Patents by Inventor Rajiv Laroia

Rajiv Laroia has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 9258788
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus related to peer to peer communication networks are described. Embodiments directed to methods and apparatus for establishing traffic data transmission rates and/or transmission power levels between wireless terminals is described. Embodiments direct to methods and apparatus of making decisions whether or not to transmit as a function of the received power of the received response signals are also described. Transmission of pilot signals after granting of a transmission request and a decision to transmit traffic data has been made occurs in some embodiments. Rate information to be used in determining a traffic rate may be received in response to the pilot signal from a peer to peer (P2P) device.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 20, 2014
    Date of Patent: February 9, 2016
    Assignee: QUALCOMM Incorporated
    Inventors: Rajiv Laroia, Junyi Li, Thomas Richardson, Xinzhou Wu, Aleksandar Jovicic
  • Publication number: 20160014314
    Abstract: A camera device includes multiple sensors with each sensor including an integrated multi-element filter. Because of the use of different filters in different sensors, a wide variety of filter patterns can be supported in a single camera device without the need for moveable or otherwise changeable filters. While multiple optical chains and sensors are included which sensors are used during a given time period are determined based on the whether a power save mode of operation is active and/or the image capture mode being used. Fewer optical chains are used during power save mode for capturing images corresponding to the image mode in use, e.g., color, IR, or monochrome. While the camera device may include a large number of optical modules, e.g., 4, 10 or more, in some embodiments sensors of optical chains not selected for use during a given time period are intentionally powered down to conserve power.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 9, 2015
    Publication date: January 14, 2016
    Inventors: Rajiv Laroia, Sapna A. Shroff
  • Publication number: 20160004144
    Abstract: The present application relates to image capture and generation methods and apparatus and, more particularly, to methods and apparatus which detect and/or indicate a dirty lens condition. One embodiment of the present invention includes a method of operating a camera including the steps of capturing a first image using a first lens of the camera; determining, based on at least the first image, if a dirty camera lens condition exists; and in response to determining that a dirty lens condition exists, generating a dirty lens condition notification or initiating an automatic camera lens cleaning operation. In some embodiments multiple captured images with overlapping image regions are compared to determine if a dirty lens condition exists.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 3, 2015
    Publication date: January 7, 2016
    Inventors: Rajiv Laroia, Sapna A. Shroff
  • Patent number: 9197816
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus for performing zoom in and zoom out operations are described using multiple optical chains in a camera device. At least one optical chain in the camera device includes a moveable light redirection device, said light redirection device being one of a substantially plane mirror or a prism. Different zoom focal length settings correspond to different scene capture areas for the optical chain with the moveable light redirection device. Overlap between scene areas captured by different optical chains increases during zoom in and decreases during zoom out. Images captured by different optical chains are combined and/or cropped to generate a composite image corresponding to a zoom focal length setting.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 9, 2014
    Date of Patent: November 24, 2015
    Assignee: THE LIGHTCO INC.
    Inventor: Rajiv Laroia
  • Patent number: 9198148
    Abstract: Systems and methodologies are described that facilitate identifying peers based upon encoded signals during peer discovery in a peer to peer network. For example, direct signaling that partitions a time-frequency resource into a number of segments can be utilized to communicate an identifier within a peer discovery interval; thus, a particular segment selected for transmission can signal a portion of the identifier, while a remainder can be signaled based upon tones communicated within the selected segment. Moreover, a subset of symbols within the resource can be reserved (e.g., unused) to enable identifying and/or correcting timing offset. Further, signaling can be effectuated over a plurality of peer discovery intervals such that partial identifiers communicated during each of the peer discovery intervals can be linked (e.g., based upon overlapping bits and/or bloom filter information).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 16, 2013
    Date of Patent: November 24, 2015
    Assignee: QUALCOMM Incorporated
    Inventors: Junyi Li, Rajiv Laroia, Saurabha R. Tavildar, Thomas J. Richardson, Xinzhou Wu, Leonard Henry Grokop
  • Patent number: 9191840
    Abstract: A wireless terminal receives a broadcast uplink interference report request conveying a requested report type and/or a locally unique base station identifier. The wireless terminal receives and measures broadcast reference signals, e.g., beacon and/or pilot signals, transmitted from a plurality of base station attachment points. Specific type interference reports relate a current serving connection base station attachment point to a selected base station attachment point corresponding to the received base station identifier. Generic type interference reports relate a current serving base station connection attachment point to other unspecified base station attachment points whose broadcast reference signals have been detected by the wireless terminal. Sub-types of generic reports include summation function and maximum function reports. Timing information is sometimes used to determine report sub-type and/or sector type of the selected attachment point.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 14, 2006
    Date of Patent: November 17, 2015
    Assignee: QUALCOMM Incorporated
    Inventors: Rajiv Laroia, Junyi Li, Sundeep Rangan, Murari Srinivasan, Prashanth Hande, M. Scott Corson, Arnab Das
  • Patent number: 9178732
