Patents by Inventor Mandar Manohar GORI

Mandar Manohar GORI has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20240189493
    Abstract: The present disclosure generally relates to a device (200) for detecting infection in a patient (102) undergoing peritoneal dialysis. The device (200) comprises: a housing module (202) removably coupleable to a fluidic element (204) configured for receiving waste dialysate fluid (130) from the patient (102); a set of lighting elements (206) disposed on the housing module (202) and configured for emitting light into the fluidic element (204); a set of optical sensors (208) disposed on the housing module (202) and configured for measuring optical properties of the light that has interacted with the waste dialysate fluid (130) in the fluidic element (204); and a control module configured for measuring turbidity of the waste dialysate fluid (130) based on the optical properties, wherein the dialysate turbidity is indicative of infection in the patient (102) if the dialysate turbidity and historical dialysate turbidity of the patient (102) satisfy a set of predefined conditions.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 14, 2022
    Publication date: June 13, 2024
    Applicant: AWAK Technologies Pte Ltd
    Inventors: Suresha BELUR VENKATARAYA, Mandar Manohar GORI, Jason Tze Chern LIM, Yue WANG, Peter HAYWOOD, Ricardo AGUILAR GRAJEDA, Alessandro DONADIO
  • Publication number: 20230248890
    Abstract: The present disclosure generally relates to a device for analysing spent peritoneal dialysate from a peritoneal dialysis apparatus. The device comprises: a set of housings attachable to the peritoneal dialysis apparatus; a set of test components disposed in the housings, each test component and comprising one or more reagents for detecting one or more substances; and a set of fluidic conduits connected to the housings for communicating the dialysate from the peritoneal dialysis apparatus to the housings, wherein the test components are arranged for the reagents to react with the dialysate communicated to the housings and thereby detect the substances in the dialysate.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 28, 2021
    Publication date: August 10, 2023
    Inventors: Yue WANG, Peter HAYWOOD, Suresha BELUR VENKATARAYA, Mandar Manohar GORI