Patents by Inventor Lester D. Nelson

Lester D. Nelson has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 8666979
    Abstract: A system and method for recommending interesting content is provided. A content profile including a vector of words extracted from messages associated with a user is obtained. One or more content pointer profiles each including a vector of words associated with a content pointer located within one or more messages are obtained. The content profile is compared with each of the content pointer profiles. A relevance score is determined for that content pointer by calculating a similarity between the user words and the content pointer words. The content pointers are ranked based on the relevance score. A threshold is applied to select the content pointers and those content pointers that satisfy the threshold are selected as the content pointers most relevant to the user.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 9, 2010
    Date of Patent: March 4, 2014
    Assignee: Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated
    Inventors: Jilin Chen, Rowan Nairn, Lester D. Nelson, Ed H. Chi
  • Patent number: 8612845
    Abstract: One embodiment provides a system to facilitate directed reading of a selected portion of an original document by a recipient. During operation, the system creates a transfer document based at least on the original document and the selected portion. The transfer document, when viewed by the recipient, enables the following operations: opening the transfer document to the selected portion without requiring manual navigation to the selected portion, highlighting the selected portion, obscuring a context surrounding the selected portion based at least on a distance metric from the selected portion, and directly navigating from one highlighted portion to another highlighted portion in the transfer document without requiring manual navigation within obscured contexts. After the system creates the transfer document, it sends the transfer document to the recipient.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 29, 2009
    Date of Patent: December 17, 2013
    Assignee: Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated
    Inventors: Lester D. Nelson, Diana K. Smetters
  • Publication number: 20130325989
    Abstract: A system and method for content-based message distribution are provided. An incoming message with a recipient address and a tag address including at least one content tag associated with one or more users is received. The content tag within the tag address and a recipient associated with the recipient address are identified. The recipient is added to the content tag as one of the users. The incoming message is displayed to at least one of the users associated with the content tag.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 5, 2013
    Publication date: December 5, 2013
    Applicant: Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated
    Inventors: Rowan Nairn, Lester D. Nelson, Ed H. Chi, Victoria M. Bellotti, Bongwon Suh
  • Patent number: 8504626
    Abstract: A system and method for content tagging and distribution through email are provided. A user-to-tag record including content tags, each associated with one or more users, is maintained. An incoming email message with a tag address is received. The tag address is processed to identify a content tag, which is applied to the user-to-tag record. Users associated with the identified content tag are determined. The incoming email message is provided to the associated users.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 3, 2010
    Date of Patent: August 6, 2013
    Assignee: Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated
    Inventors: Rowan Nairn, Lester D. Nelson, Ed H. Chi, Victoria M. Bellotti, Bongwon Suh
  • Patent number: 8131762
    Abstract: A system is provided to facilitate tag-based organization of documents. During operation, the system receives an original user query. The system extends the query to include documents with an IN-tag and exclude documents with an OUT-tag. The system then performs a search based on the extended query to indicate a collection of documents which satisfy the extended query. The system further allows a user to add a document to the collection of documents or remove a document from the collection of documents. Next, the system modifies a tagging property of the document.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 14, 2011
    Date of Patent: March 6, 2012
    Assignee: Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated
    Inventors: Diana K. Smetters, Elizabeth F. Churchill, Lester D. Nelson
  • Publication number: 20110252027
    Abstract: A system and method for recommending interesting content is provided. A content profile including a vector of words extracted from messages associated with a user is obtained. One or more content pointer profiles each including a vector of words associated with a content pointer located within one or more messages are obtained. The content profile is compared with each of the content pointer profiles. A relevance score is determined for that content pointer by calculating a similarity between the user words and the content pointer words. The content pointers are ranked based on the relevance score. A threshold is applied to select the content pointers and those content pointers that satisfy the threshold are selected as the content pointers most relevant to the user.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 9, 2010
    Publication date: October 13, 2011
    Inventors: Jilin Chen, Rowan Nairn, Lester D. Nelson, Ed H. Chi
  • Publication number: 20110196896
