Patents by Inventor Michael Dirr

Michael Dirr has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: PP32242
    Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Hydrangea plant named ‘COF-HM2’ is disclosed, characterized by vigorously growing, compact plants with strong, upright peduncles. Inflorescences are dense mophead with uniquely colored sepals beginning maturing green-purple and maturing pink. Sepals are extremely thick and persist in good condition up to 8 weeks. Fall foliage is a deep red. The new variety is a Hydrangea, normally produced as an ornamental plant.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 14, 2019
    Date of Patent: September 29, 2020
    Inventors: Michael Dirr, Mark Griffith
  • Patent number: PP32549
    Abstract: A new cultivar of Hydrangea paniculata plant named ‘Bailpanone’ that is characterized by its compact plant size reaching 0.9 to 1.2 m in height and spread, its late blooming habit, its panicles that are creamy white in color and change to light pink in color as they age in northern climates, and its dense panicles with few fertile flowers.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 25, 2020
    Date of Patent: December 1, 2020
    Inventors: Michael A. Dirr, Jeff Beasley, Mark Griffith, Rhonda Helvick, Oren McBee, David Jonathan Roberts, Justin Schulze
  • Patent number: PP32584
    Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Hydrangea plant named ‘COF-HM3’ is disclosed, characterized by vigorously growing, plants exhibiting strong and rapid (8 to 9 weeks) reblooming. Inflorescences are mophead with either medium pink flowers (standard treatment) or violet colored flowers (aluminum sulfate treatment). Plants are cold hardy to USDA Zone 4 and exhibit disease resistance. The new variety is a Hydrangea, normally produced as an ornamental plant.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 26, 2019
    Date of Patent: December 8, 2020
    Inventor: Michael Dirr
  • Patent number: PP33071
    Abstract: A new cultivar of Abelia x grandiflora plant named ‘Bailbeliaone’, that is characterized by its compact, mounded, low growing plant habit, its flowers that are white in color with light pink colored sepals, its strong young stems that are red-bronze in color when young, its variegated foliage with green centers and pink margins when young and green centers with white margins when mature, its ease of growth in a container, and its vigorous root system.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 20, 2020
    Date of Patent: May 18, 2021
    Inventor: Michael A. Dirr
  • Patent number: PP33703
    Abstract: A new cultivar of Hydrangea macrophylla plant named ‘Bailmacsix’ that is characterized by its compact plant habit; reaching 40 cm to 92 cm in height and width, its cold hardiness in U.S.D.A. Zone 4, its blooming on both old and new wood, and its inflorescences that are deep pink or deep blue/purple depending on growing conditions.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 21, 2021
    Date of Patent: November 30, 2021
    Inventors: Michael A. Dirr, Jeff Beasley, Mark Griffith, Rhonda Helvick, Oren McBee, David Jonathan Roberts, Justin Schulze
  • Patent number: PP34955
    Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Loropetalum plant named ‘LRD-02-20’ is disclosed, characterized by its compact, mounded, spreading growth habit; dark black-purple foliage color that persists through summer and winter; dark pink (almost red) flowers in spring; and improved cold hardiness compared to other compact purple-leaf cultivars. The new variety is a Loropetalum, normally produced as an outdoor garden or container plant.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 24, 2022
    Date of Patent: January 31, 2023
    Assignee: Premier Introductions Inc.
    Inventors: Michael Dirr, Jeff Beasley, Mark Griffith
  • Patent number: PP34958
    Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Gardenia plant named ‘ST-07-20’ is disclosed, characterized by fragrant, double white flowers, abundant large flowers in spring with reblooming to fall, lustrous, dark green foliage, columnar growth habit, cold hardy to USDA Hardiness Zone 7. The new cultivar is a Gardenia, suitable for ornamental garden purposes.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 24, 2022
    Date of Patent: January 31, 2023
    Assignee: Premier Introductions Inc.
    Inventors: Michael Dirr, Jeff Beasley, Mark Griffin
  • Patent number: PP35124
    Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Hydrangea plant named ‘CE-01-20’ is disclosed, characterized by bright yellow foliage in the spring, turning to yellow-green in the summer, pink mophead inflorescence in non-aluminum based media and blue inflorescence in aluminum based media, and compact, rounded to spreading growth habit. The new variety is a Hydrangea, typically produced as an outdoor ornamental plant.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 24, 2022
    Date of Patent: April 25, 2023
    Assignee: Premier Introductions Inc.
    Inventors: Michael Dirr, Jeff Beasley, Mark Griffin
  • Patent number: PP35125
    Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Hydrangea plant named ‘RLL-12-20’ is disclosed, characterized by purple-red new growth of foliage color, thick leaves, pink mophead inflorescence in non-aluminum-based media and blue inflorescence in aluminum-based media, and compact, rounded to spreading growth habit. The new variety is a Hydrangea, typically produced as an outdoor ornamental plant.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 24, 2022
    Date of Patent: April 25, 2023
    Assignee: Premier Introductions Inc.
    Inventors: Michael Dirr, Jeff Beasley, Mark Griffith
  • Patent number: PP35127
    Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Hydrangea plant named ‘SC-05-20’ is disclosed, characterized by glossy dark green foliage color, remontant (reblooming) trait, flowering on old wood and new growth of the season, pink mophead inflorescence in non-aluminium-based media and blue inflorescence in aluminum-based media, and compact, rounded to spreading growth habit. The new variety is a Hydrangea, typically produced as an outdoor ornamental plant.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 24, 2022
    Date of Patent: April 25, 2023
    Assignee: Premier Introductions Inc.
