Patents by Inventor Malin Ohlander

Malin Ohlander has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20140214110
    Abstract: An implantable device monitors and treats heart failure, pulmonary edema, and hemodynamic conditions and in some cases applies therapy. In one implementation, the implantable device applies a high-frequency multi-phasic pulse waveform over multiple-vectors through tissue. The waveform has a duration less than the charging time constant of electrode-electrolyte interfaces in vivo to reduce intrusiveness while increasing sensitivity and specificity for trending parameters. The waveform can be multiplexed over multiple vectors and the results cross-correlated or subjected to probabilistic analysis or thresholding schemata to stage heart failure or pulmonary edema. In one implementation, a fractionation morphology of a sensed impedance waveform is used to trend intracardiac pressure to stage heart failure and to regulate cardiac resynchronization therapy. The waveform also provides unintrusive electrode integrity checks and 3-D impedancegrams.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 1, 2013
    Publication date: July 31, 2014
    Applicant: Pacesetter, Inc.
    Inventors: Weiqun Yang, Malin Ohlander, Louis Wong, Nils Holmstrom, Cem Shaquer, Euljoon Park, Dorin Panescu, Shahrooz Shahparnia, Andre Walker, Ajit Pillai, Mihir Naware
  • Patent number: 8790254
    Abstract: In a method and a device for determining the posture of a patient, a bio-impedance measurement device, having a number of electrodes configured to interact with the patient in a number of different electrode configurations, is operated to initiate a patient posture determining session by measuring an impedance value of the patient with the electrodes in at least one configuration among the number of configurations. A reference impedance value from among a number of stored reference impedance values for the at least one configuration is selected. The number of stored reference impedance values are respectively associated with different postures of the patient, and the posture associated with the selected reference impedance value represents a candidate posture. The measured impedance value is compared with the selected reference impedance value, thereby obtaining a comparison result.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 29, 2005
    Date of Patent: July 29, 2014
    Assignee: St. Jude Medical AB
    Inventors: Malin Öhlander, Nils Holmström, Kjell Norén
  • Patent number: 8630700
    Abstract: In an implantable heart monitoring device and a monitoring method, an impedance is measured across at least part of an atrium, such that variation of the impedance is related to the volume change of the atrium. Values are stored at different occasions that indicate the rate of change of the measured impedance. The stored values are determined such that, when the device is used in a living being, the variation of the stored values will be related to the variation of the speed with which the atrium is filled with blood during the atrial diastole.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 19, 2007
    Date of Patent: January 14, 2014
    Assignee: St. Jude Medical, AB
    Inventors: Andreas Blomqvist, Nils Holmstöm, Sven-Erik Hedberg, Malin Öhlander
  • Patent number: 8600497
    Abstract: An implantable device monitors and treats heart failure, pulmonary edema, and hemodynamic conditions and in some cases applies therapy. In one implementation, the implantable device applies a high-frequency multi-phasic pulse waveform over multiple-vectors through tissue. The waveform has a duration less than the charging time constant of electrode-electrolyte interfaces in vivo to reduce intrusiveness while increasing sensitivity and specificity for trending parameters. The waveform can be multiplexed over multiple vectors and the results cross-correlated or subjected to probabilistic analysis or thresholding schemata to stage heart failure or pulmonary edema. In one implementation, a fractionation morphology of a sensed impedance waveform is used to trend intracardiac pressure to stage heart failure and to regulate cardiac resynchronization therapy. The waveform also provides unintrusive electrode integrity checks and 3-D impedancegrams.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 9, 2006
    Date of Patent: December 3, 2013
    Assignee: Pacesetter, Inc.