    Abstract: A system is provided to facilitate tag-based organization of documents. During operation, the system receives an original user query. The system extends the query to include documents with an IN-tag and exclude documents with an OUT-tag. The system then performs a search based on the extended query to indicate a collection of documents which satisfy the extended query. The system further allows a user to add a document to the collection of documents or remove a document from the collection of documents. Next, the system modifies a tagging property of the document.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 14, 2011
    Publication date: August 11, 2011
    Applicant: Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated
    Inventors: Diana K. Smetters, Elizabeth F. Churchill, Lester D. Nelson
  • Publication number: 20110191428
    Abstract: A system and method for content tagging and distribution through email are provided. A user-to-tag record including content tags, each associated with one or more users, is maintained. An incoming email message with a tag address is received. The tag address is processed to identify a content tag, which is applied to the user-to-tag record. Users associated with the identified content tag are determined. The incoming email message is provided to the associated users.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 3, 2010
    Publication date: August 4, 2011
    Applicant: Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated
    Inventors: Rowan Nairn, Lester D. Nelson, Ed H. Chi, Victoria M. Bellotti, Bongwon Suh
  • Patent number: 7933889
    Abstract: A system is provided to facilitate tag-based organization of documents. During operation, the system receives an original user query. The system extends the query to include documents with an IN-tag and exclude documents with an OUT-tag. The system then performs a search based on the extended query to indicate a collection of documents which satisfy the extended query. The system further allows a user to add a document to the collection of documents or remove a document from the collection of documents. Next, the system modifies a tagging property of the document.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 15, 2007
    Date of Patent: April 26, 2011
    Assignee: Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated
    Inventors: Diana K. Smetters, Elizabeth F. Churchill, Lester D. Nelson
  • Publication number: 20100332977
    Abstract: One embodiment provides a system to facilitate directed reading of a selected portion of an original document by a recipient. During operation, the system creates a transfer document based at least on the original document and the selected portion. The transfer document, when viewed by the recipient, enables the following operations: opening the transfer document to the selected portion without requiring manual navigation to the selected portion, highlighting the selected portion, obscuring a context surrounding the selected portion based at least on a distance metric from the selected portion, and directly navigating from one highlighted portion to another highlighted portion in the transfer document without requiring manual navigation within obscured contexts. After the system creates the transfer document, it sends the transfer document to the recipient.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 29, 2009
    Publication date: December 30, 2010
    Applicant: Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated
    Inventors: Lester D. Nelson, Diana K. Smetters
  • Patent number: 7823070
    Abstract: Methods and systems that can be used to dynamically restructure user interfaces into a set of communicating processes. The methods and systems update new and wrapped legacy user interface components for repurposing of user interfaces. The methods and systems provide for changing one or more of at least an appearance, a behavior, and a state or condition of the user interfaces.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 19, 2003
    Date of Patent: October 26, 2010
    Assignee: Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Lester D. Nelson, Laurent Denoue, Jonathan Helfman, Elizabeth F. Churchill, Scott Carter, Paul Murphy
  • Patent number: 7610563
    Abstract: A Graphical User Interface (“GUI”) that provides a user with the ability to manipulate display objects in a non-uniform manner on a display surface is provided. For example, a user can manipulate an object so that it appears, torn, bent, folded, angled, etc. Additionally, a method and system for digitally attaching display objects to a display surface is described. The attachments include digital staples, digital push-pins, digital tape, etc. In still another aspect of the present invention a technique for transmitting and updating the display of non-uniform objects is described.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 22, 2002
    Date of Patent: October 27, 2009
    Assignees: Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd., Xerox Corporation
    Inventors: Lester D. Nelson, Elizabeth F. Churchill, David N. Snowdon, Laurent Denoue
  • Publication number: 20090257565
    Abstract: A system and method for simultaneously conducting multiple telephone conversations is provided. In an embodiment, a user converses with one individual on a first channel while simultaneously transmitting audible utterances to a second individual or a second channel. The user can select the desired channel or channels and a desired phrase and an electronic representation of the selected phrase is transmitted over the selected channel(s).
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 21, 2009
    Publication date: October 15, 2009
    Applicant: FUJI XEROX CO., LTD.