    Inventors: Michael Dirr, Jeff Beasley, Mark Griffith
  • Patent number: PP35243
    Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Lantana plant named ‘PII-LC1’ is disclosed, characterized by a unique golden-orange flower color. Plants are hardy to USDA Zone 7. The new variety is a Lantana, typically produced as an outdoor ornamental plant.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 5, 2022
    Date of Patent: July 4, 2023
    Assignee: Premier Introductions Inc.
    Inventors: Michael Dirr, Jeff Beasley, Mark Griffith
  • Patent number: PP35292
    Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Lagerstroemia plant named ‘BD-01-20’ is disclosed, characterized by compact, upright, intermediate growth habit, reddish new growth, lustrous dark green with red foliage. Flowers are red in color, and highly resistant to Cercospora leaf spot. The new variety is a Lagerstroemia, normally used for outdoor ornamental purposes.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 24, 2022
    Date of Patent: August 1, 2023
    Assignee: Premier Introductions Inc.
    Inventors: Michael Dirr, Jeff Beasley, Mark Griffith
  • Patent number: PP35470
    Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Abelia plant named ‘ABLR-PII’, characterized by its compact, mounding to spreading growth habit, with foliage color emerging red to pink, turning to a cream-white and green variegation. Semi-evergreen foliage does not photo bleach or burn in full sun like other variegated foliage cultivars. Plants maintain a spreading, layered growth habit without splaying shoots. The new variety is an Abelia, normally produced as an outdoor garden or container plant.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 27, 2023
    Date of Patent: November 14, 2023
    Assignee: Premier Introductions Inc.
    Inventors: Michael Dirr, Jeff Beasley, Mark Griffith
  • Patent number: PP36118
    Abstract: A new cultivar of Hydrangea paniculata plant named ‘Bailpantwo’ that is characterized by its compact plant habit (reaching 1.2 to 1.5 m in height and spread), its mid to late blooming season in Minnesota, its panicles that open creamy white in color and age to a dark pinkish red in color, its dense branching, and its floriferous blooming habit.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 4, 2023
    Date of Patent: September 17, 2024
    Inventors: Michael A. Dirr, Jeff Beasley, Mark Griffith, Rhonda Helvick, Oren McBee, David Jonathan Roberts, Justin Schulze
  • Patent number: PP36142
    Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Gardenia jasminoides plant named ‘ST-15-20’, characterized by fragrant, double white flowers, abundant large flowers in spring with reblooming to fall, lustrous, dark green foliage, compact growth habit, cold hardy to USDA Hardiness Zone 7.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 14, 2023
    Date of Patent: September 24, 2024
    Assignee: Premier Introductions Inc.
    Inventors: Michael Dirr, Jeff Beasley, Mark Griffin
  • Patent number: PP36255
    Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Baptisia plant named ‘PIIBAP-06-21’, characterised by rich indigo flowers that are held upright and contrast exquisitely with the yellowish green foliage. There are no other cultivated Baptisia exhibiting these characteristics known to the invention.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 15, 2024
    Date of Patent: November 19, 2024
    Assignee: Premier Introductions Inc.
    Inventors: Michael Dirr, Jeff Beasley, Mark Griffin
  • Patent number: PP36284
    Abstract: A new cultivar of Gardenia named ‘Baildeniaone’ that is characterized by its double flowers with a strong fragrance, its uniform and rounded plant habit without pruning, and its good cold tolerance, at least to U.S.D.A. Zone 7.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 15, 2023
    Date of Patent: December 3, 2024
    Inventors: Michael A. Dirr, Jeff Beasley, Mark Griffith, Rhonda Helvick, Oren McBee, David Jonathan Roberts, Justin Schulze
  • Patent number: PP36308
    Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Baptisia plant named ‘PIIBAP-01-21’, characterized by its dusky purple stems, peduncles, and pedicels fading to green as they age, purplish-blue flowers with a hidden pale yellow-green keel, dark olive-green tri-foliate foliage, upright uniform, vase shaped plant habit, and produces abundant flowers and flower stems.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 15, 2024
    Date of Patent: December 10, 2024
    Assignee: Premier Introductions Inc.
    Inventors: Michael Dirr, Jeff Beasley, Mark Griffin
  • Patent number: PP36324
    Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Buddleia plant named ‘BD-02-21’, characterized by its compact, upright spreading habit, dark green foliage with silvery underside, numerous purple flowers, exceptionally free flowering (floriferous blooming habit), and long flowering season, with flowers produced from summer to the first frost. Persistence under heat and humidity.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 27, 2023
    Date of Patent: December 17, 2024
    Assignee: Premier Introductions Inc.
    Inventors: Michael Dirr, Jeff Beasley, Mark Griffith
  • Patent number: PP36424
    Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum plant named ‘LRD-51-22’, characterized by its compact, low-growing habit; lustrous dark black-purple foliage color that persists through summer and winter; dark pink flowers in spring; and improved cold hardiness compared to other compact purple-leaf cultivars. The new variety is a Loropetalum, typically for ornamental garden use.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 2, 2024
    Date of Patent: February 4, 2025
    Assignee: Premier Introductions Inc.
    Inventors: Michael Dirr, Jeff Beasley, Mark Griffin