Patents by Inventor Konstantin Anisimovich

Konstantin Anisimovich has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 8918309
    Abstract: In one embodiment, the invention provides a method for machine translation of a source document in an input language to a target document in an output language, comprising generating translation options corresponding to at least portions of each sentence in the input language; and selecting a translation option for the sentence based on statistics associated with the translation options.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 20, 2012
    Date of Patent: December 23, 2014
    Assignee: ABBYY InfoPoisk LLC
    Inventors: Diar Tuganbaev, Konstantin Anisimovich, Konstantin Zuev, Vladimir Selegey
  • Patent number: 8892418
    Abstract: A method and computer system for translating sentences between languages from an intermediate language-independent semantic representation is provided. On the basis of comprehensive understanding about languages and semantics, exhaustive linguistic descriptions are used to analyze sentences, to build syntactic structures and language independent semantic structures and representations, and to synthesize one or more sentences in a natural or artificial language. A computer system is also provided to analyze and synthesize various linguistic structures and to perform translation of a wide spectrum of various sentence types. As result, a generalized data structure, such as a semantic structure, is generated from a sentence of an input language and can be transformed into a natural sentence expressing its meaning correctly in an output language.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 20, 2012
    Date of Patent: November 18, 2014
    Assignee: ABBYY InfoPoisk LLC
    Inventors: Konstantin Anisimovich, Vladimir Selegey, Konstantin Zuev
  • Patent number: 8861856
    Abstract: The invention relates to methods for determining a logical structure of a document. The system stores a collection of models, each of which describes one or more possible logical structures. At least one document hypothesis is generated for the whole document. For each document hypothesis, the system verifies the document hypothesis on each page, for example, by generating at least one block hypothesis for each block in the document based on the document hypothesis, selecting a best block hypothesis for each block, selecting the model that corresponds to a best document hypothesis the document hypothesis that has a best degree of correspondence with the selected best block hypotheses for the document, and forming a representation of the document based on the best document hypothesis described.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 28, 2012
    Date of Patent: October 14, 2014
    Assignee: ABBYY Development LLC
    Inventors: Dmitry Deryagin, Konstantin Anisimovich
  • Publication number: 20140257786
    Abstract: The preferred embodiments provide an automated machine translation from one language to another. The source language may contain expressions or words that are not readily handled by the translation system. Such problematic words or word combinations may, for example, include the words not found in the dictionary of the translation system, as well as text fragments corresponding to structures with low ratings. To improve translation quality, such potentially erroneous words or questionable word combinations are identified by the translation system and displayed to a user by distinctive display styles in the display of a document in the source language and in its translation to a target language. A user is provided with a capability to correct erroneous or questionable words so as to improve the quality of translation.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 22, 2014
    Publication date: September 11, 2014
    Inventors: Konstantin Anisimovich, Tatiana Danielyan, Vladimir Selegey, Konstantin Zuev
  • Patent number: 8805676
    Abstract: In one embodiment, the invention provides a method for machine translation of a source document in an input language to a target document in an output language, comprising generating translation options corresponding to at least portions of each sentence in the input language; and selecting a translation option for the sentence based on statistics associated with the translation options.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 25, 2012
    Date of Patent: August 12, 2014
    Assignee: ABBYY InfoPoisk LLC
    Inventors: Konstantin Anisimovich, Diar Tuganbaev, Vladimir Selegey, Konstantin Zuev
  • Patent number: 8731233
    Abstract: A system is proposed for automated document processing, comprising a document, consisting of two sections—a main section, containing data in printed character form, and a supplementary section in a machine-readable form; a document forming means; a document inputting means; a character recognition means; a main and supplementary data comparison means. Said system uses the supplementary section data to confirm the main section data. The supplementary section data can fully or partly duplicate the main section data, supplement it and also comprise other additional data. The supplementary machine-readable section can be realized in a form of coded consecutive characters, printed graphic image (bar-code), magnetic, optical, microprocessor or other kind of data storage means. For enhancing security of documents all or a part of data can be coded prior to introduction into the supplementary section.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 22, 2003
    Date of Patent: May 20, 2014
    Assignee: ABBYY Development LLC
    Inventors: Konstantin Anisimovich, Konstantin Zuev, Andrey Lubenets
  • Patent number: 8606015
    Abstract: Disclosed is a method of bit-mapped image analysis that comprises a whole image data representation via its component objects. The objects are assigned to different levels of complexity. The objects may be hierarchically connected by spatially-parametrical links. The method comprises preliminarily generating a classifier of image objects consisting of one or more levels differing in complexity; parsing the image into objects; attaching each object to one or more predetermined levels; establishing hierarchical links between objects of different levels; establishing links between objects within the same level; and performing an object feature analysis. Object feature analysis comprises generating and examining a hypothesis about object features and correcting the concerned object's features of the same and other levels in response to results of hypothesis examination. Object feature analysis may also comprise execution of a recursive X-Y cut within the same level.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 21, 2011
