Patents by Inventor Robert Law

Robert Law has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20080019215
    Abstract: The technologies described herein include systems and methods for encoding/decoding seismic sources and responses, generating and using of source-side derivatives while also generating and using the conventional source response. Sources in an array may be encoded such that activation of each source in the array constitutes a single spike in a sequence orthogonal to another sequence emitted by another source. The responses to these different sources that are in close spatial proximity can be decoded and separated. Source-side derivatives may be calculated and utilized in various applications in combination with the monopole response from the source location, including source-side deghosting, spatial (horizontal and vertical) interpolation and imaging.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 24, 2006
    Publication date: January 24, 2008
    Inventors: Johan O. A. Robertsson, Dirk-Jan Van Manen, David Halliday, Robert Laws
  • Patent number: 7257049
    Abstract: A method of seismic surveying comprises emitting seismic energy at two or more different depths during a sweep. In one embodiment, the depth of a seismic source is varied during a sweep, by raising or lower the source while it is emitting seismic energy. In another embodiment, an array of two or more marine vibrators is used as the source of seismic energy, with the vibrators in the array being disposed at different depths. The invention allows notch frequencies in the amplitude spectrum to be eliminated, and allows improvements in both the spectral flatness and the amplitude at low frequencies.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 22, 2000
    Date of Patent: August 14, 2007
    Assignee: W'etsern Geco L.I.
    Inventors: Robert Laws, Stephen Patrick Morice
  • Patent number: 7252970
    Abstract: Glutamate Transporter Associated Proteins and nucleotide encoding Glutamate Transporter Associated Proteins are provided. Also provided is a method for identifying a compound that modulates a cellular response mediated by a Glutamate Transporter Associated Protein. A method is further provided for identifying a compound that inhibits an interaction between a Glutamate Transporter Associated Protein and a glutamate transporter protein. A method is provided for treating a disorder associated with glutamate transport.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 25, 2004
    Date of Patent: August 7, 2007
    Assignee: The Johns Hopkins University
    Inventors: Jeffrey D. Rothstein, Mandy Jackson, Glen Lin, Robert Law, Irina Orlov
  • Publication number: 20070067121
    Abstract: A power meter for measuring power parameters on one or more electrical power lines/loads is configured to include a revenue class metering module and a power quality metering module. The revenue class metering module and the power quality metering module may use the same measured voltage and current signals to generate revenue accurate power consumption information and power quality information, respectively. The power meter may also include a plurality of filters configured to attenuate high frequency signals included in the voltage and current signals. Each of the filters may be configured with a corner frequency, gain and signal propagation delay that is substantially equal. The filtered current and voltage signals may be received and processed by the revenue class metering module, and the power quality metering module to generate revenue accurate power consumption information and power quality information, respectively.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 15, 2006
    Publication date: March 22, 2007
    Inventors: Piotr Przydatek, Michael Bandsmer, Erin McPhalen, Daniel Loewen, Darrin Marr, Robert Law
  • Patent number: 7139758
    Abstract: A project data service (“PDS”) shields the database from direct client access by requiring all data requests made by a client to go through the PDS, thereby reducing the risk of losing or corrupting data and limiting inconsistencies caused by third-party add-on applications accessing data in the database. In order to access data stored in a database, a client typically must send a request through the PDS, which can determine if the client has access to the requested data. Then PDS typically retrieves the data from the database and passes the data to the client.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 2, 2002
    Date of Patent: November 21, 2006
    Assignee: Microsoft Corporation
    Inventors: Robert Laws, Ted Dinklocker
  • Publication number: 20060247966
    Abstract: An information system includes a plurality of messaging systems, a data center and a control system. The plurality of messaging systems process respective messages intended for recipients. The data center is in operative communication with the plurality of messaging systems and stores transaction data associated with each respective message. The control system is in operative communication with the data center. The control system identifies selected transaction data from among the transaction data corresponding to a defined recipient and uses the selected transaction data to generate a recipient profile of messages intended for the defined recipient that have been processed by the plurality of messaging systems.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 28, 2006
    Publication date: November 2, 2006
    Inventor: Robert Law
  • Publication number: 20060229934
    Abstract: An information delivery system includes a web server in operative communication with a plurality of recipients and a plurality of senders, the plurality of senders desirous of generating messages intended for the plurality of recipients, respectively. The web server includes a plurality of recipient preference profiles corresponding to the plurality of recipients, respectively, and a plurality of sender profiles corresponding to the plurality of senders, respectively. Each of the recipient preference profiles includes respective information directed to the recipient's preferences for receiving messages and the web server provides the plurality of senders with access to the plurality of recipient preference profiles. The web server maintains a relationship between a log of recipient preference profiles out of the plurality of recipient preference profiles that have been accessed by a particular sender.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 5, 2006
    Publication date: October 12, 2006
    Inventor: Robert Law
  • Patent number: 7072845
    Abstract: An information system includes a plurality of messaging systems, a data center and a control system. The plurality of messaging systems process respective messages intended for recipients. The data center is in operative communication with the plurality of messaging systems and stores transaction data associated with each respective message. The control system is in operative communication with the data center. The control system identifies selected transaction data from among the transaction data corresponding to a defined recipient and uses the selected transaction data to generate a recipient profile of messages intended for the defined recipient that have been processed by the plurality of messaging systems.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 6, 2000
    Date of Patent: July 4, 2006
    Assignee: Pitney Bowes Inc.
