Patents by Inventor Jury B. Sadomov

Jury B. Sadomov has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 4219877
    Abstract: A special-purpose digital computer for statistical data processing comprises a random-number generator, four stochastic data rounding units, of which the first two stochastic data rounding units are connected to input data lines, a shift register unit, and three receiving registers. The first and the third receiving registers have their inputs interconnected and coupled to the output of the shift register unit. The input of the shift register is connected to the second receiving register and to its own output. A single-time step multiplier is connected to the two last stochastic data rounding units. Senior and a junior address digit registers are interconnected and coupled to a decoder. A logical memory is connected to the decoder, to the single/time step multiplier, to the output lines, to the first two stochastic data rounding units, to the first receiving register, and to the junior address digit register.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 16, 1978
    Date of Patent: August 26, 1980
    Inventors: Evgeny E. Vladimirov, Vladimir G. Korchagin, Jury B. Sadomov, Lev M. Khokhlov