
    Assignee: IBM Corporation
    Inventors: Steven L. Bard, Claudius Feger, John J. Glenning, Gareth G. Hougham, Steven E. Molis, Walter P. Pawlowski, John J. Ritsko, Peter Slota, Jr., Randy W. Snyder
  • Patent number: 4622095
    Abstract: A method of radiation induced dry etching of a metallized (e.g. copper) substrate is disclosed wherein the substrate is pattern-wise exposed to a beam of laser radiation in a halogen gas atmosphere which is reactive with the substrate to form a metal halide salt reaction product to accelerate the formation of the metal halide salt without its substantial removal from the substrate. The metal halide salt is removed from the substrate by contact of the substrate with a solvent for the metal halide salt.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 18, 1985
    Date of Patent: November 11, 1986
    Assignee: IBM Corporation
    Inventors: Warren D. Grobman, Fahfu Ho, Jerry E. Hurst, Jr., John J. Ritsko, Yaffa Tomkiewicz