    Date of Patent: December 10, 2013
    Assignee: ABBYY Development LLC
    Inventors: Konstantin Anisimovich, Dmitry Deryagin, Vladimir Rybkin
  • Patent number: 8571264
    Abstract: A method and system for recognizing all varieties of objects in an image by using structure models are disclosed. Structural elements are sought when comparing a structural model with an image but only within a framework of one or more generated hypotheses. The method for identifying objects includes preliminarily creating a structural model of objects by specifying a plurality of basic geometric structural elements corresponding to one or more portions of the object, recording a spatial characteristic of each identified basic geometric structural element, and recording a relational characteristic for each specified basic geometric structural element. Objects in the image are isolated and a list of hypotheses for each object is provided. Hypotheses are tested by determining if the corresponding group of basic geometric structural elements corresponds to another supposed object described in a classifier. Results of testing of hypotheses may be saved and the results may be used to identify objects.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 15, 2011
    Date of Patent: October 29, 2013
    Assignee: ABBYY Development LLC
    Inventors: Konstantin Anisimovich, Vadim Tereshchenko, Alexander Shamis
  • Patent number: 8548795
    Abstract: In one embodiment, the invention provides a method for translating a document in an input language into an output language comprising: a) for each document fragment for which a translation is readily available, translating said document fragment based on said readily available translation; and b) for each remaining untranslated fragment for which a translation is not readily available, translating said untranslated fragment based on a model-based machine translation technique. A translation is readily available if a search reveals at least one matching translation for the document fragment in a translation database.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 6, 2008
    Date of Patent: October 1, 2013
    Assignee: ABBYY Software Ltd.
    Inventors: Konstantin Anisimovich, Vladimir Selegey, Konstantin Zuev
  • Publication number: 20130223743
    Abstract: The invention relates to methods for determining a logical structure of a document. The system stores a collection of models, each of which describes one or more possible logical structures. At least one document hypothesis is generated for the whole document. For each document hypothesis, the system verifies the document hypothesis on each page, for example, by generating at least one block hypothesis for each block in the document based on the document hypothesis, selecting a best block hypothesis for each block, selecting the model that corresponds to a best document hypothesis the document hypothesis that has a best degree of correspondence with the selected best block hypotheses for the document, and forming a representation of the document based on the best document hypothesis described.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 28, 2012
    Publication date: August 29, 2013
    Applicant: ABBYY SOFTWARE LTD.
    Inventors: Dmitry Deryagin, Konstantin Anisimovich
  • Publication number: 20130191109
    Abstract: A method and computer system for translating sentences between languages from an intermediate language-independent semantic representation is provided. On the basis of comprehensive understanding about languages and semantics, exhaustive linguistic descriptions are used to analyze sentences, to build syntactic structures and language independent semantic structures and representations, and to synthesize one or more sentences in a natural or artificial language. A computer system is also provided to analyze and synthesize various linguistic structures and to perform translation of a wide spectrum of various sentence types. As result, a generalized data structure, such as a semantic structure, is generated from a sentence of an input language and can be transformed into a natural sentence expressing its meaning correctly in an output language.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 20, 2012
    Publication date: July 25, 2013
    Applicant: ABBYY SOFTWARE LTD.
    Inventors: Konstantin Anisimovich, Vladimir Selegey, Konstantin Zuev
  • Publication number: 20130191108
    Abstract: Disclosed is a method for translating text fragments displayed on a screen from an input language into an output language and displaying the result. Translation may use electronic dictionaries, machine translation, natural language processing, control systems, information searches, (e.g., search engine via an Internet protocol), semantic searches, computer-aided learning, and expert systems. For a word combination, appropriate local or network accessible dictionaries are consulted. The disclosed method provides a translation in grammatical agreement in accordance with grammatical rules of the output language in consideration of the context of the text.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 18, 2012
    Publication date: July 25, 2013
    Applicant: ABBYY SOFTWARE LTD.
    Inventors: Konstantin Anisimovich, Konstantin Zuev, Vladimir Selegey
  • Patent number: 8452132
    Abstract: Methods and system for processing document images in OCR systems, particularly for selecting a proper file name for a recognized document. The method comprises generating at least one document type hypothesis for the document; verifying each document type hypothesis; selecting a best document type hypothesis and saving the document with a proper name based on the best type hypothesis and unique features. The method further includes determining a logical structure of a document and selecting a best document model hypothesis that has the best degree of correspondence with the selected best block hypotheses for the document. On the basis of the best document model hypothesis the text document reflecting the logical structure of the source document in extended computer-editable format is formed and saved with a proper file name.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 30, 2010
    Date of Patent: May 28, 2013
    Assignee: ABBYY Software Ltd.
