Patents by Inventor Lloyd A. Williams

Lloyd A. Williams has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 5602909
    Abstract: A method of providing number portability for the treatment of calls from a calling party to a specific number of a called party is disclosed. An Initial Address Message (IAM) containing the calling and called party's numbers to enable said call to reach said terminating office is forwarded from an originating office to a terminating office. Once the IAM is received at the terminating office, a determination of whether the call is directed to a portable number is made. If the call is directed to a portable number, a release message containing an indication that the called party number is a portable number is forwarded from the terminating office to the originating office. Once the release message is received at the originating office, a TCAP query is launched from the originating office to an SCP if said release message contains an indication that the called party number is a portable number. At the SCP, the called party number is translated to obtain new routing information.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 27, 1995
    Date of Patent: February 11, 1997
    Assignee: Stentor Resource Centre, Inc.
    Inventors: R. William Carkner, L. Lloyd Williams
  • Patent number: 5583926
    Abstract: A method for creating a virtual public numbering domain, which will coexist with and be parallel and non-intrusive to the existing geographic North American telephone network numbering plan is disclosed. It will have sufficient capacity to provide additional and more flexible numbering resources which will stimulate and enable many new service applications. The existing telephone network infrastructure has digital switching points and a database system. The method consists of receiving at one of the digital switching points a called number, and verifying whether the number called is a number of the virtual public dial plan.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 30, 1994
    Date of Patent: December 10, 1996
    Assignee: Stentor Resource Centre Inc.
    Inventors: Daniel J. Venier, L. Lloyd Williams, R. William Carkner, Morlen R. Reynolds
  • Patent number: 5508789
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for controlling speed match between a photoreceptor and an intermediate transfer member to prevent image degradation by creating a deliberate speed mismatch. It has been found that slight variations in speed match between a photoreceptor and transfer member will maintain acceptable image quality, however, should the relative velocity between the members change sign, unacceptable image error results. The method herein comprises slewing the velocity of a photoreceptive member over a range of speeds while monitoring the output control signal current of a drive motor. The resulting control signal current has a large oscillation at the velocity at which the speed of the photoreceptor matches that of the intermediate transfer member. A controller is then used to maintain the motor velocity at a speed slightly less than or slightly greater than the intermediate transfer member speed so as to prevent a change in sign of the relative velocity between the two moving surfaces.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 22, 1994
    Date of Patent: April 16, 1996
    Assignee: Xerox Corporation
    Inventors: Vittorio Castelli, Joannes N. M. deJong, Lloyd Williams
  • Patent number: 5287162
    Abstract: A detection system includes a marking device for applying to a process medium a first chevron from a first printer, a second chevron from a second printer and a third chevron from both the first printer and the second printer, the third chevron having a first element applied from the first printer and a second element applied from the second printer. The detection system further includes a detection device for detecting a matrix of times including three pluralities of times, each of the three pluralities of times corresponding to a respective time of passage of the first, second and third chevrons by the detection device. The detection system further includes a determining device for determining the alignment error based on a function of the three pluralities of times. A control system includes a marking device for applying to a process medium a first chevron from a first printer, a second chevron from a second printer and a third chevron from both the first printer and the second printer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 16, 1992
    Date of Patent: February 15, 1994
    Assignee: Xerox Corporation
    Inventors: Joannes N. M. de Jong, Vittorio R. Castelli, Harold M. Anderson, Lloyd Williams
  • Patent number: 5270630
    Abstract: An encoder interface for interfacing an encoder having a first part defining a first axis to a structure having a second part defining a second axis substantially parallel to the first axis includes a portion for translating the first part with respect to the second part in a direction transverse to the first axis and a portion for rigidly rotationally stabilizing the first part with respect to the second part against a rotation of the first part about the first axis induced by a translation of the first part with respect to the second part in the direction transverse to the first axis.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 15, 1992
    Date of Patent: December 14, 1993
    Assignee: Xerox Corporation
    Inventors: Vittorio Castelli, James M. Casella, Lloyd Williams, Joannes de Jong
  • Patent number: 5007001
    Abstract: A method for reordering the pixel map of a multi-dimensional image by representing each pixel address as a unique set of coordinates in binary reprsentation, reversing the bit order for each coordinate, interleaving the binary digits of the numbers thus formed from each coordinate in a consistent bit-by-bit fashion, and using the composite binary number thus formed as a new pixel sequence number; storage and/or subsequent transmission of pixel values then takes place in order of ascending pixel sequence numbers, omitting numbers representing pixels outside the limits of the selected image.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 24, 1990
    Date of Patent: April 9, 1991
    Inventor: Andrew Lloyd-Williams
  • Patent number: 4765804
    Abstract: There is disclosed an improved PSA process and apparatus for gas enrichment wherein the pressure levels of the vent gas stream and/or product stream are used to drive gaseous diffusion cells to produce a feed gas stream and/or a purge gas stream to be used in the pressure swing adsorption process to increase on-line production time and to utilize the waste pressure energy thereby decreasing energy requirements per unit of production.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 17, 1987
    Date of Patent: August 23, 1988
    Assignee: The BOC Group, Inc.