    Inventor: Robert A. Law
  • Patent number: 7058586
    Abstract: An information delivery system includes a web server in operative communication with a plurality of recipients and a plurality of senders, the plurality of senders desirous of generating messages intended for the plurality of recipients, respectively. The web server includes a plurality of recipient preference profiles corresponding to the plurality of recipients, respectively, and a plurality of sender profiles corresponding to the plurality of senders, respectively. Each of the recipient preference profiles includes respective information directed to the recipient's preferences for receiving messages and the web server provides the plurality of senders with access to the plurality of recipient preference profiles. The web server maintains a relationship between a log of recipient preference profiles out of the plurality of recipient preference profiles that have been accessed by a particular sender.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 6, 2000
    Date of Patent: June 6, 2006
    Assignee: Pitney Bowes Inc.
    Inventor: Robert A. Law
  • Publication number: 20060076057
    Abstract: A system serves to prevent or remove particle build-up in flowing systems, wherein a fluid flows in a conduit to a valve body. A mechanical shock is periodically generated in the valve body that is of a sufficient magnitude to disturb any particle attachment in the conduit or the valve body. The shock may be generated via direct impact with the valve body or passively using the fluid flowing in the conduit.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 8, 2005
    Publication date: April 13, 2006
    Applicant: General Electric Company
    Inventors: Robert Law, David Siegwarth
  • Publication number: 20050106669
    Abstract: Glutamate Transporter Associated Proteins and nucleotide encoding Glutamate Transporter Associated Proteins are provided. Also provided is a method for identifying a compound that modulates a cellular response mediated by a Glutamate Transporter Associated Protein. A method is further provided for identifying a compound that inhibits an interaction between a Glutamate Transporter Associated Protein and a glutamate transporter protein. A method is provided for treating a disorder associated with glutamate transport.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 25, 2004
    Publication date: May 19, 2005
    Inventors: Jeffrey Rothstein, Mandy Jackson, Glen Lin, Robert Law, Irina Orlov
  • Publication number: 20050073909
    Abstract: The invention concerns a method for reducing the effect of a rough sea ghost reflection in marine seismic data. According to the invention, the method comprises the steps of: providing one or a plurality of pressure sensors sensitive to frequencies below about 1 Hz;—using said sensor(s) to receive and acquire pressure data in a frequency band comprised between about 0.03 and about 1 Hz;—recording said data; and—processing said data to provide information about the sea-height above the or each sensor. The or each sensor may be a seismic sensor that can acquire seismic data substantially simultaneously with the acquisition of the pressure data in a frequency band between about 0.03 and about 1 Hz.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 18, 2002
    Publication date: April 7, 2005
    Inventors: Robert Laws, Johan Robertsson, Julian Kragh, Leendert Combee
  • Patent number: 6865560
    Abstract: A method and system for providing a delivery confirmation service to a mailer who uses a postage meter to pay the postage for mailing a mail piece. The mailer applies a shipping label containing an identification number on the mail piece to identify the mail piece and the mailer. The identification number is retrieved by the postage meter which sends the identification number to a data processing center or a meter refill data center for processing. Upon receiving the identification number, the data processing center sends a shipping file to the carrier. When the mail piece is delivered, a message regarding the delivery status of the mail piece is sent to the carrier by the mail deliverer. With the shipping file and the delivery status message, the carrier makes available the delivery status of the mail piece to the data processing center which stores the delivery status. Upon request, the data processing center communicates at least a portion of the delivery status to the mailer via a meter refill system.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 28, 1999
    Date of Patent: March 8, 2005
    Assignee: Pitney Bowes Inc.
    Inventors: Ronald P. Sansone, Susan Garvey, Daniel F. Dlugos, Robert A. Law, Michael W. Wilson
  • Patent number: 6834273
    Abstract: A system for correcting the rating and payment of mail pieces scanned and weighed by the post. The foregoing is accomplished by: uniquely identifying mail pieces during the metering process; maintaining a record of the postage that has been applied to the mail pieces and the characteristics of the mail pieces; scanning the mail pieces to determine if the correct postage has been paid; comparing the scanned and weighed mail pieces to the maintained record; and correcting any underpayments or overpayments.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 23, 1999
    Date of Patent: December 21, 2004
    Assignee: Pitney Bowes Inc.
