Michael R. Pfeiffer has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
Steven Baker, Robert Ewart, Tracey Contreras Spungin, Joseph Vincent O'Malley, Michael R. Pfeiffer, Cori Ann Zazworsky, Lynda Deakin, Carly Price, Anastasios G. Karahalios, Geoffrey Baldwin, Ross Lockwood, Gil Palmon, Gary Schiffer
Steven Baker, Robert Ewart, Joseph Vincent O'Malley, Michael R. Pfeiffer, Cori Ann Zazworsky, Lynda Deakin, Carly Price, Anastasios G. Karahalios, Geoffrey Baldwin, Ross Lockwood, Gil Palmon, Gary Schiller