    Inventors: Andrew Lloyd-Williams, Donald L. MacLean, Ravi Jain, Steven L. Lerner
  • Patent number: 4696681
    Abstract: There is disclosed a process and apparatus for gas enrichment utilizing pressure swing adsorption techniques wherein the compressed gaseous mixture being processed is passed in indirect heat transfer relationship to a bed of adsorption material in an adsorption vessel undergoing regeneration wherein the heat of compression is employed to improve regeneration of the bed of adsorption material during the desorption step prior to passing the compressed gaseous mixture through a cooling system and thence through a bed of adsorption material for gas enrichment at a lower, more efficacious adsorption temperature.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 1, 1986
    Date of Patent: September 29, 1987
    Assignee: The BOC Group, Inc.
    Inventor: Andrew LLoyd-Williams
  • Patent number: 4176486
    Abstract: A display frame, which carries a sheet of mylar metalized to provide a mirror and an advertising display placard, is provided with a number of straps disposed for coaction with a turnbuckle type mounting device to securely position the display upon pillars of I-beam configuration such as those found in subway and train stations. The turnbuckle assembly of the mounting device is such as to exert compressive forces against opposed inner faces of the I-beam flanges and, in one embodiment, coacts with straps secured to the rear wall of the display to mount the display across the edges of said I-beam flanges so as to hide the mounting means in the space behind the display and between the flanges and web of the I-beam pillar.The display frame is formed with one or more advertising placard mounting sections formed with grooves to facilitate positioning and easy removal of the placards which carry an advertising message. Such display sections in some embodiments are at an angle with respect to the mirror.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 8, 1977
    Date of Patent: December 4, 1979
    Inventor: Lloyd Williams
  • Patent number: 4079456
    Abstract: Output buffer synchronizing circuit having selectively variable delay means to compensate for different output delays of a processor when the latter operates in different modes. A buffer clock is not only synchronized with the processor clock but also switched in frequency only when in proper phase therewith by delaying a reference signal by kT.sub.R /N, where N is the ratio of the reference period to the processor clock period, T.sub.R is the reference period, and k is a selectable integer such that 0 .ltoreq. k - N.ltoreq.1.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 24, 1977
    Date of Patent: March 14, 1978
    Assignee: RCA Corporation
    Inventors: John Albert Lunsford, Lloyd William Martinson
  • Patent number: 4050059
    Abstract: Each processor in the system is provided with a processor bus over which access to all storage and peripheral equipments is gained. Each access is performed as an address read or write operation. However, under certain circumstances it is necessary to perform a "read-and-hold" operation when accessing a data word which is to be modified. Typically, entries in the master capability table fall into such a category where the data word, while being modified, must not be accessed by any other processor. In such a read-and-hold operation it is vital that the store accessed is held throughout the period of the read-and-hold operation. This facility is obtained by incorporating parity inverting arrangements in each access unit and each processor so that the parity for a read-and-hold operation is inverted. A failure of the hold facility would be detected by the interrogating processor since a parity failure would be observed at the end of the operation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 30, 1976
    Date of Patent: September 20, 1977
    Assignee: Plessey Handel und Investments A.G.
    Inventors: John Lloyd Williams, Roger John Leaman, Robert Valentine Moberly, Geoffrey Brian Kenneth Stagg, Graham John Wisdom
  • Patent number: 4041460
    Abstract: Each store and peripheral unit in system 250 is connected to the processor buses and includes an interface access-unit which makes each device appear the same to the or each processor. Essentially each access-unit includes a module-address register, a data-in register and/or a data-out register, a status register and a command register. The module-address register is used to receive and store the address received by the access-unit when addressed by an interrogating processor. The module address register is addressable by an interrogating processor using one of two "addresses". One address causes the contents of the module address register to be returned to the interrogating processor while the other "address" causes the inverse of the contents of the module address to be returned to the interrogating processor. This arrangement makes it possible to completely check a processor bus using only two transactions.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 17, 1976
    Date of Patent: August 9, 1977
    Assignee: Plessey Handel und Investments AG.
    Inventors: Graham John Wisdom, Peter Verne Creteau, John Lloyd Williams
  • Patent number: 3943347
    Abstract: Random access memory addressing system for mapping data into a memory according to one schema and retrieving the stored data according to another schema using minimum storage locations.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 27, 1974
    Date of Patent: March 9, 1976
    Assignee: RCA Corporation
    Inventor: Lloyd William Martinson
  • Patent number: 3936472
    Abstract: Alkyl lactone esters or sulfidic esters are prepared by reacting an alkenylsuccinic anhydride with an alcohol or thiol in the presence of an acid-acting catalyst. The esters are useful as dispersants or detergents in aqueous or hydrocarbon systems or they may be further reacted with amines to produce other useful additives for such systems. Esters of monohydroxy alcohols or monothiols or polyhydroxy alcohols or polythiols may be prepared and used in this invention.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 19, 1973
    Date of Patent: February 3, 1976
    Assignee: Mobil Oil Corporation
    Inventors: Robert Earl Kinney, Albert Lloyd Williams, El-Ahmadi Ibrahim Heiba