Patents by Inventor John Ketty

John Ketty has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20230002279
    Abstract: Photoluminescent sand preferably includes play sand, photoluminescent pigment, a powdered binder and a curing agent. The play sand is preferably mixed with the photoluminescent pigment to form a photo sand mix. The photo sand mix is then mixed with the powered binder and curing agent to form the photoluminescent sand mix. The photoluminescent sand mix is allowed to cure for between 3-7 days to form the photoluminescent sand.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 12, 2022
    Publication date: January 5, 2023
    Applicant: Glow Path Pavers, LLC
    Inventors: Alex Ketty, John Ketty
  • Patent number: 11299423
    Abstract: Photoluminescent sand preferably includes play sand, photoluminescent pigment, a powdered binder and a curing agent. The play sand is preferably mixed with the photoluminescent pigment to form a photo sand mix. The photo sand mix is then mixed with the powered binder and curing agent to form the photoluminescent sand mix. The photoluminescent sand mix is allowed to cure for between 3-7 days to form the photoluminescent sand.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 18, 2021
    Date of Patent: April 12, 2022
    Assignee: Glow Path Pavers, LLC
    Inventors: Alex Ketty, John Ketty
  • Publication number: 20220074146
    Abstract: A method of manufacturing a paving block with embedded photoluminescent material, comprising the steps of mixing sand, aggregate, water, and cement to form an uncured concrete mixture; mixing phosphorescent pigments, sand, cement, aggregate, and water to form an uncured phosphorescent mixture; providing a paving block mold; pouring the uncured concrete mixture into the paving block mold to fill the paving block mold; compressing the uncured concrete mixture in the paving block mold via a tamper head until the paving block mold is between 80% and 90% full; pouring the uncured phosphorescent mixture into the paving mold block to substantially fill the paving block mold; and compressing and vibrating the uncured concrete mixture and the uncured phosphorescent mixture in the paving mold block to generate an uncured paving block having a desired thickness and density.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 18, 2021
    Publication date: March 10, 2022
    Applicant: Glow Path Pavers, LLC
    Inventors: Alex Ketty, John Ketty
  • Publication number: 20210372057
    Abstract: A paving block with improved illumination (luminescent paving block) preferably includes a concrete base layer and a photoluminescent layer. The photoluminescent layer is formed on top of the concrete base layer. The concrete base layer is preferably created by combining sand, aggregate, water, pigment and cement to form an uncured concrete mixture. The photoluminescent layer preferably includes very fine aggreagate, cement, water, pigment, sand and a polyester resin infused with a photoluminescent pigment or a silica-based glass material infused with photoluminescent pigment. Further, a light transmitting sealant may be placed over the photoluminescent material.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 17, 2021
    Publication date: December 2, 2021
    Applicant: Glow Path Pavers, LLC
    Inventors: Alex Ketty, John Ketty, Jeremy P. Eckhous
  • Patent number: 10519612
    Abstract: A paving block with improved illumination (luminescent paving block) preferably includes a concrete base layer and a photoluminescent layer. The photoluminescent layer is formed on top of the concrete base layer. The concrete base layer is preferably created by combining sand, aggregate, water, pigment and cement to form an uncured concrete mixture. The photoluminescent layer preferably includes very fine aggreagate, cement, water, pigment, photoluminescent sand and a polyester resin infused with a photoluminescent pigment or a silica-based glass material infused with photoluminescent pigment. Further, a light transmitting sealant may be placed over the photoluminescent material.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 2, 2019
    Date of Patent: December 31, 2019
    Inventors: Alaa Toma, John Ketty, Jeremy P. Eckhous
  • Patent number: 9114422
    Abstract: A paving block with embedded photoluminescent material preferably includes a cast concrete base and fragments of a photoluminescent material. The cast concrete base is created by combining sand, aggregate and cement to form an uncured concrete mixture. The photoluminescent layer may be created from a polyester resin infused with a photoluminescent pigment or a silica-based glass material infused with photoluminescent pigment. The fragments of photoluminescent material are embedded in a top of the cast concrete base. Further, a light transmitting cover may be attached over the photoluminescent material.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 17, 2014
    Date of Patent: August 25, 2015
    Inventors: Alaa Toma, Jeremy P. Eckhous, John Ketty