Patents by Inventor Olivia South

Olivia South has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20010041853
    Abstract: A cast cover configured to cover a specific portion of a user's body such as a leg, an arm, the torso or head includes an integral, elastomeric band adjacent an open end to provide a water tight seal between the cover and user's body. A leg cover has a plurality of rubber gripping members integrally protruding from a sole portion for providing traction when engaging a slippery surface. An arm cover has a plurality of gripping members on opposing surfaces of a hand portion for assisting a user in gripping objects. The gripping members allow the cover to be interchangeably used on either the left or right arm. A torso cover is also included which is uniquely configured to cover the mid torso region of a person's body. A head cover is provided which has a crown portion and a mask portion extending therefrom that is folded into the crown portion and snapped thereto to form a cap. The covers can also include intermediate elastomeric bands allowing the cover to be cut to a desired length.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 4, 2001
    Publication date: November 15, 2001
    Inventors: Robert W. South, Olivia South