Patents by Inventor Neil Williamson

Neil Williamson has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20100261586
    Abstract: An exercise apparatus is disclosed for strength training and physical therapy of a user thereof. The apparatus includes a frame having a first side and a second side spaced relative to the first side and at least one spacer extending between the sides. An axle is rotatably supported by the frame, the axle having a first and a second end. An arm has a first and a second extremity, the first extremity of the arm being rigidly secured to the first end of the axle. A handle extends from the second extremity of the arm such that in use of the apparatus, when the user moves the handle in an orbital direction about the axle, the axle is rotated relative to the frame. A weight table is movably supported by the frame. A weight guide extends from the weight table for permitting weights to be guided onto the weight table.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 26, 2010
    Publication date: October 14, 2010
    Inventors: Neil Williamson, Kirk L. Williamson
  • Patent number: 5417632
    Abstract: An exercise apparatus is disclosed for exercising a user thereof. The apparatus includes a frame and an elongate beam having a first and a second end. The beam is pivotally secured to the frame about a first pivotal axis disposed between the first and the second end of the beam. A user operated arrangement having a first and a second extremity is connected to the beam between the first end of the beam and the first pivotal axis. The arrangement is such that in use of the apparatus, when the user is exercising, the user exerts a variable force through the user operated arrangement, the variable force being transmitted to the beam for pivoting the beam about the first pivotal axis. Weights are pivotally secured to the frame such that in use of the apparatus, movement of the weights from a first to a second disposition thereof is permitted.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 19, 1993
    Date of Patent: May 23, 1995
    Inventor: Neil Williamson
  • Patent number: 4799670
    Abstract: An apparatus is disclosed for exercising the arm muscles and upper torso muscles of a user. The apparatus includes a frame and a weighted arm is pivotally connected to the frame with the weighted arm being positioned such that the user is able to lift with the user's arms the weighted arm. A user operated release selectively changes the weight of the weighted arm such that in use of the apparatus when the user has repeatedly lifted the weighted arm a predetermined number of times, the user operates the release to change the weight to be lifted so that the optimum stress is applied to the muscles being exercised.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 12, 1987
    Date of Patent: January 24, 1989
    Inventor: Neil Williamson