    Inventors: Lester D. Nelson, Laurent Denoue, William N. Schilit, Elizabeth F. Churchill
  • Publication number: 20090234891
    Abstract: A system and method for providing a synchronized data rerepresentation is provided. Data maintained by an originating application is accessed and the data is presented thorough an originating user interface. The data is marshaled into a form useable by a surrogate application with rerepresentation of the data through a surrogate user interface. Selections of the data are reflected across the originating user interface and the surrogate user interface. Actions on the data are synchronized between the originating application and the surrogate application.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 14, 2008
    Publication date: September 17, 2009
    Inventors: Lester D. Nelson, Elizabeth F. Churchill
  • Patent number: 7546143
    Abstract: A system and method for simultaneously conducting multiple telephone conversations is provided. In an embodiment, a user converses with one individual on a first channel while simultaneously transmitting audible utterances to a second individual or a second channel. The user can select the desired channel or channels and a desired phrase and an electronic representation of the selected phrase is transmitted over the selected channel(s).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 18, 2001
    Date of Patent: June 9, 2009
    Assignee: Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Lester D. Nelson, Laurent Denoue, William N. Schilit, Elizabeth F. Churchill
  • Patent number: 7519573
    Abstract: A system and method for repurposing and augmenting document content by clipping, annotating, and reassembling portions of documents, and which may be used in an online or collaborative environment. As used herein the term “repurposing” includes packaging the online information in a manner so that it can be re-used by subsequent users for subsequent applications. An input device or menu referred to herein as a “clipbar” may be provided within a software application or in a kiosk environment that allows users to clip and annotate portions of online or other documents, while retaining both the document fragment's rendered image and its underlying structure. The clips thus created may be stored as collections (together with their associated user-specified and system-specified meta-data) in a form compatible with the other input documents. The collections can be immediately made available to other users in a collaborative fashion, and re-clipped as desired.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 23, 2004
    Date of Patent: April 14, 2009
    Assignee: Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Jonathan Helfman, Laurent Denoue, Elizabeth F. Churchill, Lester D. Nelson
  • Publication number: 20080288453
    Abstract: A system is provided to facilitate tag-based organization of documents. During operation, the system receives an original user query. The system extends the query to include documents with an IN-tag and exclude documents with an OUT-tag. The system then performs a search based on the extended query to indicate a collection of documents which satisfy the extended query. The system further allows a user to add a document to the collection of documents or remove a document from the collection of documents. Next, the system modifies a tagging property of the document.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 15, 2007
    Publication date: November 20, 2008
    Inventors: Diana K. Smetters, Elizabeth F. Churchill, Lester D. Nelson
  • Publication number: 20080288862
    Abstract: A system is provided to facilitate content dissemination. During operation, the system allows a user to add a tag to a first document, wherein the tag indicates an operation to be performed on a portion of the document. The system then processes the tag and performs the operation on the document portion based on the tag.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 15, 2007
    Publication date: November 20, 2008
    Inventors: Diana K. Smetters, Elizabeth F. Churchill, Lester D. Nelson
  • Patent number: 7286649
    Abstract: A user to conducts a telephone conversation without speaking. It does this by moving the participant in the public situation to a quiet mode of communication (e.g., keyboard, buttons, touchscreen). All the other participants are allowed to continue using their usual audible technology (e.g., telephones) over the existing telecommunications infrastructure. The quiet user interface transforms the user's silent input selections into equivalent audible signals that may be directly transmitted to the other parties in the conversation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 8, 2000
    Date of Patent: October 23, 2007
    Assignees: Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd., Xerox Corporation
    Inventors: Lester D. Nelson, Daniel C. Swinehart, Tomas Sokoler
  • Patent number: 7272563
    Abstract: A user conducts a telephone conversation without speaking. It does this by moving the participant in the public situation to a quiet mode of communication (e.g., keyboard, buttons, touchscreen). All the other participants are allowed to continue using their usual audible technology (e.g., telephones) over the existing telecommunications infrastructure. The quiet user interface transforms the user's silent input selections into equivalent audible signals that may be directly transmitted to the other parties in the conversation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 30, 2005
    Date of Patent: September 18, 2007
    Assignee: Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.
    Inventor: Lester D. Nelson