Patents by Inventor Niels-Henrik Lindegaard

Niels-Henrik Lindegaard has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 7316992
    Abstract: A method and system of creating a cylinder oil having a target TBN ranging from 40 to 70 for use in a two-stroke en line. Fresh system oil having a TBN less than 10 is provided. The fresh system oil is used in the two-stroke engine to product partially used system oil. An initial fluid containing at least some partially used system oil is provided. A first TBN of the initial fluid is determined. Cylinder oil having the target TBN is created by blending the initial fluid having the first TBN with at least one suited additive. The cylinder oil is provided to the two-stroke engine.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 14, 2004
    Date of Patent: January 8, 2008
    Assignee: A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S
    Inventors: Giuseppe Natoli, Giulio Giovanni Pometto, Alfio Bonciolini, Hans Heinrich Petersen, Jørn Dragsted, Niels-Henrik Lindegaard, Claus Martin Olesen, Klaus-Werner Damm
  • Publication number: 20060068995
    Abstract: This invention relates to a method (and a corresponding system) of creating a cylinder oil, the method comprising modification of at least one initial fluid (101) by determining the TBN(s) of the at least one initial fluid, determining a desired TBN of a cylinder oil (102) and adjusting the TBN(s) of the at least one initial fluid (101) accordingly by blending the at least one initial fluid (101) with suited additive(s) (103). In this way, a method (and system) for modifying initial fluid(s) to create a cylinder oil by adjusting TBN is obtained. This provides significant economical benefits since lubricants that otherwise would have to be disposed of can be re-used as a total-loss cylinder lubricant. Further cylinder oil does not have to be purchased. The oil(s) used to blend the cylinder oil is/are of more consistent quality as it is replenished contrary to the traditional practice which reduces machinery wear, etc.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 14, 2004
    Publication date: March 30, 2006
    Inventors: Giuseppe Natoli, Giulio Pometto, Alfio Bonciolini, Hans Petersen, Jorn Dragsted, Niels-Henrik Lindegaard