Patents by Inventor Louis J. Circeo, Jr.

Louis J. Circeo, Jr. has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 5827012
    Abstract: A plasma arc torch heat based apparatus and method converts a quantity of particulate soil having a first set of engineering properties into a selected number of smaller quantities each having improved engineering properties differing from the first set of engineering properties and makes practical utilization of the smaller quantities for applications in which the first set of engineering properties were not suited. The apparatus includes a rotatable kiln which is positionable at an angle to horizontal such that soil is received in an upper end and discharged at a lower end thereof. The kiln is heated to a controlled temperature based on the properties of the soil before treatment and the desired improved properties after treatment to meet application requirements.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 6, 1997
    Date of Patent: October 27, 1998
    Inventor: Louis J. Circeo, Jr.
  • Patent number: 5276253
    Abstract: A method is disclosed in which a plasma arc torch is used to vitrify and remediate a site containing contaminated soils, resulting from a hazardous material deposit or spill, or contaminated buried objects. The contaminated earthen material or subterranean deposit is pyrolyzed, melted or solidified by the plasma torch which is energized at the bottom of a cased, vertical borehole, and then gradually raised to the surface. An array of boreholes, appropriately spaced, will remediate an entire mass of contaminated material. Similarly, buried objects such as metal drums containing contaminants and underground storage tanks may be selectively remediated at their specific buried depth. Similar use is made of the plasma torch in a second embodiment with the additional step of processing at selected underground locations in the borehole array to create a sealed horizontal layer, vertical cutoff walls or a sealed basin as a barrier against further leaching of contaminants into surrounding soil and groundwater.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 9, 1992
    Date of Patent: January 4, 1994
    Inventors: Louis J. Circeo, Jr., Salvador L. Camacho
  • Patent number: 5181797
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for in-situ solidifying and stabilizing a mass of unstable foundation soil utilizes a plasma arc torch. The torch is inserted into a drilled and cased hole to a selected depth in a subterranean unstable soil layer and the torch is energized. The intense heat generated by the torch melts the soil material close to the hole and forms a pool of melt while more remote sections are baked to a brick-like consistency or dried and strengthened. Upon cooling, the central melted soil material cools to a hard, vitrified column with physical properties equivalent to a hard, dense rock. Variations of the method apply to a variety of construction support problems and landslide remediation problems.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 29, 1992
    Date of Patent: January 26, 1993
    Inventors: Louis J. Circeo, Jr., Salvador L. Camacho
  • Patent number: 5181795
    Abstract: The process of the present invention serves to remediate and reduce the volume of waste materials in a landfill site and increases the useful life of the treated landfill. The process steps involve drilling a series of holes into the waste material mass at proper spacing, inserting and operating a plasma arc torch in each drilled hole to pyrolize, remediate and vitrify the waste materials and allowing the melted materials to cool and harden. During the process, a gaseous by-product is produced and collected in a hood which is attached to scrubbing and chemical cleaning apparatus. The resultant gases are commercially useful as fuel gas and the vitrified residue is significantly smaller in volume than the original waste material volume, thus substantially extending the useful life of the landfill site and ultimately providing a firm foundation for construction.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 19, 1992
    Date of Patent: January 26, 1993
    Inventors: Louis J. Circeo, Jr., Salvador L. Camacho
  • Patent number: RE35715
    Abstract: A method is disclosed in which a plasma arc torch is used to vitrify and remediate a site containing contaminated soils, resulting from a hazardous material deposit or spill, or contaminated buried objects. The contaminated earthen material or subterranean deposit is pyrolyzed, melted or solidified by the plasma torch which is energized at the bottom of a cased, vertical borehole, and then gradually raised to the surface. An array of boreholes, appropriately spaced, will remediate an entire mass of contaminated material. Similarly, burled objects such as metal drums containing contaminants and underground storage tanks may be selectively remediated at their specific buried depth. Similar use is made of the plasma torch in a second embodiment with the additional step of processing at selected underground locations in the borehole array to create a sealed horizontal layer, vertical cutoff walls or a sealed basin as a barrier against further leaching of contaminants into surrounding soil and groundwater.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 19, 1994
    Date of Patent: January 13, 1998
    Inventors: Louis J. Circeo, Jr., Salvador L. Camacho
  • Patent number: RE35782
    Abstract: The process or the present invention serves to remediate and reduce the volume of waste materials in a landfill site and increases the useful life of the treated landfill. The process steps involve drilling a series of holes into the waste material mass at proper spacing, inserting and operating a plasma arc torch in each drilled hole to pyrolize, remediate and vitrify the waste materials and allowing the melted materials to cool and harden. During the process, a gaseous by-product is produced and collected in a hood which is attached to scrubbing and chemical cleaning apparatus. The resultant gases are commercially useful as fuel gas and the vitrified residue is significantly smaller in volume than the original waste material volume, thus substantially extending the useful life of the landfill site and ultimately providing a firm foundation for construction.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 19, 1994
    Date of Patent: May 5, 1998
    Inventors: Louis J. Circeo, Jr., Salvador L. Camacho