Patents by Inventor Roman V. Rariy

Roman V. Rariy has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

  • Publication number: 20130337061
    Abstract: Pharmaceutical compositions are provided for the pharmacological treatment of breathing disorders and, more specifically, to compositions containing agents having serotonin receptor modulating activity for the alleviation of sleep apnea (central and obstructive) and other sleep-related breathing disorders wherein the active ingredients are released such as to extend effective blood plasma concentrations across the period of sleep.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 19, 2013
    Publication date: December 19, 2013
    Applicant: Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc.
    Inventors: Roman V. Rariy, Michael Heffernan
  • Patent number: 8557291
    Abstract: An abuse-deterrent pharmaceutical composition has been developed to reduce the likelihood of improper administration of drugs, especially drugs such as opioids. In a preferred embodiment, a drug is modified to increase its lipophilicity. In some embodiments the modified drug is homogeneously dispersed within spherical microparticles composed of a material that is either slowly soluble or not soluble in water. In some embodiments the drug containing microparticles or drug particles are coated with one or more coating layers, where at least one coating is water insoluble and/or organic solvent insoluble. The abuse-deterrent composition retards the release of drug, even if the physical integrity of the formulation is compromised (for example, by chopping with a blade or crushing) and the resulting material is placed in water, snorted, or swallowed. However, when administered as directed, the drug is slowly released from the composition as the composition is passes through the GI tract.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 27, 2009
    Date of Patent: October 15, 2013
    Assignee: Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc.
    Inventors: Roman V. Rariy, Alison B. Fleming, Jane Hirsh, Alexander M. Klibanov
  • Patent number: 8512751
    Abstract: Pharmaceutical compositions are provided for the pharmacological treatment of breathing disorders and, more specifically, to compositions containing agents having serotonin receptor modulating activity for the alleviation of sleep apnea (central and obstructive) and other sleep-related breathing disorders wherein the active ingredients are released such as to extend effective blood plasma concentrations across the period of sleep.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 20, 2005
    Date of Patent: August 20, 2013
    Assignee: Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc.
    Inventors: Roman V. Rariy, Michael Heffernan
  • Publication number: 20130045960
    Abstract: An abuse-deterrent pharmaceutical composition has been developed to reduce the likelihood of improper administration of drugs, especially drugs such as opiods. In the preferred embodiment, a drug is modified to increase its lipophilicity. In preferred embodiments the modified drug is homogeneously dispersed within microparticles composed of a material that is either slowly soluble or not soluble in water. The abuse-deterrent composition retards the release of drug, even if the physical integrity of the formulation is compromised (for example, by chopping with a blade or crushing) and the resulting material is placed in water, snorted, or swallowed. However, when administered as directed, the drug is slowly released from the composition as the composition is broken down or dissolved gradually within the GI tract by a combination of enzymatic degradation, surfactant action of bile acids, and mechanical erosion.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 17, 2012
    Publication date: February 21, 2013
    Applicant: Collegium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
    Inventors: Jane Hirsh, Alexander M. Klibanov, Timothy M. Swager, Stephen L. Buchwald, Whe Yong Lo, Alison Fleming, Roman V. Rariy
  • Patent number: 8021687
    Abstract: A milnacipran formulation that provides delayed and extended release of milnacipran has been developed. The formulation comprises milnacipran or a salt thereof; an extended release excipient, and a delayed release excipient. The formulation provides, upon administration to a human subject, a Tmax of 4-10 hours.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 7, 2010
    Date of Patent: September 20, 2011
    Assignee: Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc.
    Inventors: Jane C. Hirsh, Roman V. Rariy, Shubha Chungi, Srinivas G. Rao, Michael T. Heffernan
  • Publication number: 20110142943
    Abstract: Tamper-resistant pharmaceutical compositions have been developed to reduce the likelihood of improper administration of drugs, especially drugs such as opioids. The tamper-resistant compositions retard the release of drug, even if the physical integrity of the formulation is compromised (for example, by chopping with a blade or crushing) and the resulting material is placed in water, snorted, or swallowed. However, when administered as directed, the drug is slowly released from the composition as the composition is passes through the GI tract.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 10, 2010
    Publication date: June 16, 2011
    Applicant: Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc.
    Inventors: Roman V. Rariy, Alison B. Fleming, Jane C. Hirsh, Said Saim, Ravi K. Varanasi
  • Publication number: 20100260834
    Abstract: An abuse-deterrent pharmaceutical composition has been developed to reduce the likelihood of improper administration of drugs, especially drugs such as opiods. In the preferred embodiment, the drug is modified to increase its lipophilicity by forming a salt between the drug and one or more fatty acids wherein the concentration of the one or more fatty acids is one to 15 times the molar amount of the active agent, preferably two to ten times the molar amount of the active agent. In one embodiment the modified drug is homogeneously dispersed within microparticles composed of a material that is either slowly soluble or not soluble in water. In some embodiments the drug containing microparticles or drug particles are coated with one or more coating layers, where at least one coating is water insoluble and preferably organic solvent insoluble.
