Patents by Inventor Rajiv Laroia

Rajiv Laroia has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20180270419
    Abstract: In various embodiments a camera with multiple optical chains, e.g., camera modules, is controlled to operate in one of a variety of supported modes of operation. The modes include a non-motion mode, a motion mode, a normal burst mode and/or a reduced data burst mode. Motion mode is well suited for capturing an image including motion, e.g., moving object(s) with some modules being used to capture scene areas using a shorter exposure time than other modules and the captured images then being combined taking into consideration locations of motion. A reduced data burst mode is supported in some embodiments in which camera modules with different focal lengths capture images at different rates. While the camera modules of different focal length operate at different image capture rates in the reduced data burst mode, images are combined to support a desired composite image output rate, e.g., a desired frame rate.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 6, 2018
    Publication date: September 20, 2018
    Inventors: Rajiv Laroia, Nitesh Shroff, Sapna A. Shroff
  • Publication number: 20180262996
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus related to the sharing of wide area network (WAN) with peer to peer communication signaling usage are described. A mobile communications device receives a signal from a base station and measures a power of the received signal. The mobile communication device determines a transmission power level of a peer to peer reference signal as a function of the measured power of the received signal from the base station, wherein said function of the measured power of the received signal from the base station depends on a mobile target signal to noise ratio. The mobile communications device broadcasts the peer to peer reference signal at the transmission power level.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 8, 2018
    Publication date: September 13, 2018
    Inventors: Junyi Li, Rajiv Laroia, Xinzhou Wu
  • Patent number: 10075651
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus for capturing images using a camera device including multiple camera modules, e.g., multiple optical chains, in an efficient manner are described. Different camera devices in the camera device may capture images corresponding to different size fields of view of a scene area. User input is used to identify an object of interest. A first type camera module having a large field of view is used to track the identified object of interest. Sets of second type camera modules having a smaller field of view are used to capture images of the object of interest. Different sets of second type camera modules may be used at different times as a function of object of interest location. In some embodiments, at least some second type camera modules include the capability to adjust, e.g., move, image capture area, e.g., by changing a mirror angle inclination and/or a mirror rotation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 22, 2015
    Date of Patent: September 11, 2018
    Assignee: Light Labs Inc.
    Inventors: Rajiv Laroia, Sapna A. Shroff
  • Patent number: 10048472
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus for implementing a camera having a depth which is less than the maximum length of the outer lens of at least one optical chain of the camera are described. In some embodiments a light redirection device, e.g., a mirror, is used to allow a relatively long optical chain with a relatively large non-circular outer lens. In some embodiments the light redirection device has a depth, e.g., front of camera to back of camera dimension, which is less than the maximum length of the aperture of the outer lens in the aperture's direction of maximum extent. Multiple optical chains with non-circular outer lenses arranged in different directions may and in some embodiments are used to capture images with the captured images being combined to generate a composite image.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 10, 2017
    Date of Patent: August 14, 2018
    Assignee: Light Labs Inc.
    Inventor: Rajiv Laroia
  • Patent number: 10038860
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus relating to capturing images of a scene area in a synchronized manner using a plurality of optical chains are described. In various embodiments image sensors corresponding to the plurality of optical chains of a camera are operated in rolling shutter mode to read out rows of pixel values corresponding to a current scan position when the image sensors have a row of pixel values corresponding to the current scan position. In some embodiments a scene area of interest is captured by initiating a scan and thus image capture of the scene area by one or more optical chains which are operated in a coordinated manner. In some embodiments a controller controls the plurality of image sensors to perform a read out of pixel values in a synchronized manner, e.g., with rows of pixel values being read out sequentially in accordance with operation of a rolling shutter implementation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 23, 2017
    Date of Patent: July 31, 2018
    Assignee: Light Labs Inc.