    Inventors: Ronald P. Sansone, Robert A. Law, Jr.
  • Patent number: 6808893
    Abstract: Glutamate Transporter Associated Proteins and nucleotide encoding Glutamate Transporter Associated Proteins are provided. Also provided is a method for identifying a compound that modulates a cellular response mediated by a Glutamate Transporter Associated Protein. A method is further provided for identifying a compound that inhibits an interaction between a Glutamate Transporter Associated Protein and a glutamate transporter protein. A method is provided for treating a disorder associated with glutamate transport.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 23, 2000
    Date of Patent: October 26, 2004
    Assignee: The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
    Inventors: Jeffrey D. Rothstein, Mandy Jackson, Glen Lin, Robert Law, Irina Orlov
  • Patent number: 6763978
    Abstract: A dispenser pump e.g. for toothpaste has a plunger (21) connected to a proximal end of an elongate flexible plastics strip (22) which is run slidably along a guide track built into the discharge nozzle (14) of the pump alongside the discharge channel (63). The distal end of the guide track defines a bend which opens through a lateral slot into the discharge channel (63) just inside its external opening. Action of the plunger causes the strip (22) to slide back and forth along the track and round the bend, so that the tip of the strip is moved out of the mouth of the nozzle during dispensing but returns to block it and cut away residual product when the plunger is released.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 10, 2003
    Date of Patent: July 20, 2004
    Assignee: Rieke Packaging Systems Limited
    Inventors: David John Pritchett, Brian Robert Law, Jeffrey William Spencer
  • Publication number: 20040065689
    Abstract: A dispenser pump e.g. for toothpaste has a plunger (21) connected to a proximal end of an elongate flexible plastics strip (22) which is run slidably along a guide track built into the discharge nozzle (14) of the pump alongside the discharge channel (63). The distal end of the guide track defines a bend which opens through a lateral slot into the discharge channel (63) just inside its external opening. Action of the plunger causes the strip (22) to slide back and forth along the track and round the bend, so that the tip of the strip is moved out of the mouth of the nozzle during dispensing but returns to block it and cut away residual product when the plunger is released.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 10, 2003
    Publication date: April 8, 2004
    Inventors: David John Pritchett, Brian Robert Law, Jeffrey William Spencer
  • Patent number: 6714922
    Abstract: Merchandise Return Label may be printed on a buyer's computer printer and paid for by the seller's postage meter. Goods mailed with the Merchandise Return Label will be considered metered mail. Returned goods may be delivered directly to the buyer, and postal employees will not have to manually complete the Merchandise Return Label. Since the mailing of the returned goods was paid for by a postage meter, the Post Office would not have to receive payment from the seller when the seller receives the package.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 27, 2000
    Date of Patent: March 30, 2004
    Assignee: Pitney Bowes Inc.
    Inventors: Ronald P. Sansone, Ian A. Siveyer, Ahjaz A. Sethi, Robert A. Law, Susan Garvey, Brian J. Moughty
  • Patent number: 6690773
    Abstract: An information system includes a plurality of messaging systems, a data center and a control system. The plurality of messaging systems process respective messages intended for recipients. The data center is in operative communication with the plurality of messaging systems and stores a recipient preference profile associated with each respective recipient. The control system accessing an intended recipient preference profile corresponding to an intended recipient of a message and uses the intended recipient preference profile to process the message.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 6, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 10, 2004
    Assignee: Pitney Bowes Inc.
    Inventor: Robert A. Law
  • Patent number: 6640598
    Abstract: A heat shield arrangement (12) for a roller table (2) comprising respective upper and lower series of heat shield panels (32,34,36,18) above and below a hot material path (42) along the table. The lower series of panels (18) includes at least one panel that is displaceable to permit a greater radiation loss from a central region of the path (42) than from laterally outer regions to each side of the central region. The upper series of panels includes at least one central panel (34) and at least two laterally outer panels (32,36) on opposite sides of said central panel (34), the outer panels (32,36) being suspended from a primary support structure (26) and said central panel (34) being suspended from an auxiliary support structure (30) displaceable relative to the primary support structure (26) to raise said central panel (34) relative to the outer panels (32,36). By these means a more uniform lateral temperature profile can be obtained even for thick transfer bars.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 10, 2001
    Date of Patent: November 4, 2003
    Assignee: Encomech Engineering Services Ltd.
    Inventors: William Robert Laws, Geoffrey Ronald Reed