    Type: Application
    Filed: June 25, 2010
    Publication date: October 14, 2010
    Inventors: Jane C. Hirsh, Alison B. Fleming, Roman V. Rariy, Alexander M. Klibanov
  • Patent number: 7771707
    Abstract: An abuse-deterrent pharmaceutical composition has been developed to reduce the likelihood of improper administration of drugs, especially drugs such as opiods. In the preferred embodiment, the drug is modified to increase its lipophilicity by forming a salt between the drug and one or more fatty acids wherein the concentration of the one or more fatty acids is one to 15 times the molar amount of the active agent, preferably two to ten times the molar amount of the active agent. In one embodiment the modified drug is homogeneously dispersed within microparticles composed of a material that is either slowly soluble or not soluble in water. In some embodiments the drug containing microparticles or drug particles are coated with one or more coating layers, where at least one coating is water insoluble and preferably organic solvent insoluble.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 10, 2005
    Date of Patent: August 10, 2010
    Assignee: Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc.
    Inventors: Jane C. Hirsh, Alison B. Fleming, Roman V. Rariy, Alexander M. Klibanov
  • Publication number: 20100196472
    Abstract: A milnacipran formulation that provides delayed and extended release of milnacipran has been developed. The formulation comprises milnacipran or a salt thereof; an extended release excipient, and a delayed release excipient. The formulation provides, upon administration to a human subject, a Tmax of 4-10 hours.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 7, 2010
    Publication date: August 5, 2010
    Applicant: Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc.
    Inventors: Jane C. HIRSH, Roman V. Rariy, Shubha Chungi, Srinivas G. Rao, Michael T. Heffernan
  • Patent number: 7704527
    Abstract: A milnacipran formulation that provides delayed and extended release of milnacipran has been developed. The formulation comprises milnacipran or a salt thereof; an extended release excipient, and a delayed release excipient. The formulation provides, upon administration to a human subject, a Tmax of 4-10 hours.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 16, 2008
    Date of Patent: April 27, 2010
    Assignee: Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc.
    Inventors: Jane C. Hirsh, Roman V. Rariy, Shubha Chungi, Srinivas G. Rao, Michael T. Heffernan
  • Publication number: 20090297617
    Abstract: An abuse-deterrent pharmaceutical composition has been developed to reduce the likelihood of improper administration of drugs, especially drugs such as opioids. In a preferred embodiment, a drug is modified to increase its lipophilicity. In some embodiments the modified drug is homogeneously dispersed within spherical microparticles composed of a material that is either slowly soluble or not soluble in water. In some embodiments the drug containing microparticles or drug particles are coated with one or more coating layers, where at least one coating is water insoluble and/or organic solvent insoluble. The abuse-deterrent composition retards the release of drug, even if the physical integrity of the formulation is compromised (for example, by chopping with a blade or crushing) and the resulting material is placed in water, snorted, or swallowed. However, when administered as directed, the drug is slowly released from the composition as the composition is passes through the GI tract.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 27, 2009
    Publication date: December 3, 2009
    Inventors: Roman V. Rariy, Alison B. Fleming, Jane Hirsh, Alexander M. Klibanov
  • Publication number: 20090232743
    Abstract: Described are ethanol-free foamable microemulsions for topical application, and method of making them. The propellants used in the compositions may be environmentally-friendly hydrofluoroalkanes. The foam compositions may also comprise one or more of a variety of active ingredients, including anti-inflammatory agents, anesthetics, and keratolytic agents.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 13, 2009
    Publication date: September 17, 2009
    Applicant: Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc.
    Inventors: Ravi K. Varanasi, Roman V. Rariy
  • Publication number: 20090018203
    Abstract: A milnacipran formulation that provides delayed and extended release of milnacipran has been developed. The formulation comprises milnacipran or a salt thereof; an extended release excipient, and a delayed release excipient. The formulation provides, upon administration to a human subject, a Tmax of 4-10 hours.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 16, 2008
    Publication date: January 15, 2009
    Applicant: Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc.
    Inventors: Jane C. HIRSH, Roman V. RARIY, Shubha CHUNGI, Srinivas G. RAO, Michael T. HEFFERNAN
  • Publication number: 20080260819
    Abstract: A sustained release pharmaceutical composition has been developed. The composition resists dose dumping when broken, crushed or chewed, which enhances the safety of the dosage form should it be accidentally or intentionally physically compromised. In the preferred embodiment, a drug is modified to increase its lipophilicity. In preferred embodiments the modified drug is homogeneously dispersed within microparticles composed of a material that is either slowly soluble or not soluble in water. In some embodiments the drug containing microparticles coated with one or more coating layers. The sustained release composition retards the release of drug, even if the physical integrity of the formulation is compromised (for example, by chewing or crushing) and the resulting material is placed in 0.1N HCl.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 30, 2008
    Publication date: October 23, 2008
    Inventors: Alison B. Fleming, Roman V. Rariy, Jane Hirsh, Alexander M. Klibanov
  • Publication number: 20080207593
    Abstract: A once daily formulation containing the combination of a non-sedating or selective antihistamine (Loratadine) with a sedating or non-selective antihistamine (Chlorpheniramine) administered at bed-time has demonstrated greater efficacy in relieving allergic symptoms than Loratadine alone.