    Inventors: Andrey Isaev, Dmitry Deryagin, Konstantin Anisimovich
  • Patent number: 8442810
    Abstract: In one embodiment, the invention provides a method for machine translation of a source document in an input language to a target document in an output language, comprising generating translation options corresponding to at least portions of each sentence in the input language; and selecting a translation option for the sentence based on statistics associated with the translation options.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 25, 2012
    Date of Patent: May 14, 2013
    Assignee: ABBYY Software Ltd.
    Inventors: Konstantin Anisimovich, Diar Tuganbaev, Vladimir Selegey, Konstantin Zuev
  • Patent number: 8412513
    Abstract: In one embodiment, the invention provides a method for machine translation of a source document in an input language to a target document in an output language, comprising generating translation options corresponding to at least portions of each sentence in the input language; and selecting a translation option for the sentence based on statistics associated with the translation options.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 28, 2012
    Date of Patent: April 2, 2013
    Assignee: ABBYY Software Ltd.
    Inventors: Konstantin Anisimovich, Diar Tuganbaev, Vladimir Selegey, Konstantin Zuev
  • Publication number: 20120271627
    Abstract: Methods are described for performing classification (categorization) of text documents written in various languages. Language-independent semantic structures are constructed before classifying documents. These structures reflect lexical, morphological, syntactic, and semantic properties of documents. The methods suggested are able to perform cross-language text classification which is based on document properties reflecting their meaning. The methods are applicable to genre classification, topic detection, news analysis, authorship analysis, etc.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 28, 2012
    Publication date: October 25, 2012
    Applicant: ABBYY SOFTWARE LTD.
    Inventors: Tatiana Danielyan, Konstantin Zuev, Konstantin Anisimovich, Vladimir Selegey
  • Publication number: 20120259621
    Abstract: Methods and computer systems for translating sentences between languages from an intermediate language-independent semantic representation are provided. Based on a comprehensive understanding about languages and semantics, exhaustive linguistic descriptions are used to analyze sentences, build syntactic structures and language independent semantic structures and representations, and synthesize one or more sentences in a natural or artificial language. A computer system is also provided to analyze and synthesize various linguistic structures and perform translation of a wide spectrum of various sentence types. As result, a generalized data structure, such as a semantic structure, is generated from a sentence of an input language and can be transformed into a natural sentence expressing its meaning correctly in an output language. The methods and systems can be applied to automated abstracting, machine translation, natural language processing, control systems, Internet information retrieval, etc.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 20, 2012
    Publication date: October 11, 2012
    Inventors: Konstantin Anisimovich, Vladimir Selegey, Konstantin Zuev
  • Publication number: 20120239378
    Abstract: Computer-implemented systems and methods align fragments of a first text with corresponding fragments of a second text, which is a translation of the first text. One preferred embodiment preliminarily divides the first and second texts into fragments; generates a hypothesis about the correspondence between the fragments of the first and second texts; performs a lexico-morphological analysis of the fragments using linguistic descriptions; performs a syntactic analysis of the fragments using linguistic descriptions and generates syntactic structures for the fragments; generates semantic structures for the fragments; and estimates the degree of correspondence between the semantic structures.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 4, 2012
    Publication date: September 20, 2012
    Inventors: Tatiana Parfentieva, Anton Krivenko, Konstantin Zuev, Konstantin Anisimovich, Vladimir Selegey
  • Patent number: 8260049
    Abstract: In one embodiment, the invention provides a method for determining a logical structure of a document. The method comprises generating at least one document hypothesis for the whole document; for each document hypothesis, verifying said document hypothesis including (a) generating at least one block hypothesis for each block in the document based on the document hypothesis; and (b) selecting a best block hypothesis for each block; selecting as a best document hypothesis the document hypothesis that has the best degree of correspondence with the selected best block hypotheses for the document; and forming the document based on the best document hypothesis.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 23, 2008
    Date of Patent: September 4, 2012
    Assignee: ABBYY Software Ltd.
    Inventors: Dmitry Deryagin, Konstantin Anisimovich
  • Publication number: 20120173224
    Abstract: In one embodiment, the invention provides a method for machine translation of a source document in an input language to a target document in an output language, comprising generating translation options corresponding to at least portions of each sentence in the input language; and selecting a translation option for the sentence based on statistics associated with the translation options.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 28, 2012
    Publication date: July 5, 2012
    Inventors: Konstantin Anisimovich, Diar Tuganbaev, Vladimir Selegey, Konstantin Zuev