Patents by Inventor Regula Staebler

Regula Staebler has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 5383448
    Abstract: Apparatus for producing a hypoxic gas mixture having a higher nitrogen-to-oxygen ratio than atmospheric air has a diaphragm compressor feeding air under pressure to an oxygen-depleting unit having a perforate tube extending axially of a cylindrical chamber having an outlet in one side. The annular space between the perforate tube and the wall of the chamber is filled with axially extending hollow fibers of poly-4-methyl-penthene-1. Ends of the chamber are closed except for the interiors of the hollow fibers which are open to the atmosphere. The walls of the hollow fibers are more permeable to oxygen than to nitrogen so that part of the oxygen escapes through open ends of the hollow fibers, thereby increasing the nitrogen-to-oxygen content of the gas.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 3, 1993
    Date of Patent: January 24, 1995
    Assignee: Tradotec, S.A.
    Inventors: Elena N. Tkatchouk, Tatiana N. Tsyganova, Regula Staebler
  • Patent number: 5207623
    Abstract: The ergometric device has an ergometric stationary bicycle exerciser, a hypoxic gas generator, a mask, and a flexible hose connecting the generator to the mask. The user of the device sits on the saddle of the exerciser, and produces his effort by inhaling, through the mask, the hypoxic mixture. His ECG, his pulse rate and his blood pressure appear on the screen of the generator.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 12, 1992
    Date of Patent: May 4, 1993
    Assignee: Tradotec S.A.
    Inventors: Elena N. Tkatchouk, Tatiana N. Tsyganova, Regula Staebler