Patents by Inventor Landon Potts

Landon Potts has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20220234596
    Abstract: A system and method for aligning a target to a vehicle for calibration of a vehicle sensor includes positioning a target adjustment stand relative to a vehicle, where the target stand has a base and a target mount moveably mounted on the target stand with the target mount configured to support a target, and with the target stand including actuators configured to selectively move the target mount relative to the base. The system further includes a pair of distance targets and distance sensors configured for use in measuring the distances between respective ones of aligned distance targets and sensors. The distance sensors and targets are arranged for measuring the distances from the target stand to either side of a vehicle for use in adjusting the position of the target mount. The target mount is vertically and laterally movable on a tower of the target stand, with the tower configured to rotate about a vertical axis.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 28, 2022
    Publication date: July 28, 2022
    Inventors: Ryan M. Jefferies, Robert F. Cotter, Gerry L. Deater, Dylan Kunce, Landon Potts, Jack M. Kaback