Patents by Inventor Jose Javier Macias

Jose Javier Macias has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20220104539
    Abstract: Smoking pipe with an active smoke cooling chamber. A smoking pipe with a material bowl used for the burning of smoking materials, multiple chambers that are filled with smoke as the user inhales smoke into pipe using a mouthpiece, a chamber equipped with an thermoelectric heat exchanger, a control unit to regulate temperatures within the heat exchange chamber and a system to receive and provide data to user. The cooling chamber uses thermoelectric heat exchangers to change the temperature within its walls, the lowering of the temperature within the chamber cools the smoke as it passes through. The cooling chamber connects to a mouthpiece through an aft passage, the user inhales smoke which is now at a reduced temperature using a mouthpiece.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 5, 2020
    Publication date: April 7, 2022
    Inventors: jose Javier Macias, Wade Allan Young
  • Publication number: 20030218865
    Abstract: A Thermal Management System adapted to meet current dimensional standards and providing direct Thermoelectric controlled temperatures to maintain semiconductor performance. The disclosed invention utilizes Thermoelectric Cooling Devices, a controller unit, both fluid and gaseous heat exchangers together with low cost construction methods to provide a compact, effective semiconductor Thermal Management System meeting the cooling needs of current and future high-speed, heat-producing semiconductors.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 24, 2002
    Publication date: November 27, 2003
    Inventor: Jose Javier Macias
  • Patent number: 6408630
    Abstract: A computer enclosure cooling unit adapted to current dimensional standards which is capable of controlled cooling of individual semiconductor devices as well as of the air circulated within the computer housing. The disclosed invention utilizes Peltier devices, a controller unit, both liquid and gaseous heat exchangers, and low cost construction methods to provide a compact, effective computer enclosure cooling system meeting the cooling needs of current high-speed, heat producing computer systems and components.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 9, 2001
    Date of Patent: June 25, 2002
    Inventors: Jose Javier Macias, Rogelio Hernandez Silva
  • Publication number: 20010008071
    Abstract: A computer enclosure cooling unit adapted to current dimensional standards which is capable of controlled cooling of individual semiconductor devices as well as of the air circulated within the computer housing. The disclosed invention utilizes Peltier devices, a controller unit, both liquid and gaseous heat exchangers, and low cost construction methods to provide a compact, effective computer enclosure cooling system meeting the cooling needs of current high-speed, heat producing computer systems and components.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 9, 2001
    Publication date: July 19, 2001
    Inventors: Jose Javier Macias, Rogelio Hernandez Silva
  • Patent number: 6196003
    Abstract: A computer enclosure cooling unit adapted to current dimensional standards which is capable of controlled cooling of individual semiconductor devices as well as of the air circulated within the computer housing. The disclosed invention utilizes Peltier devices, a controller unit, both liquid and gaseous heat exchangers, and low cost construction methods to provide a compact, effective computer enclosure cooling system meeting the cooling needs of current high-speed, heat producing computer systems and components.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 4, 1999
    Date of Patent: March 6, 2001
    Assignee: PC/AC, Inc.
    Inventors: Jose Javier Macias, Rogelio Hernandez Silva