Patents by Inventor Jonathan James Trevor

Jonathan James Trevor has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20080288640
    Abstract: One aspect is a method of providing information relevant to a query. Syndication data feeds are processed, the syndication data feeds regarding the contents of publisher web pages. The processing of the syndication data feeds includes, for each syndication data feed, causing determination from that syndication data feed of at least one tag to associate with that syndication data feed and causing the at least one tag to be stored in association with an indication of syndication data feed information corresponding to that syndication data feed. The query is received, and the query is processed in view of the stored tags. Based thereon, an indication is provided of syndication data feed information corresponding to at least one syndication data feed.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 15, 2007
    Publication date: November 20, 2008
    Applicant: YAHOO! INC.
    Inventors: Jonathan James Trevor, Pasha Sadri, Edward Ho, Daniel Joseph Raffel
  • Publication number: 20080288452
    Abstract: Query information in an indication of a referral to a web page is used to characterize the web page, e.g., for targeting advertisements and/or other supplemental content to display in association with the web page or in the process of responding to subsequent search engine queries. A referral indication may be provided by the publisher web page, indicating a referral from a search engine service to the publisher web page based on an activation of one of a plurality of search results. The referral indication, and sometimes other information as well, is processed to cause determination therefrom of characteristics of the publisher web page. Thus, for example, based at least in part on the determined characteristics, supplemental content may be determined to be displayed in association with the content of the publisher web page. In addition, the determined characteristics may be used by a search engine service in the process of responding to search queries.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 15, 2007
    Publication date: November 20, 2008
    Applicant: YAHOO! INC.
    Inventors: Pasha Sadri, Daniel Joseph Raffel, Jonathan James Trevor, Edward Ho
  • Publication number: 20080235084
    Abstract: A device, system, and method are directed towards determining a suggested characteristic for an event. At least two events are determined. In one embodiment, at least one characteristic is determined for one of the event. A plurality of other characteristics is determined for the other event. The characteristics of the two events may be determined implicitly from communications during the events or from user input. Based on a relationship between the determined characteristics, the suggested characteristic for the event is then determined. In one embodiment, the relationship is defined as a match of characteristics. The event may then be modified based on the suggested characteristic. For example, a suggested member may be invited to join the event, or the event's time, location, or name may be changed. If the other event is current or pending, the event and the other event may be combined.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 20, 2007
    Publication date: September 25, 2008
    Applicant: Yahoo! Inc.
    Inventors: Michael Quoc, Andrew Baio, Daniel James Wascovich, Edward Ho, Edward Stanley Ott, Gordon David Luk, Nathanael Joe Hayashi, Jonathan James Trevor, Leonard Lin, Matthew Fukuda
  • Publication number: 20080208812
    Abstract: A device, system, and method are directed towards enabling a mobile device user to perform a federated search across a plurality of disparate contact data stores, including a phone directory, IM store, an email address book, a buddy list, a social networking group, a SMS list, or any of a variety of other communication contact data stores. When a user inputs a character, a dynamic search is performed across the various contact data stores. The results of the search may be repeatedly updated based on additional input characters. The results of the search may be displayed on the mobile device organized by categories of the contact data stores and/or a preferred communication mechanism. The results may also indicate a preferred mechanism for communicating with the displayed name.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 28, 2007
    Publication date: August 28, 2008
    Applicant: Yahoo! Inc.
    Inventors: Michael Quoc, Daniel James Wascovich, Edward Ho, Edward Stanley Ott, Jonathan James Trevor, Matthew Fukuda
  • Publication number: 20080189399
    Abstract: A device, system, and method are directed towards enabling a user to disambiguate an identity of a member included in a user's social network (USN), and towards enabling an operation to be performed based on information about the member. The USN is determined. The NID of the member is received. If the NID is non-unique within the USN, member distinctions are determined for members in the USN who are associated with the same NID. The member distinctions are sent to the user. The user makes a selection of one of the members associated with one of the member distinctions. Based on the selection, information about the selected member is received. The operation is enabled to be performed based on the information about the selected member. The operation may include addressing the selected member, enabling a communication between the user and the selected member, or the like.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 31, 2006
    Publication date: August 7, 2008
    Applicant: Yahoo! Inc.
