Patents by Inventor Mark D. Klein

Mark D. Klein has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20090307061
    Abstract: Exposure to media content across one or more media delivery mechanisms is measured. The delivery mechanisms can include, for example, television and radio, as well as Internet delivery of web pages or other content viewed on a computer, mobile device, or other electronic device using a browser or other application. Media can include web-based content and/or audio content originating from a network source and/or from other content sources. Reference signatures are generated for media content items of interest. Monitoring devices and/or software monitor user exposure to media items, and intercepted signatures are generated. In some embodiments, user exposure across multiple delivery mechanisms is monitored. Reports can be generated based on comparison of the intercepted signatures with the reference signatures; such reports may include analysis of media exposure across multiple delivery mechanisms. Content items can be selected for presentation to a user based on media exposure history.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 9, 2009
    Publication date: December 10, 2009
    Inventors: Brian Monighetti, Tamara Gaffney, Mark D. Klein
  • Patent number: 7623823
    Abstract: User exposure to media items is detected and measured. A mobile client device carried by a user digitally samples the audio environment of the user on a regular basis. These samples are transformed into a stream of data signatures and compared with reference media items to detect user exposure to the reference items. Purchase behavior following exposure to selected media content items can be detected and tracked as well, so as to gauge effectiveness of media items such as advertisements.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 30, 2005
    Date of Patent: November 24, 2009
    Assignee: Integrated Media Measurement, Inc.
    Inventors: Tom Zito, Mark D. Klein, Allan E. Alcorn, Gary S. Fletcher, Jr.
  • Patent number: 7542558
    Abstract: A system and method provide callee activity mode information to a caller (including a potential caller). Thus the caller can find out the current callee activity mode, and the callee's availability to receive telephone calls. Callees can configure the system and method to provide different types of information depending on various factors including caller identity. The invention provides functionality for displaying callee activity mode information after a call is attempted, or before it is attempted, or both.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 16, 2005
    Date of Patent: June 2, 2009
    Assignee: Avaya Inc.
    Inventors: Mark D. Klein, Michael Scott Manzo, Tamara Hills Mahmood, Andrew M. Maurer, Michael J. Kolbly, Ronald D. Stelter, Douglas L. Brackbill
  • Publication number: 20080207176
    Abstract: A voicemail message management system and method are provided. A list of voicemail messages is displayed on a screen such as a cellular telephone screen. Indicators specify whether messages are new, urgent, saved, not yet heard, and the like. Other attributes can also be displayed, including for example indications as to source of a message, message duration, date/time, caller, urgent or private, and the like. These indicators provide guidance to the user for selecting which messages he or she would like to hear at a given time. The user can listen to messages, delete them, move them, categorize them, and perform other operations in any order the user chooses.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 26, 2006
    Publication date: August 28, 2008
    Inventors: Douglas L. Brackbill, Ronald J. Fernandez, Mark D. Klein, Michael J. Kolbly, Michael Scott Manzo, Ronald D. Stelter
  • Patent number: 7298833
    Abstract: A communication remote control system allows a user to remotely configure call management functions across various phone networks using a client device. The communication remote control system centrally handles call management for the user's telephones. The communication remote control system may provide a centralized address book, call log, and voicemail. The user can specify various parameters including modes, filters, schedules, and the like, which are stored in the communication remote control system. The communication remote control system routes incoming calls made to the phone networks to the user's delivery device, which may be part of the client device. Incoming calls are routed to a specified telephone number, sent to voicemail, or otherwise disposed of or users can change modes manually or can specify automatic mode selection based on time of date, day of week, location, and/or other factors.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 28, 2005
    Date of Patent: November 20, 2007
    Assignee: Avaya Integrated Cabinet Solutions, Inc.
    Inventors: Mark D. Klein, Michael Scott Manzo, Tamara Hills Mahmood, Michael J. Kolbly, Ronald D. Stelter, Douglas L. Brackbill
  • Patent number: 6751299
    Abstract: A voice messaging system. The voice messaging system includes a set of geographically distributed devices in which voice messages are stored and logic that causes voice messages to be stored in respective devices in the set of devices from which messages can be efficiently retrieved. The logic may cause voice messages to be stored in a device from the set of devices closest to a location from which the user has retrieved messages. A voice message system comprising logic that receives and stores messages from callers for respective users and logic that selects and plays a message not left by a caller to a user. The message is selected based on information about the user, and the message not left by a caller may comprise an advertisement. A method of storing messages in a voice messaging system that has a plurality of voice mail boxes associated with a plurality of subscribers.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 31, 2000
    Date of Patent: June 15, 2004
    Assignee: America Online, Incorporated
    Inventors: Wendell Brown, Mark D. Klein, Edgar Allan Tu
  • Patent number: 6665379
    Abstract: A voice messaging system. The voice messaging system includes a set of geographically distributed devices in which voice messages are stored and logic that causes voice messages to be stored in respective devices in the set of devices from which messages can be efficiently retrieved. The logic may cause voice messages to be stored in a device from the set of devices closest to a location from which the user has retrieved messages. A voice message system comprising logic that receives and stores messages from callers for respective users and logic that selects and plays a message not left by a caller to a user. The message is selected based on information about the user, and the message not left by a caller may comprise an advertisement. A method of storing messages in a voice messaging system that has a plurality of voice mail boxes associated with a plurality of subscribers.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 31, 2000
    Date of Patent: December 16, 2003
    Assignee: America Online, Incorporated
    Inventors: Wendell Brown, Mark D. Klein, Edgar Allan Tu
  • Patent number: 6603838
    Abstract: A voice messaging system. The voice messaging system includes a set of geographically distributed devices in which voice messages are stored and logic that causes voice messages to be stored in respective devices in the set of devices from which messages can be efficiently retrieved. The logic may cause voice messages to be stored in a device from the set of devices closest to a location from which the user has retrieved messages. A voice message system comprising logic that receives and stores messages from callers for respective users and logic that selects and plays a message not left by a caller to a user. The message is selected based on information about the user, and the message not left by a caller may comprise an advertisement. A method of storing messages in a voice messaging system that has a plurality of voice mail boxes associated with a plurality of subscribers.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 31, 2000
    Date of Patent: August 5, 2003
    Assignee: America Online Incorporated
    Inventors: Wendell Brown, Mark D. Klein, Edgar Allan Tu
  • Patent number: 5491685
    Abstract: A system and method of compressing and decompressing a digital signal using scaled quantization of variable-sized packets of difference samples. Difference samples are generated and subdivided into packets. Packet boundaries may be moved to maximize resolution. A scale value is established for each packet, and scaled samples are generated for the difference samples. Packet boundaries, scale values, and scaled samples are then output as the compressed signal. Decompression is performed by multiplying scaled samples by the appropriate scale value. The resulting set of decompressed difference samples are sequentially added to an initial sample to produce a decompressed signal.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 19, 1994
    Date of Patent: February 13, 1996
    Assignee: Digital Pictures, Inc.
    Inventors: Mark D. Klein, Dana Keen