    Inventor: Rajiv Laroia
  • Patent number: 10015407
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus for supporting zoom operations using a plurality of optical chain modules, e.g., camera modules, are described. Switching between use of groups of optical chains with different focal lengths is used to support zoom operations. Digital zoom is used in some cases to support zoom levels corresponding to levels between the zoom levels of different optical chain groups or discrete focal lengths to which optical chains may be switched. In some embodiments optical chains have adjustable focal lengths and are switched between different focal lengths. In other embodiments optical chains have fixed focal lengths with different optical chain groups corresponding to different fixed focal lengths. Composite images are generate from images captured by multiple optical chains of the same group and/or different groups. Composite image is in accordance with a user zoom control setting. Individual composite images may be generated and/or a video sequence.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 24, 2016
    Date of Patent: July 3, 2018
    Assignee: Light Labs Inc.
    Inventor: Rajiv Laroia
  • Patent number: 10015760
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus which allow a wireless terminal (302) to simultaneously maintain connections with multiple base stations (304, 306) are described. Each wireless terminal (302) is capable of supporting multiple separate timing and/or other control loops one, for each base station connection thereby allowing the connections to operate independently and in parallel. Different control signals and/or data are transmitted on each connection that is established with a base station (302, 306). In this manner base stations (302, 306) receive different data allowing for asynchronous data transmission. The data received by the base stations (302, 306) can be supplied to a wired asynchronous network (308) without the need to combine the received data prior to supplying it to the wired network (308). The communications techniques of the invention can be used to implement soft handoffs without the need to duplicate data transmissions to multiple base stations.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 10, 2008
    Date of Patent: July 3, 2018
    Assignee: QUALCOMM Incorporated
    Inventors: Rajiv Laroia, Junyi Li, M. Scott Corson
  • Patent number: 10009530
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus relating to controlling optical chains (OCs) of a camera device to scan a scene area of interest, thereby capturing images of the scene area, in a synchronized manner are described. In various embodiments a synchronized rolling shutter read out of two or more image sensors included in two or more corresponding OCs is implemented controlling the sensors to read out rows of pixel values corresponding to a portion of the scene at the same time, e.g., concurrently. While two or more of the OCs are controlled to read out at the same time, some other OCs in the camera maybe controlled not to read out pixel values while other image sensors are reading out. In various embodiments the read out rate of the two or more sensors corresponding to two or more optical chains is controlled as a function of the focal lengths of the corresponding OCs.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 30, 2017
    Date of Patent: June 26, 2018
    Assignee: Light Labs Inc.
    Inventor: Rajiv Laroia
  • Patent number: 10003738
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus for detecting and/or indicating a blocked sensor and/or blocked camera module are described. The sensor maybe a distance sensor used to support focus operations. Depending on the embodiment, the camera system may include one or more sensors and one or more camera modules. As sensor output is received and/or images are captured by one or more camera modules, the sensor output, e.g., distance sensor output, and/or captured images, e.g., optical image sensor output, are checked to determine if one or more of the sensors and/or camera modules are obstructed. When an obstruction of a sensor or camera module is detected, to make a user aware of the obstruction condition a visual and/or physical indication of an obstructed sensor or camera module is provided to the user of the camera device. The indication may include haptic feedback in the form of vibrations and/or a visual obstruction indication.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 18, 2016
    Date of Patent: June 19, 2018
    Assignee: Light Labs Inc.
    Inventors: Bradley Lautenbach, Rajiv Laroia
  • Patent number: 9998638
    Abstract: A camera device with a sensor which is mounted at an angle relative to a mounting surface or other reference surface is described. Camera modules, which include mirrors for light redirection, which are mounted at different angles in the camera device have sensors with different amounts of rotation. In some embodiments modules without mirrors use camera modules without rotated sensors while camera modules with mirrors may or may not use sensors which are rotated depending on the angle at which the modules are mounted in the camera device. By rotating the sensors of some camera modules rotation that maybe introduced by the angle at which a camera module is mounted can be offset. The images captured by different camera modules are combined in some embodiments without the need for computationally rotating an image thanks to the rotation of the sensor in the camera module used to capture the image.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 21, 2015
    Date of Patent: June 12, 2018
    Assignee: Light Labs Inc.
