Patents by Inventor John Umiastowski

John Umiastowski has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 4099370
    Abstract: A twisted yarn which has an elongated flexible core at least part of which is twisted in a given direction. A plurality of surface fibers are carried by the core at the twisted part thereof and are helically wound around the twisted part of the core in a direction opposite to the direction of twist of the part of the core so as to maintain the latter part of the core twisted in the given direction.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 11, 1976
    Date of Patent: July 11, 1978
    Inventor: John Umiastowski
  • Patent number: 4056924
    Abstract: Method and apparatus for manufacturing yarn. The yarn has a flexible core at least part of which is twisted in a given direction while surface fibers are carried by the core at least at the twisted part thereof and are helically wound onto the exterior surface of the core in a direction opposite from the direction of twist thereof where the surface fibers are located. The yarn core initially has the fibers projecting laterally therefrom, and then the yarn core is false twisted while the fibers are helically wound into engagement with the exterior surface of the core when the initial twist is introduced into the same during false twisting with the helical winding of the fibers being in a direction opposite to the direction of the twist introduced into the core by false twisting thereof.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 26, 1975
    Date of Patent: November 8, 1977
    Inventor: John Umiastowski