Patents by Inventor Rodrigo Fernandez

Rodrigo Fernandez has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20150081799
    Abstract: The invention relates to a system for managing administrative electronic notifications of a service voluntarily or obligatorily provided to the end users and the authorized intermediaries thereof through web pages created for that purpose, consisting of a served connected via Internet to said web pages and to user terminals, provided with a data base administrator and a web application that make it possible to periodically recover, according to various search criteria, new notifications in the mailbox associated with each user by means of the corresponding digital certificate, processing and generating a report of said notifications and sending it electronically to the user terminal, along with the corresponding documents. The system solves the problem experienced by authorized users, such as handling centers, of having to make daily checks of the electronic mailboxes of the people they represent, and also useful to end users as an advisory service.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 30, 2012
    Publication date: March 19, 2015
    Inventors: Rodrigo Fernandez-Gil Goñi, Manuel Flores Ruiz
  • Publication number: 20030174656
    Abstract: Squelch identifiers for re-routing a broken path through interconnected network elements of a communication network incorporating BLSR protection are allocated by a method comprising: determining chain links between network elements; setting attributes (begin, middle, end) corresponding to the chain links; building chains by joining chain links together; matching pairs of chains connecting network elements at the ends of chains; and allocating squelch identifiers to those network elements interconnected by matching pairs of chains. Each chain link represents two termination points and an intermediate subnetwork connection. The step of building chains comprises joining chain links having matching termination points. The step of matching pairs of chains comprises searching for chains interconnecting the same two network elements but pointing in opposite directions.
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 18, 2002
    Publication date: September 18, 2003
    Inventors: Rodrigo Fernandez, Yossi Kanzen, Ian M. Rogers