    Inventors: Weiqun Yang, Malin Ohlander, Louis Wong, Nils Holmstrom, Cem Shaquer, Euljoon Park, Dorin Panescu, Shahrooz Shahparnia, Andre Walker, Ajit Pillai, Mihir Naware
  • Patent number: 8565866
    Abstract: An implantable medical device has an impedance determiner for determining a cardiogenic impedance signal based on electric signals sensed by connected electrodes. A parameter calculator processes the impedance signal to calculate an impedance parameter representative of the cardiogenic impedance in connection with the diastolic phase of a heart cycle. This parameter is then employed by the device for monitoring acute decompensated heart failure status of a subject.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 21, 2007
    Date of Patent: October 22, 2013
    Assignee: St. Jude Medical AB
    Inventors: Andreas Blomqvist, Nils Holmström, Sven-Erik Hedberg, Malin Öhlander
  • Patent number: 8355782
    Abstract: Implantable heart stimulator connectable to an electrode arrangement has a pulse generator adapted to deliver stimulation pulses to a heart of a subject; an impedance measurement unit adapted monitor at least one heart chamber of the heart of the subject to measure the impedance in the at least one monitored heart chamber for generating an impedance signal corresponding to the measured impedance. The impedance signal is applied to a processor where the signal is processed, according to specified criteria, and a fractionation index value is determined represented by the curve length of the impedance signal during a predetermined measurement period. The fractionation index value is a measure of different degrees of mechanical dyssynchrony of the heart.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 28, 2008
    Date of Patent: January 15, 2013
    Assignee: St. Jude Medical AB
    Inventors: Andreas Blomqvist, Nils Holmström, Malin Öhlander, Sven-Erik Hedberg
  • Patent number: 8321016
    Abstract: In a method and implantable medical device for ventricular tachyarrhythmia detection and classification, upon detection of a ventricular tachyarrhythmia based on an electrocardiogram signal, cardiogenic impedance data representative of ventricular volume dynamics are collected and used for classifying the detected tachyarrhythmia as stable or unstable. In the latter case but typically not in the former case, defibrillation shocks or other forms of therapy are applied to combat the unstable ventricular tachyarrhythmia.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 13, 2007
    Date of Patent: November 27, 2012
    Assignee: St. Jude Medical AB
    Inventors: Nils Holmström, Andreas Blomqvist, Sven-Erik Hedberg, Malin Öhlander
  • Patent number: 8308649
    Abstract: An implantable cardiac device has a heart stimulator for electrically stimulating the heart of a patient, detector that measures a physiologic parameter that is affected by the status of a cardiovascular disease associated with sympathetic activation, a signal processor that determines at least one of a low frequency, LF, and a very low frequency, VLF, Mayer wave component in the measured parameter, and analyzer that automatically analyzes the determined Mayer wave component in relation to a predetermined reference value to determine the status of the cardiovascular disease. The detector is a cardio-mechanical parameter detector that measures, as said physiologic parameter, a mechanical change in at least one of the four chambers of the heart. In a corresponding method for monitoring the status of a cardiovascular disease associated with sympathetic activation of a patient having an implantable electric heart stimulator a physiologic parameter affected by the cardiac disease is measured.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 23, 2007
    Date of Patent: November 13, 2012
    Assignee: St. Jude Medical AB
    Inventors: Nils Holmström, Malin Öhlander, Kjell Norén, Andreas Blomqvist, Karin Ljungström
  • Patent number: 8244337
    Abstract: In a method and an apparatus for creating hemodynamic sensor signal templates using an implantable medical device connectable to a patient heart activity of the patient is sensed in order to identify a paste or sensed sequence of events of a heart cycle. Hemodynamic sensor signals for consecutive heart cycles are sensed and the sensed hemodynamic sensor signals for consecutive heart cycles are stored. The sensed sensor signals are classified dependent on at least one predetermined heart event sequence condition. A template may be created using the classified sensor signals.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 28, 2006
    Date of Patent: August 14, 2012
    Assignee: St. Jude Medical AB
    Inventors: Nils Holmström, Malin Öhlander
  • Publication number: 20110144508
