Patents by Inventor Robert Bauer

Robert Bauer has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Patent number: 6324821
    Abstract: A riding or travelling bit for horses comprising at least one rigid or articulated bit rod (2) made at least partially of metal. The inventive bit is characterized in that the bit rod has at least two different metal parts (4,6) thus creating a difference in electrical potential. This difference in electric potential creates a sour taste for the horse, encouraging it to chew and making it receptive to assistance from the reins. In one embodiment, one member (4) of the two-membered bit rod (2) is made of one type of metal and the other member is made of another type of metal. Both members are coupled together in a known manner by means of self-engaging eyelets (8, 10) in a chain-like fashion. However, at least one of the eyelets is lined (12) with electrically insulating material. In another embodiment, both metal surfaces are electrically connected to various poles of at least one commercial electric battery cell (94) which is accommodated in a tubular receptacle (92) forming one part of the bit rod (90).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 1, 2000
    Date of Patent: December 4, 2001
    Assignee: Georg Kieffer Sattlewarenfabrik GmbH
    Inventors: Robert Bauer, Curt Merker, Hjalmar Konzet
  • Patent number: 6278281
    Abstract: A fluid condition monitor suitable for real time monitoring of a fluid in a fluid system such as on-board vehicle monitoring of engine oil and transmission fluid to determine contamination. A capacitive spaced array electrode probe is immersed in the fluid and an oscillating voltage is applied at a first frequency of at least one hertz and the current IB measured as an analog of the bulk fluid impedance. The voltage is also applied to the probe at a second frequency of less then one hertz and the current Is measured as an analog of the electrode surface impedance. The difference in measured currents &Dgr;I is determined electrically compared with a predetermined threshold value; and, the measured first frequency current IB is compared with an upper and lower limit value for IB determined empirically for the known baseline fluid.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 23, 1998
    Date of Patent: August 21, 2001
    Assignee: Eaton Corporation
    Inventors: Robert A. Bauer, Richard W. Hirthe, Mark H. Polczynski, Martin A. Seitz, James E. Hansen
  • Patent number: 6273826
    Abstract: A golf swing training apparatus consisting of a base; a club guide ring; left, right, and rear hinge shafts; left, right, and rear hinge sleeves, the left, right, and rear hinge shafts extending through the left, right, and rear hinge sleeves so that the left and right ends of the left, right, and rear hinge shafts extend leftwardly and rightwardly from the left and right ends of the left, right, and rear hinge sleeves. Each of the left and right ends of the left, right, and rear hinge shafts are attached to the base or making up a part of the base. Left, right, and rear slip joints are provided for attaching the club guide ring to the left, right, and rear hinge sleeves. The rear slip joint consists of an alternately extendable and retractable shaft for, upon alternate extension and retraction, alternately pivoting and counter-pivoting the club guide ring about the left and right hinge shafts.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 16, 1999
    Date of Patent: August 14, 2001
    Inventor: Robert Bauer
  • Patent number: 6157040
    Abstract: The invention relates to an optoelectronic sensor having a light transmitter for the transmission of a transmitted light beam into a monitored region, having a light receiver for the reception of a received light beam, which is formed by the transmitted light reflected in the direction of the light receiver from an article in the monitored region, wherein the received light beam stands at a variable beam angle to the transmitted light beam in dependence on the spacing of the article from the sensor, and having a control and evaluation unit for the processing of the output signal of the light receiver. The invention includes a light receiver that has a multi-element light sensor which has at least four individual sensor elements, which are arranged adjacently in such a way that different sensor elements are illuminated by the received light beam in dependence on the beam angle.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 18, 1998
    Date of Patent: December 5, 2000
    Assignee: Sick AG
    Inventor: Robert Bauer
  • Patent number: 6152437
    Abstract: A clamping device for at least one adjustable element has at least one adjusting spindle designed to receive a crank for adjusting the element. Upon pushing the crank unto the adjusting spindle, a signal for releasing the clamping action is triggered.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 1, 1998
    Date of Patent: November 28, 2000
    Assignee: Michael Weinig Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventors: Robert Bauer, Albrecht Dawidziak, Heinrich Englert, Thomas Hohstadt, Hubert Klein
  • Patent number: 5513360
    Abstract: A computer microphone with a dual power source capability is disclosed. This dual power source capability allows the microphone to receive power from an internal power source or an external power source disposed in computer hardware. In the event that the computer microphone is receiving power from the internal power source, and power is thereafter provided from the external source disposed in computer hardware, the present invention provides for the automatic turning off of the internal power source. In related fashion, in the event the computer microphone is receiving power from the external power source disposed in the computer hardware, and that external power source is thereafter turned off, the present invention automatically provides the computer microphone with power from the internal power source.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 20, 1994