    Inventors: Michael Quoc, Dan Wascovich, Matthew Fukuda, E. Stanley Ott, F. Randall Farmer, Edward Ho, Jonathan James Trevor
  • Publication number: 20080186926
    Abstract: A device, system, and method are directed towards determining a start and/or an end time for a spontaneous event. A mobile device user creates a group for the spontaneous event, and sends the members an invite. During the event, members share media content and/or text messages with other members. Based, in part, on a flow of media content and/or text messages between the members, a determination of a start time and/or end time of the spontaneous event is automatically performed. The start time may be based on when the group is created and/or revised when a flow rate of the media content and/or messages exceed a threshold. The end time may be based on the flow rate being less than another threshold. The location of the spontaneous event may also be determined based on a location of the member's mobile devices during the event.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 1, 2007
    Publication date: August 7, 2008
    Applicant: Yahoo! Inc.
    Inventors: Andrew Baio, Daniel James Wascovich, Edward Ho, Edward Stanley Ott, Gordon David Luk, Nathanael Joe Hayashi, Jonathan James Trevor, Leonard Lin, Matthew Fukuda, Michael Quoc
  • Publication number: 20080155440
    Abstract: A pipe specification editor is provided to configure a plurality of modules for processing a syndication data feed. The editor is operable to provide a graphical user interface to receive a user specification of a plurality of modules and to receive a user specification of wires. Each module is characterized by at least one of a group consisting of an input node and an output node, wherein the input node, if present, is configured to input a syndication data feed and the output node, if present, is configured to output a syndication data feed. At least one of the modules is a module configured to retrieve a source syndication data feed. The wires are configured to provide a syndication data feed provided from an output node of a module to an input node of another module.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 20, 2006
    Publication date: June 26, 2008
    Applicant: YAHOO! INC.
    Inventors: Jonathan James Trevor, Daniel Joseph Raffel, Pasha Sadri, Edward Ho, Kevin Cheng
  • Publication number: 20080147729
    Abstract: One or more input syndication data feeds are processed to generate an adjusted syndication data feed. The input syndication data feeds are received, and include a plurality of syndication data items. Based on a configuration of a syndication feed adjuster, particular ones of the syndication data items in the received syndication data feed are determined to not be included in an output syndication data feed. The output syndication data feed is provided based on the received input syndication data feeds and a result of the determination. The determination may be provided via a user interface via which, for example, a user may indicate particular ones of the syndication data feed items to not include in the output syndication data feed. Furthermore, in some examples, if no decision has been made about a particular syndication data feed item, that syndication data feed item is not provided in the output syndication data feed.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 15, 2006
    Publication date: June 19, 2008
    Applicant: YAHOO! INC.
    Inventors: Jonathan James Trevor, Daniel Joseph Raffel, Pasha Sadri, Edward Ho
  • Publication number: 20080147780
    Abstract: Syndication data feed items, corresponding to hosted content, are provided to a user program. A resource locator to hosted content to which a syndication data feed item corresponds is processed, including adjusting the resource locator to associate the resource locator with an intervention service with regard to the syndication data feed item. The processed syndication data feed items are provided to the user program. In addition, requests are processed to view hosted content corresponding to syndication data feed items. An intervention service receives a request from a user program to view hosted content to which a syndication data feed item corresponds, including a resource locator to the host that has been adjusted in the syndication data feed item to associate the resource locator with an intervention service. Intervention processing is performed, including causing interaction with the host of the requested content such that the host content is caused to be displayed at a user location.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 15, 2006
    Publication date: June 19, 2008
    Applicant: YAHOO! INC.
    Inventors: Jonathan James Trevor, Daniel Joseph Raffel, Pasha Sadri, Edward Ho
  • Publication number: 20080120410
    Abstract: A device, system, and method are directed towards providing a recipient list for a message to be communicated within a group associated with an event. A recipient list for the message is defined based on identities of a plurality of members in the group. Ordering information for the recipient list is determined based on at least one characteristic of the event. Additional ordering information may also be determined based on other characteristics of other events. The recipient list is ordered based on the determined ordering information(s). The ordered recipient list is truncated if a length of the recipient list exceeds a first threshold. A selectable option to retrieve the (truncated) recipient list is provided with the message, if a length of the message plus a length if the (truncated) recipient list exceeds a second threshold. Otherwise, the (truncated) recipient list is provided with the message.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 22, 2006
    Publication date: May 22, 2008
    Applicant: Yahoo! Inc.
