Patents by Inventor LOUIS UKUNI OTAVIO

LOUIS UKUNI OTAVIO has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20180342139
    Abstract: To date, no one has written a combined computer program or has built a hardware to detect the presence of an occupant in a car during extreme temperatures; presence of a pet or a child near a swimming pool, presence of an intruder near a house, and presence of a living object in a house during extreme temperatures. The purpose of this invention is to add to the existing body of invention a software program and a hardware that uses micro-controller (a motherboard or brain of a computer), temperature sensor, motion sensor, Internet service or connection, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, security camera, infra-red sensor and other sensors, a power system (battery or wall plugin) and global positioning system (gps) to aid detect: 1. Presence of an occupant or a living object in a car during extreme temperatures 2. Presence of a child or a pet near a swimming pool 3. Presence of an intruder near a house 4. Presence of a living object in a house during extreme temperatures and 5.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 11, 2018
    Publication date: November 29, 2018