Patents by Inventor Patricia Hareski

Patricia Hareski has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20050025060
    Abstract: A method for performing a fibre channel arbitrated loop integrity test using a fibre channel switch element is provided. The method includes, sending a fibre channel frame through the arbitrated loop; receiving the fibre channel frame after it has traversed through the arbitrated loop; performing a data compare between the fibre channel frame that was sent and the fibre channel frame that is received; detecting internal errors, if any, in the traversed fibre channel loop; and isolating a module that may have generated the error. The switch element includes, a cascade port that is used to couple one fibre channel switch element to another in a loop; and a port that sends a fibre channel frame through the loop and detects internal errors based on the comparison and a isolates a module that may have generated the internal error.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 12, 2004
    Publication date: February 3, 2005
    Inventors: John Fike, William Wen, Patricia Hareski, Sudhakar Allada
  • Publication number: 20050013318
    Abstract: A fibre channel switch element with an acceleration device that connects plural fibre channel devices in an arbitrated loop and monitors frames sent during a loop initialization process is provided. The acceleration device creates an AL_PA table selected by each fibre channel device, wherein the AL_PA table is used for port selection; and during an arbitration process sends a benign primitive to non-arbitrating devices. The acceleration device includes, a global arbitration module, a state machine module, and a matrix for connecting plural fibre channel devices.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 12, 2004
    Publication date: January 20, 2005
    Inventors: John Fike, Patricia Hareski
  • Publication number: 20050013609
    Abstract: A method and fibre channel switch element is provided for isolating a defective device that is coupled to a fibre channel arbitrated loop. The method includes, isolating a port if a loop initialization primitive (“LIP”) is detected from a device coupled to the arbitrated loop; configuring the device and acquiring an AL_PA; determining if the device is sending LIPs; and isolating the device if the device continues to send LIPs. The switch element includes, a port having an isolation state machine that allows the switch element to isolate a device whose behavior may result in disruption of other devices in the network. The state machine may also configure a device after detecting disruptive parameters from the device and perform diagnostic operations on the device.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 12, 2004
    Publication date: January 20, 2005
    Inventors: John Fike, William Wen, Patricia Hareski, Steven Robalino