    Inventors: Rajiv Laroia, Sapna A Shroff
  • Patent number: 9992756
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus which allow a wireless terminal (302) to simultaneously maintain connections with multiple base stations (304, 306) are described. Each wireless terminal (302) is capable of supporting multiple separate timing and/or other control loops one, for each base station connection thereby allowing the connections to operate independently and in parallel. Different control signals and/or data are transmitted on each connection that is established with a base station (302, 306). In this manner base stations (302, 306) receive different data allowing for asynchronous data transmission. The data received by the base stations (302, 306) can be supplied to a wired asynchronous network (308) without the need to combine the received data prior to supplying it to the wired network (308). The communications techniques of the invention can be used to implement soft handoffs without the need to duplicate data transmissions to multiple base stations.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 13, 2013
    Date of Patent: June 5, 2018
    Assignee: QUALCOMM Incorporated
    Inventors: Junyi Li, Rajiv Laroia, Mathew Scott Corson
  • Patent number: 9992750
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus related to the sharing of wide area network (WAN) downlink bandwidth with peer to peer communication signaling usage are described. A WAN, e.g., cellular, wireless communications device using a base station attachment point, transmits a signal to be used by a peer to peer wireless communications device for controlling its peer to peer transmit power level. The peer to peer wireless communications device receives and measures the strength of the power control signal from the WAN wireless communications device. The measurement information is used by the peer to peer wireless communications device in determining whether or not peer to peer signal transmission is permitted and/or in determining a peer to peer transmission power level. Thus the WAN device is able to manage interference from the peer to peer devices in its vicinity which impacts its recovery of WAN base station downlink signals.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 1, 2013
    Date of Patent: June 5, 2018
    Assignee: QUALCOMM Incorporated
    Inventors: Junyi Li, Rajiv Laroia, Xinzhou Wu
  • Patent number: 9979878
    Abstract: Zoom and focus control user interface methods and apparatus are described. Acceleration is monitored and interpreted to detect camera motion. Acceleration indicative of camera motion in a forward or backward direction is used to control zoom in or zoom out operations when a zoom function is enabled. The zoom function can be enabled by touching a touch sensor or pressing a button. Thus, by activating the zoom function and making intuitive movements forward or backward which can be detected through the use of sensors, a user can control zoom in and zoom out operations in an intuitive manner with little risk of shaking the camera or interfering with image capture that might occur if a touch display or other zoom control was used to control zoom operation while capturing one or more images. The zoom control function is well suited for use with still cameras and video cameras.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 20, 2015
    Date of Patent: May 22, 2018
    Assignee: Light Labs Inc.
    Inventors: Rajiv Laroia, Sapna A Shroff
  • Patent number: 9967535
    Abstract: Various features relating to reducing and/or eliminating noise from images are described. In some embodiments depth based denoising is used on images captured by one or more camera modules based on depth information of a scene area and optical characteristics of the one or more camera modules used to captures the images. In some embodiments by taking into consideration the camera module optics and the depth of the object included in the image portion, a maximum expected frequency can be determined and the image portion is then filtered to reduce or remove frequencies above the maximum expected frequency. In this way noise can be reduced or eliminated from image portions captured by one or more camera modules. The optical characteristic of different camera modules may be different. In some embodiments a maximum expected frequency is determined on a per camera module and depth basis.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 18, 2015
    Date of Patent: May 8, 2018
    Assignee: Light Labs Inc.
    Inventors: Rajiv Laroia, Nitesh Shroff, Sapna A Shroff
  • Patent number: 9955082
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus relating to image capture of image portions using optical chains with non-parallel optical axis are described. In some embodiments different portions of a scene area of interest captured by different optical chains operating in parallel are combined. The use of multiple optical chains in parallel facilitates generation of an image with a higher overall pixel count than would be possible using a single sensor of one of the optical chains and/or with more light capture than would be captured using a single one of the optical chains.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 30, 2017
    Date of Patent: April 24, 2018
    Assignee: Light Labs Inc.
