Patents by Inventor Lyle Hadden

Lyle Hadden has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 7537692
    Abstract: A self-cleaning aquarium includes a container for receiving and housing water includes a wall having a plurality of apertures formed therein. A corrugated base member has juxtaposed crests and troughs and is removably positioned within the container. The troughs are abutted against one wall and linearly aligned with the apertures respectively. The base member is intercalated between a filter screen and a bottom wall of the container respectively and includes walls spanning from the bottom wall of the container to the filter screen. The filter screen is removably positioned directly on the base member and is situated above the apertures. A plurality of valves are operably coupled to the apertures and are in fluid communication with the cavity. Such valves are independently adapted between open and closed positions for channeling bacteria and debris out from the container while filled with water.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 15, 2007
    Date of Patent: May 26, 2009
    Inventor: Lyle Hadden