Patents by Inventor Leo LeRoy Burrell

Leo LeRoy Burrell has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20120061968
    Abstract: A plurality of sail assemblies rotating on their axes rotate about the axis of the windmill hub to rotate a drive shaft. The drive shaft powers a generator, machine, pump, grind-stone or other load the mill is designed to operate. Fabric, metal, or plastic sails are fitted to the frame arms of the sail assembly such that they are releasable under upset conditions such as hurricane or tornado wind velocities or other catastrophic inclusion. In the preferred embodiment of the invention drive shafts housed in tubular metal, plastic, or fiberglass connect the gears of the hub to helical or bevel type right angle gearboxes that rotate the sails at a rate of one time for each two times the hub rotates. A second embodiment of the mill has sprockets at the sail assemblies which drive a sprocket at the hub of the mill. The sprockets are rotated one time for each revolution of the hub sprocket via a roller chain. And the sail assemblies rotate in the same direction as the rotation of the hub sprocket.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 10, 2010
    Publication date: March 15, 2012
    Inventor: Leo LeRoy Burrell