Patents by Inventor Masumi Kawase

Masumi Kawase has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 5324635
    Abstract: An analyzer has a reaction disk for holding a plurality of reaction containers and a fluorophotometer for measuring fluorescence stemming from solutions in the containers. Most of the containers contain solid phases attached with antibodies but at least one container does not contain any solid phase. In normal operation of the analyzer, a test sample containing antigens and a latently fluorescent reagent such as an antibody labeled by an enzyme are added to a container containing a solid phase. In this container, a fluorescent substance is created through an enzyme reaction. Light is irradiated on the container and the fluorescence emitted from the fluorescent substance is measured. While measuring test samples, fluorescence stemming from a reference sample, such as quinine sulfate, is measured to produce values for the reference sample by which measured values for the test samples are corrected.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 24, 1989
    Date of Patent: June 28, 1994
    Assignee: Hitcahi, Ltd.
    Inventors: Masumi Kawase, Kyoko Imai, Hiroshi Hashimoto