    Date of Patent: April 30, 1996
    Assignee: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    Inventor: Robert Bauer
  • Patent number: 5432633
    Abstract: Herein is described a process for the light-intensity balancing of an optical system, and a device for carrying out the process. The optical system consists of a light source, a lens installed in the beam path, and optoelectrical components that sends to an amplifier a signal that is proportional to the local light intensity. The intensity balancing is carried out by measuring and determining the intensity distribution in a plane. This local distribution is modified at the relevant points for the local distribution according to the optical properties of the lens until a uniform intensity distribution in the plane is obtained. The lens is attained by radiating its surface or internal structures with a laser.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 30, 1993
    Date of Patent: July 11, 1995
    Assignee: Hengstler GmbH
    Inventor: Robert Bauer
  • Patent number: 5320969
    Abstract: A method, composition and test device for the semiquantitative determination of specific gravity of a test sample are disclosed. The method utilizes a reagent composition capable of producing a detectable and measurable response that correlates to the concentration of cations, and therefore the specific gravity, of the test sample. The reagent composition comprises: a) a polyvalent metal ion having a valence of at least two, like mercuric ion or calcium ion; b) an indicator capable of interacting with the polyvalent metal ion to provide a polyvalent metal ion-indicator complex having a first color; c) a buffer; and d) a suitable carrier. The reagent composition is used in a wet phase specific gravity assay or is incorporated into a carrier matrix, like filter paper, to provide a test pad useful in a dry phase specific gravity assay of a test sample, such as urine.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 27, 1993
    Date of Patent: June 14, 1994
    Assignee: Miles Inc.
    Inventors: Robert Bauer, John A. Cattell
  • Patent number: 5302531
    Abstract: A method, composition and test device for the semiquantitative determination of specific gravity of a test sample are disclosed. The method utilizes a reagent composition capable of producing a detectable and measurable response that correlates to the concentration of cations, and therefore the specific gravity, of the test sample. The reagent composition, comprises: a) a complexing agent, like a polyelectrolyte, an ion exchange material or a chelating agent, such as a copolymer of maleic acid and methyl vinyl ether; b) a polyvalent metal ion having a valence of at least two, like ferrous ion or cobaltous ion; c) an indicator capable of interacting with the polyvalent metal ion to provide a color transition, like calmagite or gallocyanine; and d) a suitable carrier. The reagent composition is used in a wet phase specific gravity assay or is incorporated into a carrier matrix, like filter paper, to provide a test pad useful in a dry phase specific gravity assay of a test sample, such as urine.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 22, 1992
    Date of Patent: April 12, 1994
    Assignee: Miles Inc.
    Inventor: Robert Bauer
  • Patent number: 4810633
    Abstract: The present invention provides a stable, convenient solid state test device for the determination of ethanol in an aqueous test sample, a method for its preparation and a method for its use. The use of carrier matrix incorporated with alcohol oxidase, a peroxidatively active substance and a suitable chromogenic indicator for the determination of ethanol in aqueous samples such as body fluid samples (e.g., serum, urine or saliva) is part of the invention. The invention provides a method of incorporating the enzyme alcohol oxidase and a peroxidatively active substance into a carrier matrix with a chromogenic indicator system capable of providing a detectable response to the presence of at least 100 mg/dL ethanol in less than about 5 minutes. The method involves either (a) the use of a specialized incorporation procedure or (b) the addition of an azide to the test device.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 4, 1984
    Date of Patent: March 7, 1989
    Assignee: Miles Inc.
    Inventors: Robert Bauer, Thomas A. Magers
  • Patent number: 4523852
    Abstract: An improved method for visually comparing the results of colorimetric analytical tests to a color reference standard, enabling substantially improved quantitation to be achieved for such tests, is disclosed. Also disclosed is improved apparatus, in the form of an improved color comparision reference standard, which is useful in the method. In one embodiment, the standard can comprise a plurality of colored reference areas of differing hues corresponding to discrete reference values and to which a colored response area of a colorimetric analytical test can be compared to determine the reference value most closely related to the hue of the colored response area, and a background area against which the colored reference areas are displayed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 9, 1983
    Date of Patent: June 18, 1985
    Assignee: Miles Laboratories, Inc.