    Inventor: Rajiv Laroia
  • Publication number: 20180109722
    Abstract: A camera device including multiple optical chains receives user input indicating one or more user selectable control option setting(s), e.g., a user selected depth of field control option setting and an aspect ratio control option setting. The indicated control option settings are stored in memory in the camera device. Multiple optical chains of the camera device capture an image during an image capture time interval. A set of captured images are stored in a file along with metadata including the user indicated control option settings. A composite image is generated from a set of captured images in accordance with the stored indicated control option settings, e.g., generating a composite image with a user selected depth of field and/or a user selected aspect ratio. In some embodiments, at least some of the user selected control option settings are not used during image capture operations but are used in subsequent image processing.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 18, 2016
    Publication date: April 19, 2018
    Inventors: Rajiv Laroia, Fan Sai Kuok, Jannie Lai, Jared Torres Calinisan, Feng Li
  • Patent number: 9948858
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus for processing images captured by a camera device including multiple optical chains, e.g., camera modules, are described. Three, 4, 5 or more optical chains maybe used. Different optical chains capture different images due to different perspectives. Multiple images, e.g., corresponding to different perspectives, are captured during a time period and are combined to generate a composite image. In some embodiments one of the captured images or a synthesized image is used as a reference image during composite image generation. The image used as the reference image is selected to keep the perspective of sequentially generated composite images consistent despite unintentional came movement and/or in accordance with an expected path of travel. Thus, which camera module provides the reference image may vary over time taking into consideration unintended camera movement. Composite image generation may be performed external to the camera device or in the camera device.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 22, 2016
    Date of Patent: April 17, 2018
    Assignee: Light Labs Inc.
    Inventors: Rajiv Laroia, Sapna A Shroff
  • Patent number: 9948832
    Abstract: Camera device including multiple optical chains, e.g., camera modules, some of which have different orientations relative to the base of the camera device and methods of using such a camera device are described. The orientation of the camera modules within the camera device is taken into consideration when determining the direction in which lines of the sensors of the individual camera modules are read out. Information with regard to the read out direction to be used with particular camera modules is stored in some embodiments and used to control the readout of sensors, e.g., sensors which use a rolling shutter to capture images of a scene area. The sensors may have the same field of view or overlapping fields of view.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 22, 2016
    Date of Patent: April 17, 2018
    Assignee: Light Labs Inc.
    Inventor: Rajiv Laroia
  • Publication number: 20180069846
    Abstract: In an ad hoc peer-to-peer type network during peer discovery, information relating to users of various devices is broadcast to other devices in the network, which can compromise privacy of the users. Instead of announcing a public identifier that might be known by a multitude of individuals, the user device announces a private identifier that might be known to, or determined by, a select few individuals. The individuals selected can be given a key to determine the private identifier associated with a public identifier, or vice versa, wherein that key can have a validity range or a period of time, after which the key expires. Prior to the expiration of the key, the selected individuals, through their respective devices, can detect a corresponding user and/or device by the current private identifier being announced, thus mitigating the number of people that are aware of the user's presence.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 14, 2017
    Publication date: March 8, 2018
    Inventors: Vincent Douglas PARK, Rajiv LAROIA, Junyi LI
  • Patent number: 9912864
    Abstract: In various embodiments a camera with multiple optical chains, e.g., camera modules, is controlled to operate in one of a variety of supported modes of operation. The modes include a non-motion mode, a motion mode, a normal burst mode and/or a reduced data burst mode. Motion mode is well suited for capturing an image including motion, e.g., moving object(s) with some modules being used to capture scene areas using a shorter exposure time than other modules and the captured images then being combined taking into consideration locations of motion. A reduced data burst mode is supported in some embodiments in which camera modules with different focal lengths capture images at different rates. While the camera modules of different focal length operate at different image capture rates in the reduced data burst mode, images are combined to support a desired composite image output rate, e.g., a desired frame rate.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 17, 2015
    Date of Patent: March 6, 2018
    Assignee: Light Labs Inc.
    Inventors: Rajiv Laroia, Nitesh Shroff, Sapna A. Shroff