    Abstract: Systems and methodologies are described that facilitate transmitting beacon symbols of a beacon message such that a sequence of symbols can satisfy a linear constraint over a field where the field elements can be identified with carriers. In this regard, a coding scheme can be applied to a beacon message; the coding scheme can produce a plurality of beacon symbols to transmit on given subcarriers. A receiving device of the beacon symbols can decode a beacon message by receiving less than the total number of symbols in a beacon message and determining the remaining symbol subcarriers based on the linear constraint. Thus, more efficient decoding of beacons is facilitated as well as resolving beacon ambiguity by figuring out which symbols satisfy linear constraints for the symbols, and resolving time and frequency shift by detecting an offset that would result in satisfaction of the linear constraint.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 26, 2007
    Date of Patent: November 3, 2015
    Assignee: QUALCOMM Incorporated
    Inventors: Thomas Richardson, Husheng Li, Junyi Li, Alexander Leonidov, Rajiv Laroia, Ravi Palanki, Gavin Horn, Ashwin Sampath
  • Publication number: 20150296149
    Abstract: In various embodiments light redirection device positions of one or more optical chains are moved between image capture times while the position of the camera device including the multiple optical chains remains fixed. The sequentially captured images are combined to form a larger image than is captured during a single time period. Multiple optical chains are used in parallel, each with its own image sensor and light redirection device, in some embodiments. Depth information may and in some embodiments is generated and used to combine the images in a manner intended to minimize or avoid parallax distortions in the composite image which is produced.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 9, 2014
    Publication date: October 15, 2015
    Inventor: Rajiv Laroia
  • Publication number: 20150296154
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus relating to controlling optical chains (OCs) of a camera device to scan a scene area of interest, thereby capturing images of the scene area, in a synchronized manner are described. In various embodiments a synchronized rolling shutter read out of two or more image sensors included in two or more corresponding OCs is implemented controlling the sensors to read out rows of pixel values corresponding to a portion of the scene at the same time, e.g., concurrently. While two or more of the OCs are controlled to read out at the same time, some other OCs in the camera maybe controlled not to read out pixel values while other image sensors are reading out. In various embodiments the read out rate of the two or more sensors corresponding to two or more optical chains is controlled as a function of the focal lengths of the corresponding OCs.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 9, 2014
    Publication date: October 15, 2015
    Inventor: Rajiv Laroia
  • Publication number: 20150293328
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus for performing a zoom operation are described using multiple optical chains in a camera device. At least one optical chain in the camera device includes a moveable light redirection device, said light redirection device being one of a substantially plane mirror or a prism. The moveable light redirection device is moved to a position in accordance with a zoom setting, and a portion of a scene area of interest in captured. Different discrete zoom setting values correspond to different positions of the moveable light redirection device resulting in different capture areas. In some embodiments, multiple optical chains with moveable light redirection devices are used to capture different portions of a scene of interest. A composite image is generated from a plurality of captured images corresponding to different optical chains. A higher zoom setting corresponds to more overlap between captured images of different optical chains.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 9, 2014
    Publication date: October 15, 2015
    Inventor: Rajiv Laroia
  • Publication number: 20150296153
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus relating to capturing images of a scene area in a synchronized manner using a plurality of optical chains are described. In various embodiments image sensors corresponding to the plurality of optical chains of a camera are operated in rolling shutter mode to read out rows of pixel values corresponding to a current scan position when the image sensors have a row of pixel values corresponding to the current scan position. In some embodiments a scene area of interest is captured by initiating a scan and thus image capture of the scene area by one or more optical chains which are operated in a coordinated manner. In some embodiments a controller controls the plurality of image sensors to perform a read out of pixel values in a synchronized manner, e.g., with rows of pixel values being read out sequentially in accordance with operation of a rolling shutter implementation.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 9, 2014
    Publication date: October 15, 2015
    Inventor: Rajiv Laroia
  • Publication number: 20150296107
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus for using optical chains, e.g., camera modules, with different lens configurations to support a wide range of focal lengths are described. In some embodiments a camera device includes a plurality of optical chains. In at least some embodiments non-circular outer lenses are used for optical chains with large focal lengths while optical chains of the same camera device which have smaller focal lengths use round outer lenses. Thus an exemplary camera device supports a number of different focal lengths.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 9, 2014
    Publication date: October 15, 2015
    Inventor: Rajiv Laroia
  • Publication number: 20150293429
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus relating to image capture of image portions using optical chains with different focal lengths are described. In some embodiments different portions of a scene area of interest captured by different optical chains operating in parallel are combined. The combining in some embodiments is performed using depth information generated from two images captured by two different optical chains which capture at least some common overlapping portions of the scene area of interest. The depth information maybe generated using an image of the entire scene and one or more other images of the scene or portions of the scene area of interest. The use of multiple optical chains in parallel facilitates generation of an image with a higher overall pixel count than would be possible using a single sensor of one of the optical chains and/or with more light capture than would be captured using a single optical chain.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 9, 2014
    Publication date: October 15, 2015
    Inventor: Rajiv Laroia
  • Patent number: 9130810
