Patents by Inventor Peter Paul Smolka

Peter Paul Smolka has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20110168443
    Abstract: Deep drillholes of 2 or more meters diameter down to 14-20 km and more, are with current technology extremely expensive and often not possible. Such wells are needed to run almost anywhere old nuclear/coal powerstations cheaply by geothermal steam: Water/cool steam down and hot steam up. As by-product energy is CO2-free. Steel and rock can be cut by heat of any type: conductive, radiative and heat-transmission by contact. This principle is used in the steel industry by (translated from German) “burning-cutting machines”. In addition rock can be cut by heat-induced evaporation. A ring with radii and segments that carry one to hundreds heat-generating elements moves through the rock. This way, with fairly low energy-consumption, coring is done at a high speed at almost (any) diameter. Stafette-type core- and equipment transport ensures the speed of the drilling system.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 27, 2010
    Publication date: July 14, 2011
    Inventor: Peter Paul Smolka