    Abstract: An implantable medical device has an impedance determiner for determining a cardiogenic impedance signal based on electric signals sensed by connected electrodes. A parameter calculator processes the impedance signal to calculate an impedance parameter representative of the cardiogenic impedance in connection with the diastolic phase of a heart cycle. This parameter is then employed by the device for monitoring acute decompensated heart failure status of a subject.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 21, 2007
    Publication date: June 16, 2011
    Inventors: Andreas Blomqvist, Nils Holmström, Sven-Erik Hedberg, Malin Öhlander
  • Patent number: 7959576
    Abstract: An implantable medical apparatus for detecting diastolic heart failure, DHF, has a DHF determining device for determining at least one DHF parameter for detecting a DHF state of the heart of a patient. The DHF includes circuitry for determining, as the DHF parameter, the time duration of a predetermined phase of diastole. A pacemaker has such an apparatus and a control unit that optimizes pacing therapy and pacemaker settings depending on the determined time duration. A corresponding method of detecting diastolic heart failure, DHF, includes determining at least one DHF parameter for detecting a DHF state of the heart of a patient. As the DHF parameter, the time duration of a predetermined phase of diastole is determined.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 6, 2004
    Date of Patent: June 14, 2011
    Assignee: St. Jude Medical AB
    Inventors: Maria Torpo, Malin Öhlander, Anders Björling, Karin Ljungström
  • Publication number: 20100324432
    Abstract: In a method and device for detecting the intake of food in a subject at least one parameter related to the blood flow and/or perfusion of a blood vessel and/or an organ in the digestive system of a patient is monitored by a sensor attached to, or in, a blood vessel or organ of the digestive system. The value of each monitored parameter is analyzed and may be used to control the activity of a gastric stimulator.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 21, 2007
    Publication date: December 23, 2010
    Inventors: Anders Björling, Kjell Norén, Malin Öhlander
  • Publication number: 20100298904
    Abstract: Implantable heart stimulator connectable to an electrode arrangement has a pulse generator adapted to deliver stimulation pulses to a heart of a subject; an impedance measurement unit adapted monitor at least one heart chamber of the heart of the subject to measure the impedance in the at least one monitored heart chamber for generating an impedance signal corresponding to the measured impedance. The impedance signal is applied to a processor where the signal is processed, according to specified criteria, and a fractionation index value is determined represented by the curve length of the impedance signal during a predetermined measurement period. The fractionation index value is a measure of different degrees of mechanical dyssynchrony of the heart.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 28, 2008
    Publication date: November 25, 2010
    Inventors: Andreas Blomqvist, Nils Holmström, Malin Öhlander, Sven-Erik Hedberg
  • Publication number: 20100268102
    Abstract: In an implantable heart monitoring device and a monitoring method, an impedance is measured across at least part of an atrium, such that variation of the impedance is related to the volume change of the atrium. Values are stored at different occasions that indicate the rate of change of the measured impedance. The stored values are determined such that, when the device is used in a living being, the variation of the stored values will be related to the variation of the speed with which the atrium is filled with blood during the atrial diastole.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 19, 2007
    Publication date: October 21, 2010
    Inventors: Andreas Blomqvist, Nils Holmstöm, Sven-Erik Hedberg, Malin Öhlander
  • Publication number: 20100185252
    Abstract: In a device and method for a medical implant for monitoring progression of heart failure in a human heart, an activity sensor provides information related to the activity level of a patient and an oxygen sensor provides information related to the level of oxygen content in venous blood. A determined level of venous oxygen content at a determined activity level is obtained, and that level of venous oxygen content is compared to stored values at a corresponding activity level. The result of the comparison is used as a basis for determining a degree of heart failure.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 27, 2007
    Publication date: July 22, 2010
    Inventors: Anders Björling, Malin Öhlander, Tom Eriksson, Johan Eckerdal, Urban Lönn, Kenth Nilsson, Cecilia Tuvstedt, Johan Svahn, Anna-Karin Johansson, Kjell Norén, Michael Broomé
  • Publication number: 20100179411