    Inventor: Robert Bauer
  • Patent number: 4460684
    Abstract: A composition, test device and method for detecting the presence and/or determining concentration of glucose in a liquid test sample are disclosed. The composition is capable of determining glucose concentration over a broad range, e.g. 0 to about 5,000 milligrams (mg) of glucose per deciliter (dl) of test sample. Moreover, the composition is resistant to interference from the presence of ascorbate in the sample. The composition comprises glucose oxidase, peroxidase and, as an indicator capable of producing a detectable response in the presence of peroxidase and H.sub.2 O.sub.2, a mixture of two compounds. One has the structure ##STR1## and the other has the structure ##STR2## in which R, same of different, is H or lower alkyl, R' is aryl and R" is lower alkyl.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 2, 1982
    Date of Patent: July 17, 1984
    Assignee: Miles Laboratories, Inc.
    Inventor: Robert Bauer
  • Patent number: 4391906
    Abstract: The present invention involves an improved test system for the determination of glucose in aqueous fluids of the type which comprises glucose oxidase, a peroxidatively active substance and chromogen. The improvement involves the use of m-anisidine as a chromogen which permits the semi-quantitative determination of glucose at higher concentrations than is possible with previously used chromogens.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 15, 1982
    Date of Patent: July 5, 1983
    Assignee: Miles Laboratories, Inc.
    Inventor: Robert Bauer
  • Patent number: 4391905
    Abstract: The present invention involves an improved test system for the determination of glucose in aqueous fluids of the type which comprises glucose oxidase, a peroxidatively active substance and chromogen. The improvement involves the use of m-anisidine as a chromogen which permits the semi-quantitative determination of glucose at higher concentrations than is possible with previously used chromogens.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 15, 1982
    Date of Patent: July 5, 1983
    Assignee: Miles Laboratories, Inc.
    Inventor: Robert Bauer
  • Patent number: 4390621
    Abstract: A method and test device for determining the glucose concentration in a test sample containing from 1/2 to 10 percent glucose are disclosed. The method and test device involve impregnating the carrier with an enzymatic testing composition which includes glucose oxidase, peroxidase and a chromogen. The carrier is subsequently impregnated with from 0.5 to 1.5 percent by weight polystyrene. Contact of the carrier with a glucose-containing test sample produces a detectable response whereby the glucose concentration can be determined.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 1, 1982
    Date of Patent: June 28, 1983
    Assignee: Miles Laboratories, Inc.
    Inventor: Robert Bauer
  • Patent number: 4340669
    Abstract: The present invention involves an improved test system for the determination of glucose in aqueous fluids of the type which comprises glucose oxidase, a peroxidatively active substance and chromogen. The improvement involves the use of m-anisidine as a chromogen which permits the semi-quantitative determination of glucose at higher concentrations than is possible with previously used chromogens.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 12, 1981
    Date of Patent: July 20, 1982
    Assignee: Miles Laboratories, Inc.
    Inventor: Robert Bauer
  • Patent number: 4336330
    Abstract: A method and test device for determining the glucose concentration in a test sample containing from 1/2 to 10 percent glucose are disclosed. The method and test device involve impregnating the carrier with an enzymatic testing composition which includes glucose oxidase, peroxidase and a chromogen. The carrier is subsequently impregnated with from 0.5 to 1.5 percent by weight polystyrene. Contact of the carrier with a glucose-containing test sample produces a detachable response whereby the glucose concentration can be determined.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 15, 1980
    Date of Patent: June 22, 1982
    Assignee: Miles Laboratories, Inc.
    Inventor: Robert Bauer
  • Patent number: 4318985
    Abstract: A method and test device for determining the glucose concentration in a test sample containing from 1/2 to 5 percent glucose. The method and test device involve incorporating urea-formaldehyde resin in a carrier matrix and subsequently impregnating the carrier with an enzymatic testing composition which includes glucose oxidase, a peroxidatively-active compound and a chromogen. Contact of the carrier with a glucose-containing test sample produces a detectable response whereby the glucose concentration can be determined.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 29, 1981
    Date of Patent: March 9, 1982
    Assignee: Miles Laboratories, Inc.
    Inventors: Robert Bauer, Myron C. Rapkin
  • Patent number: 4210654
    Abstract: Antiseborrheic preparations for application to the skin, hair and scalp containing pyridoxine tripalmitate are disclosed. The preparations of the invention contain as a solubilizer for the pyridoxine tripalmitate one or a mixture of amine oxides of the formula ##STR1## wherein R.sub.1 is an alkyl group having 16 to 20 carbon atoms and each of R.sub.2 and R.sub.3 is hydroxy ethyl or methyl.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 11, 1978
    Date of Patent: July 1, 1980
    Assignee: Hoffmann-La Roche Inc.
    Inventors: Robert Bauer, Hans U. Hostettler
  • Patent number: D434364
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 9, 1999
    Date of Patent: November 28, 2000
    Assignee: Nissan Design International, Inc.
    Inventors: Robert Bauer, Doug Wilson, Tom Semple, Robert Blanchard