Patents by Inventor Nachum Erlich

Nachum Erlich has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 5540701
    Abstract: A passive fixation device, defined by a generally elongated body with proximal and distal ends, and a connecting member to connect the two, is used for the anastomosis of body lumens without sutures. The proximal and distal ends are non-deployed in a non-deployed position, and are deployed in a deployed position. While in the non-deployed positions, the passive fixation device is inserted into one or more body lumens. After insertion, both the proximal and distal ends are deployed and become expanded. One end is first deployed, and then the other. The deployed proximal end becomes retained in a first lumen, and the deployed distal end becomes retained in a second lumen. In one embodiment, the first lumen is the urethra, and the second lumen is the bladder. The two lumens are permitted to become anastomized without sutures. The passive fixation device may be made of different materials and can have coiled proximal and distal ends that are expanded to their deployed positions by a Foley catheter.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 20, 1994
    Date of Patent: July 30, 1996
    Assignees: Hugh Sharkey, Benad Goldwasser, Nachum Erlich
    Inventors: Hugh R. Sharkey, Benad Goldwasser, Nachum Erlich