    Abstract: In a method and implantable medical device for ventricular tachyarrhythmia detection and classification, upon detection of a ventricular tachyarrhythmia based on an electrocardiogram signal, cardiogenic impedance data representative of ventricular volume dynamics are collected and used for classifying the detected tachyarrhythmia as stable or unstable. In the latter case but typically not in the former case, defibrillation shocks or other forms of therapy are applied to combat the unstable ventricular tachyarrhythmia.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 13, 2007
    Publication date: July 15, 2010
    Inventors: Nils Holmström, Andreas Blomqvist, Sven-Erik Hedberg, Malin Öhlander
  • Publication number: 20100121400
    Abstract: An implantable cardiac device has a heart stimulator for electrically stimulating the heart of a patient, detector that measures a physiologic parameter that is affected by the status of a cardiovascular disease associated with sympathetic activation, a signal processor that determines at least one of a low frequency, LF, and a very low frequency, VLF, Mayer wave component in the measured parameter, and analyzer that automatically analyzes the determined Mayer wave component in relation to a predetermined reference value to determine the status of the cardiovascular disease. The detector is a cardio-mechanical parameter detector that measures, as said physiologic parameter, a mechanical change in at least one of the four chambers of the heart. In a corresponding method for monitoring the status of a cardiovascular disease associated with sympathetic activation of a patient having an implantable electric heart stimulator a physiologic parameter affected by the cardiac disease is measured.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 23, 2007
    Publication date: May 13, 2010
    Inventors: Nils Holmström, Malin Öhlander, Kjell Norén, Andreas Blomqvist, Karin Ljungström
  • Publication number: 20100113961
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a method for determining the posture of a patient. The method comprises the steps of: initiating (50, 52) a patient posture determining session by performing an electrical bio-impedance measurement session in at least one of a number of different electrode configurations in order to measure an impedance value for the at least one configuration; obtaining reference impedance values (54) stored in advance for the at least one configuration and for at least one potential posture of the patient; comparing (54) the measured impedance value for the at least one configuration with corresponding stored reference impedance values for at least one potential posture of the patient; and determining (56) the present posture of the patient by using results from the comparison between measured impedance values and the stored reference impedance values.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 29, 2005
    Publication date: May 6, 2010
    Applicant: ST. JUDE MEDICAL AB
    Inventors: Malin Öhlander, Nils Holmström, Kjell Norén
  • Publication number: 20090177145
    Abstract: A method, an implantable medical device, and a computer-readable medium encoded with programming instructions allow monitoring of a hematocrit value and an SvO2 level of a patient, making use of at least one medical lead connected to an implantable medical device that carries an optical sensor module that measures at least one hematocrit value and at least one SvO2 value using at least first, second and third light radiation wavelengths, by determining a present hematocrit value from at least one of the measured hematocrit values and determining a present SvO2 value from at least one of the measured SvO2 values, and determining a patient status by evaluating the present hematocrit value and the present SvO2 value, to allow a change in the patient status to be identified.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 22, 2007
    Publication date: July 9, 2009
    Inventors: Malin Ohlander, Kjell Noren, Johan Eckerdal, Mika Hietanen, Kenth Nilsson, Urban Lonn
  • Publication number: 20090118666
    Abstract: In a method for detecting a change of a condition of a patient using an implantable medical device being connectable to the patient in at least one electrode configuration, at least one impedance measurement session is initiated to obtain at least one impedance value corresponding to an impedance of whole blood of the patient. At least one relative or absolute value of an amount of hematocrit in the blood of the patient is calculated using the at least one impedance value. A present hematocrit level is determined dependent on the at least one hematocrit value, with a change of the condition being derived from the present hematocrit level of the patient.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 28, 2006
    Publication date: May 7, 2009
    Inventors: Andreas Blomqvist, Malin Ohlander, Nils Holmstrom