    Abstract: OFDM signal communication methods and apparatus are described. In accordance with the invention OFDM signals are generated in the time domain with symbols being mapped to specific points in time. Training symbols may be included in the transmitted OFDM signal to facilitate symbol recovery. An exemplary receiver of the invention receives the OFDM signal from the communications channel, converts it into the frequency domain, and then filters it in the frequency domain to eliminate tones corresponding to other users. The filtered signal free of MAC interference is then converted into the time domain where channel estimation and compensation operations are performed. After channel compensation symbol recovery is performed in the time domain.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 16, 2001
    Date of Patent: September 8, 2015
    Assignee: QUALCOMM Incorporated
    Inventors: Rajiv Laroia, Junyi Li
  • Publication number: 20150244908
    Abstract: Illumination methods and apparatus are described. In some embodiments a lighting device includes one or more lighting modules. At least some but not necessarily all lighting modules include a light source, e.g., LED or bulb, a collimating lens positioned in front of said light source for generating a beam of light from light output by said light source and a beam flattening lens for flattening the beam of light in at least a first direction as it passes through the first beam flattening lens. In some but not necessarily all embodiments lighting modules are controlled based on which portion of a scene is being captured at a point in time thereby avoiding the need to illuminate the entire scene for the full duration of an image capture period. The lighting device may be used in combination with a rolling shutter and a sensor used to capture one or more images.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 19, 2015
    Publication date: August 27, 2015
    Inventors: Rajiv Laroia, Sapna A Shroff
  • Publication number: 20150241713
    Abstract: Camera holder device methods and apparatus are described. The camera holder can be held in a hand and used to automatically stabilize a camera, e.g., a camera designed to be held in one hand. The stabilization is provided by gyroscopes alone or in combination with closed loop camera orientation control which can use information from one or more sensors included in the camera. The camera holder is designed so that, at least for some but not necessarily all cameras which may be placed in the camera holder, controllable axis of rotation intersect with the center of mass of the camera when the camera is present the holder thereby requiring little power to control and/or maintain camera orientation.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 21, 2015
    Publication date: August 27, 2015
    Inventors: Rajiv Laroia, Sapna A. Shroff
  • Publication number: 20150244927
    Abstract: Zoom and focus control user interface methods and apparatus are described. Acceleration is monitored and interpreted to detect camera motion. Acceleration indicative of camera motion in a forward or backward direction is used to control zoom in or zoom out operations when a zoom function is enabled. The zoom function can be enabled by touching a touch sensor or pressing a button. Thus, by activating the zoom function and making intuitive movements forward or backward which can be detected through the use of sensors, a user can control zoom in and zoom out operations in an intuitive manner with little risk of shaking the camera or interfering with image capture that might occur if a touch display or other zoom control was used to control zoom operation while capturing one or more images. The zoom control function is well suited for use with still cameras and video cameras.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 20, 2015
    Publication date: August 27, 2015
    Inventors: Rajiv Laroia, Sapna A. Shroff
  • Publication number: 20150244949
    Abstract: Illumination methods and apparatus which are well suited for use with camera devices are described. The methods are well suited for use with a rolling shutter. In some embodiments, plurality of lighting elements are provided and controlled in a manner which is synchronized with operation of the rolling shutter. While the portion of an area which is being captured by the sensor is illuminated during the image capture process, lighting elements corresponding to portions of the area which are not being captured are not activated when the corresponding area portion is not being captured. In this manner the entire area is not illuminated at the same level for the entire image capture period and energy is used more efficiently as compared to devices which illuminate a complete area at a consistent illumination level for the full duration of an image capture time period in which a rolling shutter is used.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 19, 2015
    Publication date: August 27, 2015
    Inventors: Rajiv Laroia, Sapna A Shroff
  • Patent number: 9119163
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus related to the sharing of wide area network (WAN) uplink bandwidth with peer to peer communication signaling usage are described. A base station transmits a signal to be used by a peer to peer wireless terminal in controlling its peer to peer transmit power level. The peer to peer wireless terminal receives and measures the strength of the base station signal. The measurement information is used in determining whether or not peer to peer signal transmission is permitted and/or in determining a peer to peer transmission power level. Current service level information and/or encoded information, e.g., an interference level indicator value, conveyed by the received base station signal are, in various embodiments, also utilized in determining a peer to peer transmission power level.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 3, 2013
    Date of Patent: August 25, 2015
    Assignee: QUALCOMM Incorporated
    Inventors: Junyi Li, Rajiv Laroia
  • Patent number: 9118358
    Abstract: Receivers accommodating carrier frequency selection methods in wireless communications systems employing multiple carrier frequencies are described. Although the receiver is tuned to a single band, an estimate of the channel quality corresponding to the currently used carrier and an alternative carrier is generated without switching between carriers. Transmitters of different cells and/or different sectors primarily use different carrier frequencies but periodically transmit using a neighboring sector's carrier frequency. Mobile node receivers use a single RF chain with a controllable RF filter to receive and process a signal within a first selected carrier band including two components, a first signal component identified with the first currently selected band and a second signal component identified with a second alternative band.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 25, 2005
    Date of Patent: August 25, 2015
    Assignee: QUALCOMM Incorporated
    Inventors: Rajiv Laroia, Junyi Li, Frank A. Lane