Patents by Inventor Leger Nicholas Mottin BROSNAHAN, JR.

Leger Nicholas Mottin BROSNAHAN, JR. has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20200382455
    Abstract: A method and apparatus of a device that forwards an email from a first party to a second party is described. In an exemplary embodiment, the device receives an email, where the email includes a first email address associated with the first party, the first party email address is a “from” email address, a second email address associated with a second party, the second email address is a “to” email address; and the second email address is an anonymized email address. The device further extracts a local part of the second email address and the device determines a first party identifier from at least the local part of the first email address. In addition, the device determines a replacement address for the second email address using at least the first party identifier and replaces the second email address with the replacement address. The device further forwards the email using the replacement address.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 29, 2020
    Publication date: December 3, 2020
    Inventors: Gianpaolo FASOLI, Evan C. KRASTS, Rahul K. ZINGDE, Leger Nicholas Mottin BROSNAHAN, JR., Sundhakar N. MAMBAKKAM, Dmitry V. BELOV, Graham S. ORNDORFF, Gokul P. THIRUMALAI