    Type: Application
    Filed: August 20, 2007
    Publication date: August 28, 2008
    Inventors: Michael Heffernan, Jane C. Hirsh, Roman V. Rariy
  • Publication number: 20080200508
    Abstract: Pharmaceutical compositions are provided for the pharmacological treatment of breathing disorders and, more specifically, to compositions containing agents having serotonin receptor modulating activity for the alleviation of sleep apnea (central and obstructive) and other sleep-related breathing disorders wherein the active ingredients are released such as to extend effective blood plasma concentrations across the period of sleep.
    Type: Application
    Filed: December 20, 2005
    Publication date: August 21, 2008
    Inventors: Roman V. Rariy, Michael Heffernan
  • Publication number: 20080199530
    Abstract: An abuse-deterrent pharmaceutical composition has been developed to reduce the likelihood of improper administration of drugs, especially drugs such as opiods. In the preferred embodiment, a drug is modified to increase its lipophilicity. In preferred embodiments the modified drug is homogeneously dispersed within microparticles composed of a material that is either slowly soluble or not soluble in water. In some embodiments the drug containing microparticles or drug particles are coated with one or more coating layers, where at least one coating is water insoluble and preferably organic solvent insoluble, but enzymatically degradable by enzymes present in the human gastrointestinal tract. The abuse-deterrent composition retards the release of drug, even if the physical integrity of the formulation is compromised (for example, by chopping with a blade or crushing) and the resulting material is placed in water, snorted, or swallowed.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 30, 2008
    Publication date: August 21, 2008
    Inventors: Jane Hirsh, Alison Fleming, Roman V. Rariy
  • Patent number: 7399488
    Abstract: An abuse-deterrent pharmaceutical composition has been developed to reduce the likelihood of improper administration of drugs, especially drugs such as opiods. In the preferred embodiment, a drug is modified to increase its lipophilicity. In preferred embodiments the modified drug is homogeneously dispersed within microparticles composed of a material that is either slowly soluble or not soluble in water. In some embodiments the drug containing microparticles or drug particles are coated with one or more coating layers, where at least one coating is water insoluble and preferably organic solvent insoluble, but enzymatically degradable by enzymes present in the human gastrointestinal tract. The abuse-deterrent composition retards the release of drug, even if the physical integrity of the formulation is compromised (for example, by chopping with a blade or crushing) and the resulting material is placed in water, snorted, or swallowed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 7, 2003
    Date of Patent: July 15, 2008
    Assignee: Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc.
    Inventors: Jane Hirsh, Alexander M. Kibanov, Timothy M. Swager, Stephen L. Buchwald, Whe Yong Lo, Alison B. Fleming, Roman V. Rariy
  • Publication number: 20080044462
    Abstract: Pharmaceutical compositions for transdermal administration containing a fatty acid salt, a dicarboxylic acid salt, an alkyl sulfonic acid salt, an aryl sulfonic acid salt, or an alkyl aryl sulfonic acid salt of an unstable active agent, such as bupropion free base or a derivative of burpropion free base, such as bupropion free base or derivative of bupropion free base, paroxetine, fluvoxamine, fluoxetine, sertraline, venlafaxine, duloxetine, and metabolites and derivatives thereof are described herein. The composition may also contain one or more antioxidants. The compositions can be prepared by forming the bupropion salt followed by addition of the antioxidant. Alternatively, bupropion can be combined first with the antioxidant followed by addition of the acid to form the salt. The compositions can be administered as a gel, cream, lotion, ointment, or patch and typically contain a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier and optionally one or more pharmaceutically acceptable excipients.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 6, 2007
    Publication date: February 21, 2008
    Inventors: Mark W. Trumbore, Roman V. Rariy, Jane C. Hirsh, Mark Hirsh
  • Patent number: 7309799
    Abstract: One aspect of the present invention relates to methods for synthesizing milnacipran or congeners thereof. Another aspect of the present invention relates to asymmetric methods for synthesizing enantiomerically enriched milnacipran or congeners thereof. The present invention also relates to methods for synthesizing intermediates useful in the non-asymmetric or asymmetric methods for synthesizing enantiomerically enriched milnacipran or congeners thereof.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 1, 2005
    Date of Patent: December 18, 2007
    Assignee: Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc.
    Inventors: Stephen L. Buchwald, Timothy M. Swager, Roman V. Rariy