Patents by Inventor Pavel Polechtchouk

Pavel Polechtchouk has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 9767519
    Abstract: A system is provided for processing data for surveillance bank cards. The system includes a module for introducing data for surveillance bank cards into a platform for payment by bank card, the module saving bank-card data, inserted into the platform for payment by bank card, to a data base known as a tracking data base. The system also includes a surveillance module for placing under surveillance the activity of the data for surveillance bank cards previously introduced into the platform for payment by bank card, the module saving, to the tracking data base, at least one record of tracking of the use of the bank-card data.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 5, 2014
    Date of Patent: September 19, 2017
    Assignee: INGENICO GROUP
    Inventors: Pavel Polechtchouk, David Naccache
  • Publication number: 20150161744
    Abstract: A system is provided for processing data for surveillance bank cards. The system includes a module for introducing data for surveillance bank cards into a platform for payment by bank card, the module saving bank-card data, inserted into the platform for payment by bank card, to a data base known as a tracking data base. The system also includes a surveillance module for placing under surveillance the activity of the data for surveillance bank cards previously introduced into the platform for payment by bank card, the module saving, to the tracking data base, at least one record of tracking of the use of the bank-card data.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 5, 2014
    Publication date: June 11, 2015
    Inventors: Pavel Polechtchouk, David Naccache
  • Patent number: 8495600
    Abstract: A method is provided for displaying the properties of a source code element of a computer program being edited. The includes selecting, within the source code, the source code element; searching, within the source code, a set of related code elements of the selected source code element, the elements of the set comprising typified properties; creating a data structure comprising the properties of the code elements of the set of code elements; grouping, within the data structure, the properties in function of their types; displaying the properties grouped within a portion of a display displaying the source code.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 11, 2010
    Date of Patent: July 23, 2013
    Assignee: Compagnie Industrielle et Financiere d'Ingenierie “Ingenico”
    Inventors: David Naccache, Pavel Polechtchouk
  • Publication number: 20110064216
    Abstract: A cryptographic message signature method are provided, which have strengthened security. The method implements two sets of signature algorithms SA1={K1, S1, V1} and SA2={K2, S2, V2}, where Ki, Si and Vi are key generation algorithms, signature generation algorithms and signature verification algorithms, respectively. The method includes: a step of generating permanent keys using the algorithm K1, delivering a pair of private and public keys {sk1, pk1}; and, for at least one message m to be signed: a signature step including sub-steps. The sub-steps include: receipt of the message m to be signed; generation of an ephemeral key pair {sk2,pk2} using the algorithm K2; calculation, by the signature algorithm S2, of the signature s2 of the message m by the private key sk2; calculation, by the signature algorithm S1, of the signature c1 of the public key pk2 by the private key sk1; and providing the strengthened signature {s2, c1, pk2}.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 15, 2010
    Publication date: March 17, 2011
    Applicant: Compagnie Industrielle et Financiere D'Ingenierie Ingenico
    Inventors: David Naccache, Pavel Polechtchouk, David Pointcheval
  • Publication number: 20100211929
    Abstract: A method is provided for displaying the properties of a source code element of a computer program being edited. The includes selecting, within the source code, the source code element; searching, within the source code, a set of related code elements of the selected source code element, the elements of the set comprising typified properties; creating a data structure comprising the properties of the code elements of the set of code elements; grouping, within the data structure, the properties in function of their types; displaying the properties grouped within a portion of a display displaying the source code.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 11, 2010
    Publication date: August 19, 2010
    Applicant: Compagnie Industrielle et Financiere D'Ingenierie Ingenico
    Inventors: David Naccache, Pavel Polechtchouk