    Inventors: Michael Quoc, Dan Wascovich, Matthew Fukuda, E. Stanley Ott, Edward Ho, Jonathan James Trevor
  • Publication number: 20080091521
    Abstract: Supplemental content is determined relative to web page content of a publisher web page, to display in association with the web page content. Syndication data is received regarding the content of the publisher web page. The syndication data is processed to cause determination therefrom of supplemental content to be displayed in association with the content of the publisher web page. An indication is provided of the determined supplemental content to display.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 17, 2006
    Publication date: April 17, 2008
    Applicant: YAHOO! INC.
    Inventors: Edward Ho, Pasha Sadri, Jonathan James Trevor, Daniel Joseph Raffel
  • Publication number: 20080071602
    Abstract: A review writing tool guides a user through the process of writing an enhanced product review. The review writing tool can include a web user interface, which breaks the review writing process down into multiple stages so the review writer can incrementally write the review. In addition, the review writing tool provides prompts, examples, and instructions to guide the review writer through the writing process. The review writing tool also allows a review writer to add a list of related products from a related product database to the review. For example, a review writer may have evaluated a number of products before selecting the product the review writer ended up purchasing. Accordingly, the review writer can add information about those other products to his review. Doing so allows subsequent consumers to browse not only the product a review writer purchased, but also products the review writer recommends.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 31, 2006
    Publication date: March 20, 2008
    Inventors: Erik Ojakaar, Alexander Jan Verhage, Gabriel Alejandro Celemin, Jonathan James Trevor, Jonathan Cordero Cruz
  • Publication number: 20040049555
    Abstract: A Web browser provides the ability to separate content and hyper-links from a Web page and provides a list of the links for viewing on a mobile device display screen, and once a link is selected using the mobile device, a services portal link is provided to the mobile device display to provide selection of services to be performed on the selected link, such as faxing or printing. Further, the services are made link dependent, or user dependent so that specific services can be displayed depending on factors such as the availability of services provided specifically from a Web page owner for link dependent services, or for the location of a user relative to a print service provider for user dependent services.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 5, 2003
    Publication date: March 11, 2004
    Applicant: Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: William N. Schilit, Jonathan James Trevor, Catherine Claire Marshall, Elizabeth F. Churchill
  • Publication number: 20040044747
    Abstract: A Web browser provides the ability to separate content and hyper-links from a Web page and provides a list of the links for viewing on a mobile device display screen, enabling more effective Web page navigating using the limited mobile device display. In addition to the links from the Web page, further links are created to telephone numbers, addresses, and other communication-related information in the Web page to further enhance usability of the Web page information for mobile device users. Further, once a link is selected using the mobile device, a services portal link is provided to the mobile device display to provide selection of services to be performed on the selected link, such as faxing or printing.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 2, 2003
    Publication date: March 4, 2004
    Applicant: Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Jonathan James Trevor, Catherine Claire Marshall, Elizabeth F. Churchill
  • Patent number: 6674453
    Abstract: A Web browser provides the ability to separate content and hyper-links from a Web page and provides a list of the links for viewing on a mobile device display screen, and once a link is selected using the mobile device, a services portal link is provided to the mobile device display to provide selection of services to be performed on the selected link, such as faxing or printing. Further, the services are made link dependent, or user dependent so that specific services can be displayed depending on factors such as the availability of services provided specifically from a Web page owner for link dependent services, or for the location of a user relative to a print service provider for user dependent services.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 10, 2000
    Date of Patent: January 6, 2004
    Assignee: Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: William N. Schilit, Jonathan James Trevor, Catherine Claire Marshall, Elizabeth F. Churchill
  • Patent number: 6670968
    Abstract: A Web browser provides the ability to separate content and hyper-links from a Web page and provides a list of the links for viewing on a mobile device display screen, enabling more effective Web page navigating using the limited mobile device display. In addition to the links from the Web page, further links are created to telephone numbers, addresses, and other communication-related information in the Web page to further enhance usability of the Web page information for mobile device users. Further, once a link is selected using the mobile device, a services portal link is provided to the mobile device display to provide selection of services to be performed on the selected link, such as faxing or printing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 10, 2000
    Date of Patent: December 30, 2003
    Assignee: Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: William N. Schilit, Jonathan James Trevor, Catherine Claire Marshall, Elizabeth F. Churchill